Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Šarena haljina/The colorful dress

Jedan predivan materijal, jedan dobar kroj i jedna lepa haljina.
Tim redom ide, tako sam ih kupila, birala i sašila.
One beautiful fabric, one good pattern, and one lovely dress.
In that order, I bought, picked and sewed them.

Jeste da sam obećala sebi da treba sređivati garderobu, da nešto sa nečim ide, ali u haosu kojem smo trenutno (sređivanje jedne kuće, davno spakovane stvari u kutije u drugoj) ne znam odakle da počnem niti da li da uopšte počinjem dok se ne preselimo. A to znači da sam nešto počela, ali mi loše ide... Sa druge strane treba šiti od materijala kojih imam u zalihama, a i to uspevam loše jer mi baš treba nešto sasvim drugo od onoga što imam... A treće stvar je da treba da šijem jednobojne materijale jer mi takvih stvari najviše fali, ali i tu se slabo šta kreće ka uspehu...
Sve u svemu, definitivno je da sam neuspešna u ciljevima koje sam postavila. No, to me svakako ne sprečava da šijem ono što mi se svidi.
Yes, I promised myself that I needed to sort out my wardrobe, that I could more combine, but in the chaos, we are currently in (renovation of one house, long ago packed things in boxes in another) I don't know where to start or even to begin until we move. And that means I started something, but I'm doing that poorly ... On the other hand, it needs to be sewed from the materials I have in stock, and I manage it poorly because I just want something completely different from what I have ... And the third thing is that I need to sew monochrome materials because I miss these things the most, but I procrastinate...
Overall, it is definitely that I am unsuccessful in the goals I set. But it certainly doesn't stop me from sewing what I like.

Ovaj materijal sam kupila polovinom juna, a došla sam tada u radnju sa namerom da kupim materijal za suknju i kupila čak dva, naravno šarena. U međuvremenu sam se predomislila i sašila od ovoga haljinu.
I purchased this fabric in mid-June, came to the store intending to buy fabric for a skirt and bought two, of course colorful. In the meantime, I changed my mind and sewed this dress.

Model je broj 104 iz oktobarskog izdanja Burda magazina za 2018. godinu. 
U časopisu se nalaze dve haljine sličnog kroja, a materijal koji je preporučen se razlikuje od materijala koji sam ja koristila tako da moja haljina drugačije pada u donjem delu. 
Nisam se trudila da uklapam boje i linije na materijalu jer je to bilo nemoguće s obzirom na smerove linija i nejednake dezene, tako da su se negde slučajno poklopile linije, a negde ne.
Što se rukava tiče, morala sam da skratim i suzim prvobitno planirane iz časopisa jer nisam imala dovoljno materijala za njih. Moja mišljenje je da ovi bolje pristaju uz ovaj materijal, ali sam se dvoumila da stavim ipak kratke rukave.
Haljinu na slikama možete videti sa pojasom i bez, a ja ne mogu da se odlučim koja varijanta je bolja. 
The model is No. 104 from the October 2018 issue of Burda Magazine.
There are two similar patterns in the magazine, and the recommended fabric is different from the material I used so that my dress falls differently in the bottom.
I didn't bother to match the colors and lines on my dress because it was impossible given the directions of the lines and the uneven patterns so that the lines somewhere coincided and not.
As for the sleeves, I had to shorten and narrow down planned initially from the magazine because I didn't have enough fabric for them. It is my opinion that these fit better with this material, but I was hesitant to put on short sleeves. 
You can see the dress in the pictures with the belt and without, and I can't decide which one is better.

Na slikama u nastavku možete videti u celom kako haljina pristaje.
In the pictures below, you can see how the dress fits me.

Nadam se da vam se svidela haljina.
Do sledećeg čitanja
I hope you liked the dress.
Until next read