Monday, July 30, 2018

Još jedna jednostavna suknja/Another simple skirt

Kao što već znate, ja sam ljubitelj jednostvanih stvari, što odeće i obuće, tako i ostalih stvari koje me okružuju.
Ova suknja, na slikama u nastavku, je jedna od najjednostavniji suknji koje sam šila.
As you already know, I am a lover of simple things, clothing and footwear, and other things that surround me.
This skirt, in the photos below, is one of the simplest skirts I've ever made.

Kada sam se dvoumila oko pisanja za Bernina blog na engleskom jeziku, najveća dvojba bila je da li sam ja u stanju da napišem i sašijem nešto jednostavno, tj. da objasnim ceo postupak izrade onoga što zamislim.
Za moju prvu priču na Bernina blogu sam čak uradila i probni primerak (Sada imam čak dve tašne za plažu, a ne idem na more ovo leto.), a sada nisam. Jednostavno sam još pre koju nedelju dobila ideju, napisala tekst, kupila materijal i napravila suknju. 
Čak dva puta sam sebe slikala u suknji, ali nisam uspela da to uradim kako sam želela. Materijal mi je bio prelep kad sam ga izabrala, ali se na slikama loše pokazao i čak sam par dana imala ideju da kupim drugi materijal i sve uradim ispočetka, ali ostalo je sve ipak na ovome.
When I doubted about writing for the Bernina blog in English, the most significant doubt was am I able to think up and sew something simple, that is, to explain the complete process of making what I imagined.
For my first story on Bernina blog I even did a trial (now I've two beach bags, and I'm not going to the sea this summer), and now I didn't. Just for a few weeks I got the idea, wrote the text, bought the fabric, and made a skirt.
Even two times I took photos of myself in a skirt, but I didn't manage to do it as I wanted. My fabric was overwhelmed when I picked it up, but it looks terrible in the photos and even for a couple of days I had the idea to buy another fabric and do everything from the beginning, but this doesn't look so bad.

Ovaj model je polukrug suknja bez rajsfešlusa, a ceo postupak krojenja i šivenja ovakve jedne suknje možete naći u priči How to sew a simple half circle Skirt without a zipper koja se nalazi na BERNINA blogu.
Suknja je jako udobna i prijatna za nositi, a na slikama u nastavku se može videti kako mi pristaje.
This model is a half circle skirt without a zipper and the entire process of cutting and sewing this skirt you can find in the story How to sew a simple half circle skirt without a zipper located on the BERNINA blog.
The skirt is beautiful and comfortable to wear, and in the photos below you can see how it fits me.

Moje mišljenje je da ovu suknju može sašiti svako, čak su većina stvari početničke. Jedino na šta treba dobro obratiti pažnju jeste izbor tkanine jer neki materijali mogu da zadaju mnogo poteškoća.
My opinion is that this skirt can sew everyone, even a complete beginner. The only thing you should pay attention to is the selection of fabrics because some fabrics can inflict difficulties.

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Sunday, July 22, 2018


Kao što sam navela u priči o crvenoj suknji, tada sam se pripremala da šijem suknju sa gumom u pojasu, ali ravnog kroja i u plavoj boji.
Ovo je ta suknja, ali sam imala dovoljno materijala za kratke pantalone, tj. šorc pa sam uradila oboje.
As I wrote in the story of the red skirt, then I was preparing to sew the skirt with an elastic in the waistband, but flat and in blue color.
This is that skirt, but I had enough fabric for shorts, so I made both.

Što se suknje tiče, mogla je biti malo šira jer mi je trenutno pomalo uzana u bokovima, iako je sve u redu i prilikom sedenja i kretanja.
Za šorc sam iskoristila kroj iz Burde za mesec maj 2010. godine, model 120 i 121, s tim da sam dodala kose džepove što sam uradila i na suknji.
Pojas je kod oba modela urađen tako da je guma u njemu.
As for the skirt, it could be a bit wider, because it is a bit narrow on my hips right now, although everything is fine by sitting and moving.
For the shorts, I used the pattern from Burda Magazine for the May 2010, model 120 and 121, with the addition of the pockets, which I did on skirts too.
The waistband is in both garments made with an elastic in it.

Ove dve stvari sam sašila još u junu tako da sam ih do sada već nosila nebrojeno puta. 
Ispostavilo se da mi je šorc bio potreban, baš zbog vožnji biciklom koje redovno praktikujemo i nikad lepšeg vremena ovde u Nemačkoj.
These two things I sewed in June, so I've been wearing them many times so far.
It turned out, I needed shorts, because of the bicycle ride we regularly do and the never better weather here in Germany.

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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Za mog muža/For my husband

Ova priča je posvećena mom mužu, koji je trenutno na poslovnom putu i vraća se sutra. Nisam sigurna da će videti ovu priču pre nego što dođe kući, iako mi je to bio cilj, ali možda ipak malo kasnim (Radila sam svašta ovih dana, a trenutno još i pekmez od ribizla kuvam.).
This story is dedicated to my husband, who is currently on the business trip and returns tomorrow. I'm not sure if he will see this story before he comes home, although it was my goal, but maybe I'm a little late (I've been doing many things these days, and now I'm cooking a red currant jam).

Mi smo nešto više od godinu i po dana u braku, slučajno smo se sreli, bili prijatelji, a posle je sve teklo spontano - zajednički život, prosidba pre dve godine, jedno venčanje ovde, drugo u Novom Sadu... Kad sad sve sagledam, puno toga smo prošli zajedno za ove tri i po godine, a ostaje gomila sećanja.
We are more than a year and a half married. We accidentally met for three and a half years, then were friends awhile, and after that all was spontaneous - life together, proposal two years ago, one wedding here, another in Novi Sad ... When I see everything, we have experienced a lot together during these time - plenty of memories.

Naime, prošle godine sam dobila od muža prelepe crvene cipele. 
Namely, last year I got from my husband's beautiful red shoes.

Cipele su fantastične i zaslužuju dobru garderobu.
Do sada nisam šila ništa što bi uz njih moglo da se kombinuje mada imam par stvari u ormaru koje bi se lepo uklopile, a ovu bluzu sam već neko vreme planirala da šijem.
Materijal sam, naravno, imala na zalihama.
Model sam sama napravila koristeći jedan model koji sam već šila. Materijal je lagana viskoza, pomalo providna pa je ovakvo modeliranje bilo rešenje za sve to. 
Shoes are fantastic and deserve a good outfit.
Until now I didn't make anything that could be combined with them, though I have a couple of things in my closet to fit with, and I've been planning to cut this blouse for a while.
The fabric, of course, I had on stock.
This model, I made using a pattern that I have already sewed. The fabric is lightweight viscose, slightly transparent and this kind of modeling was the solution for all of that.

Moram priznati da nisam baš sigurna da mi ovakav model bluze, sa tankim bratelama, najbolje stoji, ali takva mi je bila zamisao i sprovela sam je u delo mada sam se nećkala.
I have to admit that I'm not entirely sure that this kind of blouse, with spaghetti straps, fits me the best, but that was my idea, and I realized it.

Sto se tiče suknje sa slika, ona je jedina stvar kojom sam se počastila kada se završio moj izazov o nekupovini garderobe (Kupila sam dvoje farmerica i koju belu majcu.). Možda nije idalna kombinacija crveno i sivo, ali meni se baš svidela ideja koju sam imala, a sa cipelama sve dobija svoj poseban izgled.
As for the skirts in the pictures, it is the only thing that I was honored when finished my challenge of not-buying wardrobe (I bought two pairs of jeans and a few white t-shirts.). Maybe it's not a right combination of red and gray, but I really liked the idea I had, and with the shoes, all got a unique look.

Nadam se da vam se svidela kombinacija, a ja čekam muža sutra da čujem šta će reći.
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I hope you liked the combination, and I'm waiting for my husband tomorrow to hear what he will say.
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Saturday, July 14, 2018

3/4 pantalone/3/4 pants

Ko me prati, zna da sam prošle godine šila sličan model, tj. zakasnila sam za prošlo leto sa tim pantalonama, a ove godine sam rešila da šijem ponovo isti model.
Jednostavno, sviđa mi se kroj.
(Mala tajna: Šiću ga još jednom u skorije vreme, i to opet u ovoj dužini.)
Whoever follows me knows that I made a similar model last year, that is, I was late for the summer with these pants, and this year I decided to sew the same pattern again.
Simply, I like the cut.
(Little Secret: I'll sew it one more time this summer and again in this length.)

Prethodne pantalone su u priči Prekasno/Too late i crvene su boje, a ovaj materijal sam već koristila i šila od njega pantalone kao Test i imam ga još bar za suknju.
Model je iz Burde za mesec mart 2012. broj 112.
Razlika između ovih i crvenih pantalona je ta što sam za crvene koristila broj 38, a za ovaj model sam koristila broj 40 i naravno, prilagodila ih sebi. Razlika je neznatna, ove plave su samo malo šire.
The previous pants are in the story Prekasno/Too late in red color, and this fabric has already been used in the story Test, still have it enough for a skirt.
The model is from Burda Magazine for March 2012. No. 112.
The difference between these and the red pants is that I used size 38 for red, and for this model, size 40 and, of course, adjusted them to my body shape. The difference is slight, these blue are only slightly wider.

Na slikama se nalaze pantalone u dve kombinacije, ali obe su sa belim gornjim delom, zavisno od željenog stila prikazanog na slikama.
There are two combinations in the photos, but they look similar, both with the white top, depending on the style shown in the images.

Druga kombinacija sa patikama
The second combination with sneakers

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Sunday, July 8, 2018


Ova haljina je trebala da bude sasvim drugačija, tj. ono što sam prvo iskrojila, užasno mi je stajalo i nisam ga mogla popraviti pa je ovo na slikama prinudno rešenje.
No, sve u svemu, imam još jednu haljinu za leto.
This dress was supposed to be entirely different, that is, what I first cut out, was terrible, and I couldn't fix it, so this is a forced solution.
But, all in all, I have one more summer dress in my closet.

Materijal je prelepi pamuk, mekan, ali deblji. 
Prvobitni plan je bio da sašijem od njega haljinu na preklop, ali nisam našla odgovarajući kroj u odgovarajućoj veličini, a još da je prikladan za materijal.
Našla sam par krojeva koji su predviđeni ili za žersej ili neki laganiji materijal, tako da se nisam odlučila ni za jedan od njih.
Posle sam se odlučila za jedan kroj u kojem gornji deo ima v-izrez, međutim jako loše mi je pristajao i morala sam nešto da menjam. Taj deo nisam uspela da iskoristim, ali sam od ostataka materijala uspela ovo da iskrojim.
The fabric is cotton, soft but thicker.
The original plan was to sew a wrap dress, but I didn't find the suitable pattern in my size and to look good from this fabric.
I've found a couple of patterns that are foreseen either for a jersey or some lightweight fabric, so I didn't decide on one of them.
After I decided for a cut in which the upper part had a v-cut, however, it looked awful on me, and I had to change it. That part I didn't manage to use, but from the rest of the fabric, I sewed this what is in photos.

Ovaj gornji deo sam već par puta šila za par haljina pa je to u ovo slučaju, bila sigurna varijanta.
This upper part I already sewed a couple of times for some dresses, and in this case, was a safe option.

Kako haljina meni pristaje, možete da vidite na slikama ispod.
Nisam nezadovoljna, ali sam želela nešto drugo od ovog materijala, ali greške se dešavaju.
As the dress fits me, you can see in the photos below.
I'm not unhappy, but I wanted something different from this fabric, but mistakes happen.

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