Monday, November 20, 2017

Vielen Dank Liebe Claudia

Claudia je jedna od mojih prijateljica.
Tačnije, Claudia je moja prva prijateljica u Nemačkoj. Ja sam ovde par dana duže od tri godine, a nju sam upoznala koji mesec posle mog dolaska.
Ona i njen muž su kuglali sa mojim tadašnjim dečkom, a sadašnjim mužem, pa sam tada i ja počela odlaziti sa njim jednom mesečno na kuglanje. Nedugo zatim sam i ja postala član njihovog kuglaškog kluba (Neke od nemačkih tradicija su kuglane i kuglaški klubovi. Svako selo ima lokal u čijem sastavu postoji kuglana. Par prijatelja i poznanika se organizuje i jednom mesečno, najčešće, odlazi da kugla.).
Nedugo posle našeg upoznavanja smo zajedno posećivale golf kurs, položile zajedno ispit za licencu pre dve godine (Od nje sam ponešto prepisala.).
Trenutno je iza nas desetine žurki, zajednički izleti, poneka golf partija, put u Bamberg, moja svadba u Novom Sadu, kampovanje u Eifel-u svake godine, ... Iskreno, veselim se nastavku...
Claudia is one of my friends.
In fact, Claudia is my first friend in Germany. I've been here for more than three years, and I met her few months after my arrival.
She and her husband are with my then boyfriend, and now husband in the same bowling club, so I started to go with him once a month to bowling. Soon after, I became a member of their bowling club (Some of the German traditions are bowling and bowling clubs. Each village has some kind of pub where a bowling alley is located, and a couple of friends and acquaintances are organized once a month, most often, to go to bowling.).
Shortly after, we took a golf course together and passed the license exam two years ago.

It is currently behind us dozens of parties, trips, a few golf games, a trip to Bamberg, she and her family were guests on my wedding in Novi Sad, camping in Eifel every year ... Sincerely, I look forward to the next ...

Naime, ja retko kad šijem za nekoga, ali Claudia je početkom novembra imala rođendan i poželela od mene haljinu na poklon, a ja sam pristala da je sašijem. Izabrale smo zajedno materijal, a ona je donela jednu svoju haljinu po kojoj je htela da sašijemo pomenutu haljinu.
Jedino što sam je ja zamolila, bilo je da uradimo slike za moj blog pa zbog toga i ova priča.
I rarely sew for someone, but Claudia had a birthday at the beginning of November and wished from me a dress, and I agreed to sew it. We picked up the fabric together, and she brought one of her dresses because she wanted the same pattern.
The only thing I asked her was to take photos for my blog and for that reason is this story.

Claudia majka dva tinejdžera, zaposlena, a neguje rokerski stil. Ja je znam sa kratkom kosom, uvek dobro stilizovanom u boji koje je sada ili sličnoj.  Uglavnom nosi farmerke sa bluzom, dobru obuću i jakne. Claudia je vesela, nasmejana i uvek raspoložena za provod.
Claudia is the mother of two teenagers, employed. Her style is something like punk rock style. Short hair, always well-styled in color that is current or similar. She mainly wears jeans with a blouse, good shoes, and jackets. Claudia is cheerful, smiling and always in the mood for a party.


Ona peva u crkvenom horu u mestu u kojem živi pa je kupila i ovaj crni materijal, želeći isti model haljine koju bi mogla nositi na nastupe. 
Na slikama u nastavku se može videti i ta haljina, a nju smo kombinovale sa različitim nakitom koji se takođe može videti na slikama.
She sings in the church choir in the place where she lives so she bought this black fabric, wanting the same dress model that she could wear it on the performances.
In the photos below can also be seen this dress, we have combined it with a variety of jewelry that can also be seen in the photos.

Crnog materijala je bilo više nego dovoljno pa smo uspele sašiti i vestu.
We had from black fabric more than enough and managed to sew the vest too.

Claudia je zadovoljna, a meni je to najbitnije. Ona je birala boje materijala i model haljine, a na meni je bilo samo da ih sašijem.
Claudia is pleased, and to me, it is most important. She chose the color of the fabrics and the dress pattern, and I just needed to sew.

Drugi deo ove priče je nešto sasvim drugo.
Naime, ja sam već odavno šila za moju sestru par jakni za zimu, ali ona to nikako nije nosila (Jednu je nosila moja tetka par puta kad je bila u poseti.). Pre nekog vremena je moja sestra odlučila da mi vrati dve jakne pa su stajale kod mene. Broj veće su od broja koji ja nosim pa sam planirala nekome da ih poklonim ili da, ako to ne uspem, prepravim za sebe. No, igrom slučaja smo došli do toga da veličina odgovara Claudia-i i da joj se sviđaju pa je meni ostalo samo da skratim rukave i poklonim joj te dve jakne tako da se ovde mogu videti i te slike.
The second part of this story is something completely different.
Namely, for a long time, I have been sewing for my sister a pair of winter jackets, but she didn't wear them at all (One of them wore my aunt a couple of times when she was in the visit.). Some time ago my sister decided to return me two jackets, so they stood at the side in my sewing room. The size of jackets are bigger than the number I wear, so I was planning to give them to someone or if that fails, I would rework them for myself. But it was Claudia's size and she liked them, so I gave her this two jacket.

Prva jakna je pomalo oversized model, a ja sam sebi šila isti kroj koji se može videti u priči Model je iz magazina Burda.
The first jacket is an oversized model, and I've been sewing the same model for myself, that can be seen in the story The pattern is from Burda magazine.

Druga jakna je takođe model iz magazina Burda, ali sad se tačno ne sećam koji je model u pitanju.
The other jacket is also a model from the Burda magazine, but right now I don't know which model it is.

Na kraju, još jedno veliko hvala mojoj prijateljici Claudia-i.
Prvi put je pozirala, a ja sam prvi put slikala nekog drugog u stvarima koje sam šila. Vidi se na slikama da smo se ne baš najbolje snašle i bile mnogo opuštenije u mom dvorištu. Takođe, Claudia je bila mnogo opuštenija u odevnim kombinacijama koje uglavnom nosi.
Sve u svemu, pokušale smo i nije loše ispalo.
Finally, big thanks to my friend Claudia.
She was posing for the first time, and for the first time, I took photos of someone in the things I sewed. It can be seen in the photos that we were much more relaxed in my yard than outside, and Claudia was much more playful in the combinations she usually wears.
All in all, we tried and it isn't turned out bad.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Crveno lišće/Red leaves

Napomenuh u jednoj od prethodnih priča da mi nedostaje bluza u ormaru, pa sam odlučila češće da ih šijem.
Ova stoji već neko vreme gotova. Prvobitno sam je šila za put u Barselonu, ali nisam imala dugmad da bi bluza za to bila gotova pa je nisam ponela i tamo slikala. Nažalost.
I mentioned in one of the previous stories that I don't have enough blouses in my wardrobe so I decided to make some more.
This one has been finished for some time already. Originally, I was sewing it for the trip to Barcelona, but I had no appropriate buttons for it and I couldn't bring it and take photos there. Unfortunately.

Materijal je kupljen letos na Stoffmakt-u. Sasvim dovoljno ga je bilo, a iako je prvi plan bio da sašijem haljinu, materijal je tanji pa sam od te ideje odustala. Što se kvaliteta tiče, materijal je čist pamuk.
The fabric was purchased in August at Stoffmakt. It was enough, and although the first plan was to sew the dress, the fabric is thinner, so I dropped that idea. As far as the quality is concerned, the fabric is pure cotton.

Volim ovakve modele, ali nisam našla ili se nisam dovoljno potrudila da nađem kroj, već sam sama modelirala. (Uglavnom ja to tako, bar u 80% slučajeva ja sama menjam šta god poželim. Naravno, prethodno istražim šta i kako mora da se seče i šije.) Na slikama se može videti koliko mi je to uspelo ili nije.
Koristila sam model jedne košulje iz Burda magazina. 
I like models like this, but I didn't find or didn't make enough effort to find a pattern for it, but I modeled this one. (I usually do that, at least in 80% of the cases, I'm just doing what I want. Of course, before I investigated what and how to do it.) In photos can be seen whether I succeeded or not.
I used a pattern of a button-down shirt from Burda's magazine.

Kada sam završila bluzu, nisam bila zadovoljna, nešto mi nije sviđalo. Imala sam utisak da je široka, pa da mi ne odgovara u ramenima, pa da su rukavi trebali biti širi (Čak sam htela nove da pravim od ostatka materijala.), ali ovih dana kad sam je probala, delovala mi je sasvim u redu.
(Zato je bluza toliko dugo čekala da je slikam.)
When I finished the blouse, I wasn't happy, I didn't like it. I had the impression that it was too wide and that it didn't fit in shoulders, that the sleeves should be wider (I even wanted to make new ones from the rest of the fabric.), but these days when I tried it, it was quite okay.
(That's why the blouse waited so long for me to take photos.)

Još uvek sam pomalo neodlučna u mišljenju da li sve dobro pristaje.
Do sledećeg čitanja.
I'm still a bit undecided in opinion whether blouse fits good.
Until next reading.