Thursday, June 28, 2018

Zelena haljina/Green dress

Evo je i druga haljina (od tri navedene u prethodnoj priči).
Ova i nije toliko svečana, verovatno zbog materijala upotrebljenog za nju. Ali može da se iskoristi za neku možda  baštensku letnju kućnu zabavu (Već sam zamislila, neki džemper prebačen preko ramena, čaša vina u ruci, lampioni okolo mene, ... )
Here is another dress, of the three mentioned in the previous story.
This dress is not a very formal, probably because of the fabric used for it. But it can be used maybe for some garden party (I've already imagined, garden full of trees, something over my shoulders, a glass of wine in my hand, lanterns around me, ...)

Materijala sam kupila, naravno, jer mi se svideo, a i dugo sam htela nešto zeleno da šijem i imam. (Zelene boje je i pamuk.) Prvi plan je bio da šijem haljinu sličnu ovoj, drugi da šijem pantalone širokih nogavica, a onda sam se ipak odlučila za prvi plan i našla u Burdi ovaj kroj.
I bought this fabric, of course, because I liked it, and for a long time I wanted something green to have in my wardrobe (It is cotton in green color with beige.) The first plan was to make a dress similar to this one, second to sew pants, and then I decided for the first plan and found this cut in Burda.

Kroj je iz Burde za mesec novembar 2015, broj 101.
Kao i uvek, kroj sam prilagodila svom obliku tela, ovaj put ne previše - produžila sam bratele, suzila u struku gornji deo i spustila liniju struka jer imam duži gornji deo nego što je naznačeno u Burdinim krojevima (Nauči se vremenom, šta sve treba prepraviti.). (Veličina je 36, a nju uvek uzimam za gornji deo.)
Gornji deo je postavljen, a ja sam ga postavila istim materijalom, kao što je navedeno u uputstvima za šivenje (U mom slučaju grudnjak nije potreban.), a pozadi sam ipak skratila gornji deo na gornjoj ivici. Činio mi se previsok, a čini mi se i sada još.
Dužina suknje je kod mene najduža moguća i zavisila je od materijala koji sam kupila (Kupila sam samo 2m.) tako da je kraća nego u časopisu, a na slikama u nastavku, možete videti kako pristaje.
Pozadi se nalazi skriveni rajsfešlus.
I'm from Burda Magazine for November 2015, model 101.
As always, I adjusted the pattern to my body shape, this time not too much - I extended my suspenders in length, narrow the top on my waist and lowered my waistline because I have a longer upper part than indicated in Burda's pattern (Learn over time, what needs to be done.). (Size is 36, and I always take it for the upper part of my body.)
The top has a lining, and I made it from the same fabric, as written in the instructions for sewing (In my case, BH is not necessary.) On the back, I lowered the top on the upper edge. It was too high.
The length of the skirt was the longest possible, and it was dependent on the fabric I bought (I bought only 2m.), so it is shorter than in the Magazine, and in the pictures below, you can see how it fits.
The back is an invisible zipper.

Retko šijem i nosim ovoliko otvoreni dekolte (Smatram da mi ne stoji najbolje mada se ne opterećujem sa tim već nosim šta mi prija.) a i nisam ljubitelj srcastog oblika izreza, što se u ovom slučaju nije pokazalo kao loše. (Mislim da sam pet puta šila i parala spajanje gornjeg prednjeg dela dok nije spoj bio zadovoljavajući.)
I rarely sew and wear such open decolletage (I think, it isn't looking at me the best, although I'm not burdened with this, I wear what suits me.) and I'm not a lover of a sweetheart neckline, which in this case was not so bad. (I think I was five times sewed and ripped the vertical seam of the front top parts until the joining was satisfactory.)

Haljinu na meni možete videti na slikama koje slede.
(Nažalost, nisam baš mogla izabrati manje slika za pokazati.)
You can see the dress on me in the following photos.
(Sorry, I couldn't pick just a few to show.)

Haljina je odlična!!!
The dress is great, and I am very pleased with the result.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Haljina za zabavu/Party dress

Ovo je moja haljina šivena sa namerom da je obučem na jednu zabavu.
Naime, polovinom juna smo bili pozvani na jednu lepu zabavu, ali usled nekih nepredviđenih okolnosti, nismo otišli i neizmerno mi je žao zbog toga.
Plan je svakako bio da haljinu na toj zabavi slikam, ali kako to nije bilo moguće, ostalo je da vam je predstavim ovako -  u dvorištu, na zidu od cigala.
This is the dress sewn with the intention of wearing it to a party.
Namely, in mid-June, we were invited to a party, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we didn't go, and I am immensely sorry for that.
The plan was definitely, to take photos of the dress in that party, but as it was not possible, it remained to me to introduce you this dress so - in the yard, on the wall of the brick.

Moje pripreme za svaki događaj u mom životu, koji je planiran, su duge, baš iz razloga što uvek sebi šijem šta bih obukla. Tako je bilo i ovaj put - iskrojila sam čak tri haljine, planirajući da ih sašijem jedan vikend, ali sam uspela da završim dve i ova haljina je jedna od njih. Treća još uvek čeka momentat kad mi se nagomila mnogo nedovršenih stvari pa da se odlučim da ih završim. 
My preparations for every event in my life, which is planned, are lengthy, just because I always sew what I would wear. That's how it was this time too - I even cut out three garments, I planned to sew them for one weekend, but I managed to finish two, and this dress was one of them. The third is still waiting for the moment when I have too many unfinished garments on my sewing table and decide to finish them.

Ovaj model haljine je iz Burda magazina za mesec novembar 2007, broj 107.
Ovo je drugi put da šijem pomenuti kroj, a prvi put sam ga pravila mesec dana pre početka pisanja bloga pa ta haljina nije ovde, ali se slika haljine nalazi u priči Izazov iz prošle godine.
The pattern is from Burda magazine for November 2007, number 107.
This is the second time, I sew this cut, and the first time I made it was one month before the beginning of blogging. Therefore that dress is not on the blog, but the photo is in the story Challenge from last year.

Meni se model i tada, kada sam ga prvi put šila, baš svideo, a sada je ušao na listu mojih omiljenih modela. 
Gornji deo haljine je pripijen uz telo, a donji je širi i na falte. (Haljina je prilično jednostavna za sašiti.)
Oba puta sam koristila pamuk sa printom i nisam stavljala postavu, što je i predviđeno po kroju.
Pozadi se nalazi skriveni rajsfešlus.
I liked this pattern even then when I sewed it for the first time, and now it has come into my list of favorite models.
The top of the dress is tight to the body, and the bottom with pleats. (Dress is quite easy to sew.)
Both times I used cotton with print and without lining.
On the back is an invisible zipper.

Kako haljina stoji na meni u celosti, možete videti na slikama koje slede.
As the dress fits me in its entirety, you can see in the following images.

Još jedna haljina u mom ormaru koja čeka priliku da bude obučena i viđena.
Do sledećeg čitanja
One dress more in my closet waiting for the chance to be worn and seen.
Until next reading

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Kao što već znate, koristim moju novu mašinu za šivenje, sad već nešto duže od godinu dana. 
Reč je o modelu BERNINA 530, a dobila sam je na poklon od muža. 
Mašina je odlična, a ja sam posebno zadovoljna mogućnostima koje ona pruža prilikom šivenja.
(Sve moje stvari od aprila prošle godine su šivene koristeći tu mašinu.)

As you already know, I use my new sewing machine, now a little longer than a year.
It's the BERNINA 530, and I got it as a present from my husband.
The machine is excellent, and I am particularly pleased with the possibilities it provides by sewing.
(All my things since April last year were sewed using this machine.)

Naime, pre nekog vremena, dobila sam mail od urednice BERNINA bloga na engleskom jeziku sa ponudom da budem jedan od autora na njihovom blogu.
I ja sam pristala tako da sam (konačno) napisala svoju prvu priču.

Namely, some time ago, I received an email from the editor of BERNINA's Blog in English with the offer to be one of the authors on their blog.
And I (finally) wrote my first story.

BERNINA blog se nalazi na adresi, a bavi se kreativnim stvarima i šivenjem koje omogućavaju proizvodi kompanije BERNINA (Možete više pročitati na

BERNINA blog is located at, It is about creating things and sewing that enable products of company BERNINA (You can read more about on

Moj profil na blogu
My blog profile

A što se tiče mog prvog posta, dugo sam razmišljala šta bi mogla jednostavno da predstavim, a opet da bude u mom fazonu.
Na kraju sam napravila svoj kroj i napisala svoje prvo uputstvo za šivenje sa propratnim slikama.
Moj prvi post

And as for my first post, I've been thinking for a long time what I could make and simple explain.
In the end, I made my own pattern and wrote my first sewing tutorial with accompanying pictures.
My first post

Da ja ne bih ovde sve otkrila, posetite BERNINA blog i pogledajte.
If you are interested, visit the BERNINA blog and see more about it.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading