Friday, June 30, 2017

Haljina za more/Sea dress

More, more, volim  te more...
Pesak, sunce, slana voda, bikini, krema za sunčanje, ...
Sea, sea, I love you sea ...
Sand, sun, salt water, bikini, suncream, ...

Moja priprema za more bila je ove godine brzinska, sašila sam 4 haljine i kad sam se pakovala, skontala da mi još mnogo toga fali, ali beše svakako kasno (Uvek mi treba manje nego što ponesem.).
Od te četiri sašivene haljine samo je ova prava morska, tj. dezen je takav. Kad sam kupovala materijal prošli mesec, dvoumila sam se između tog i još jednog i odlučila se za ovaj (Kao da je vrištao: More!!!). Kupila sam taman toliko materijala da imam za haljinu.
My preparation for the holidays on the sea was short and fast this year, I sewed 4 dresses, and when I packed my suitcase, I realized that I needed more clothes, but it was definitely too late for new things (I always bring more than I need).
Of these four dressed, this is only one for the sea, because the pattern is ideal for the beach. When I bought the fabric last month, I chose between two similar seas pattern and decided for this one (Like it was screaming: Sea !!!). I bought just as much material as I needed for a dress.
Kroj haljine je iz Burde, ali sam ga malo promenila (kao i obično). Materijal je pamuk, pomalo providan, ali to može da se toleriše jer je ipak haljina za more.
Dodala sam mali džep sa leve strane koji se jedva i primetan, a jedna zvezdica kao predstavnik dugmadi je pozadi. Te dve stvari su jedini detalji na haljini jer je haljina jednostavna, samo je dezen zanimljiv.
The cut of this dress is from Burda, but I've changed it a bit (as usual). The fabric is cotton, somewhat transparent, but it can be tolerated.
I added a small pocket on the left side that is barely noticeable, and a star button on the back. These two things are only details on the dress because the dress is simple, only the fabric pattern is interesting.

Što se slika tiče, ja sam od onih osoba koje ne vole da stoje ispred kamere, čak sam i na svojoj svabi htela da otkažem slikanje. Naprosto, na slikama sam nekada kao drvena lutka, pogotovo kad nešto moram. 
Ovu haljinu (i još jednu) sam pokušala da slikam na moru, tj. gnjavila sam muža da me slika pa mi je svašta falilo, pa sam ga kritikovala, pa mi se ništa nije svidelo. Nije vredelo... (Samo me zanima koliko ljudi provedu vremena pripremajući i slikajući se!? Ili sam možda samo ja netalentovana!?)
Na kraju, ja sam ipak uradila slike na zidu u našem dvorištu, sama i bez mnogo nameštanja i nerviranja (Ja volim kad to sama mogu da uradim, volim da stavim kameru na postolje, uključim slikanje sa odbrojavanjem x9, napravim fotke i izaberem šta mi se svidi. Ako ništa ne valja, ja ponovim.).
As far as the photos are concerned, I'm of those people who don't like standing in front of the camera, even on my wedding day I wanted to cancel the photo shooting. Sometimes, in the photos, I look like a wooden doll, especially when I must to do it.
I tried to take photos of this dress (and another) on the sea last week, that is, I persuaded my husband to do that, then I criticized him and at the end, I didn't like any photo. It was not worth it ... (I'm just wondering how many time some people spend preparing and taking photos!? Or maybe I'm just not talented!?)
In the end, I still make it again on the wall in our backyard, alone and without much annoyance and nervousness (I love when I can do it alone, I like to put the camera on the stand, turn on self-recording with timer x9, take photos and choose what I like. If I don't like it, I repeat.).

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Još malo Italije/Another small part of Italy

Još malo Italije na mom blogu...
Kao što rekoh u prethodnom postu, nismo se trudili da tražimo i obilazimo znamenitosti, već smo odmarali.
No, svakako smo imali po koji plan, a jedan od njih je bio da obiđemo dva velika grada (Đenova i Nica) koji su od nas bili udaljeni otprilike 100km svaki, ali u suprotnim smerovima.
Međutim, sada nećete kod mene videti slike ni Đenove ni Nice jer... Pa bilo je toplo, čak štaviše pretoplo (Na plaži još i duva pomalo vetar, ali kad se zađe negde u grad, postaje pakleno jer su temperature bile iznad 30 stepeni.), gužve u saobraćaju su svugde, gde god da se krene, a parking mesto je problem naći i u malim mestima, a kamoli u velikom gradu. I najbitnije, toliki stres se nije uklapao u koncepciju našeg odmora (Tako se lepo kaže, mrzelo nas da se cimamo.) Tako da smo mi iz navedenih razloga odustali od posete tih gradova, tj. ostavili te destinacije za neke vikende u budućnosti jer su oba grada interesantna i zaslužuju više od par sati šetnje kroz njih.
Another small part of Italy on my blog ...
As I wrote in the previous post, we didn't try to search for and visit the sights, we rested.
Certainly, we had a plan, and one of them was to visit two big cities (Genoa and Nice), which were about 100km away from us, but in the opposite direction.
However, now you will not see the pictures of Genoa or Nice because ... Well, it was warm, even mostly too hot (On the beach you don't feel it so much, but when you go somewhere in the city it becomes hellish because temperatures were above 30 degrees.) , traffic jams are wherever you go, and the finding parking lot is a problem in small places, and how not in the big city. And most important, so much stress didn't fit in the concept of our vacation. So for these reasons we have abandoned this plan, ie left those destinations for some weekend in the future Both cities are interesting and deserve more than a couple of hours of walks through them.

Ali malo se i jesmo provozali okolinom.
Jedno veče smo iznajmili bicikle u hotelu i provozali se do susednog mesta po imenu Laigueglia.
Laigueglia je malo mesto sa oko 1800 stanovnika koji se nalazi 3,5km zapadno od Alessio-a.
(Nešto i ne mogu pronaći više na internetu o mestu, ali slike su tu.)
Still, we had a bit of a drive around the area.
One evening we rented bicycles at the hotel and went to the neighboring place named Laigueglia.
Laigueglia is a small town with about 1800 inhabitants located 3.5km west of Alessio.
(I can't find more about the place on the internet, but photos are here.)

Druga destinacija u ovoj priči je Sanremo. Jedan dan smo se odvezli kolima do grada (To je bila neka utešna destinacija.), ali moram priznati, šetnja po toplom vremenu je samo mučenje (To zvuči loše, ali sunce i toplo vreme su jedino dobri za plažu.).
Another destination in this story is Sanremo. One day we drove to the city (That was a comforting destination.), but I have to admit, walking in the warm weather is just torture (That sounds bad, but the sun and warm weather are only good for time on the beach.).

Sanremo je grad na severozapadu Italije u regiji Ligurija. Nalazi se na 25km od francuske granicce i 60km od Nice. Taj deo italijanske rivijere se naziva Riviera dei Fiori (Cvetna rivijera). 
U gradu je živeo i umro Alfred Nobel pa postoji dosta znamenitosti sa njegovim imenom.
Sanremo nam je skoro svima poznat po velikom muzičkom festivalu koji se tamo održava.
Sanremo is a town in the northwest of Italy in the Liguria region. It is 25km from the French border and 60km from Nice away. This part of the Italian Riviera is called Riviera dei Fiori.
Alfred Nobel lived and died in the city and there is plenty of sights with his name.
Almost everyone has heard for Sanremo, at least because of the well-known music festival that is being held there.

I onda sam ja, na povratku iz Sanrema, ubedila mog muža da ne koristimo autoput već lokalne puteve kroz mesta na obali.
Tako su nastale ove dve slike. Mesto se zove Imperia.
And then, on our way back from Sanremo, I have persuaded my husband not to use the highway and instead to drive the local roads through the places.
Then were created these two photos. The place is called Imperia.

Nadam se da su vam se svidele slike, sve su moja, a ja nisam profi pa i nisu savršene (Priznajem.).
Do sledećeg čitanja.
I hope you liked the photos, they are all mine, I'm not a professional and they aren't perfect (I admit.).
Until next reading.