Thursday, September 26, 2019

3.godina bloga/The 3rd year of the blog

Prošla je još jedna godina na mom blogu, treća po redu.
Burna godina, što se svega tiče samo ne šivenja. Manje sam šila nego prošle godine, čak tri puta manje. Ali sve što sam sašila su svakako stvari koje se mogu dobro kombinovati sa nečim drugim, a ono što se ne može naći na blogu su razna eksperimentisanja koja nisu uspela, a bilo ih je ove godine.
Sve u svemu, godina je iza mene, takva kakva jeste.
It's been another year on my blog, the third in a row.
A hard year, as far as everything else, just not sewing. I did less sewing than last year, even three times less. But all things I sewed can be combined well with something else in my wardrobe. The items that cannot be found on the blog are various experiments that have failed, and there were enough of them this year.
All in all, the year is behind me, as it is.

U ovoj trećoj godini svega nekoliko odevnih predmeta. 
Nisam preterivala, trudila sam se da šijem kad mi se šilo, bez obzira da li blog ispašta zbog toga ili ne. Najjednostavnije objašnjenje je da sam bila zaokupljena drugim stvarima koje su meni u ovom trenutku bitnije i pomalo sam zapostavila blog.
Istina je da sam i više sašila nego što sam slikala. Ostala je jedna prolećna košulja, dve bluze za leto i jedna suknja za slikanje, a to ću obaviti kad za to ponovo dođe sezona. Ostalo mi je i par stvari koje treba završiti, par iskrojenih i još nekoliko smišljenih ideja od kojih se ne odustaje.
In this third year, I made only a few items.
I didn't exaggerate, I tried to sew when I wanted and had time, regardless of the blog. The simplest explanation is that I was preoccupied with other things that are more important to me at the moment, and I neglected the blog a bit.
The truth is I made more than it is shown here. I didn't take photos of some things: one button-down shirt for spring, two blouses, and one skirt or the summer. I'll do it when the season comes again. Besides, I left a few unfinished items, a couple of tailored models and a few more thoughtful ideas that I don't give up.

Sve u svemu, (samo) 10 odevnih predmeta za treću godinu bloga, od toga 2 jakne - jedna duga i jedna kratka (Taj model moram ponovo šiti!), 2 haljine (od kojih ne znam koja je lepša) i 6 gornjih odevnih predmeta, tj 3 bluze i 3 košulje.
Definitivno sam smanjila šivenje haljina, a povećala broj bluza i košulja, što mi je i bio cilj.
Jedno veliko žaljenje je što nisam uspela da napravim pantalone, a pokušala sam bar 5 puta i isto toliko materijala uništila. To mi je zaokupilo skoro celo proleće i leto, a uskoro planiram da se vratim tome. Druga stvar zbog koje žalim jeste što nisam završila letnje suknje koje sam počela, a ukupno ih je bilo čak tri.
Overall, (only) 10 outfits for the third year of the blog, of which 2 jackets - one long and one short, 2 dresses and 6 tops, i.e., 3 blouses and 3 shirts.
I definitely reduced the sewing of the dresses, increased the number of blouses and shirts, which was my goal.
One big regret is that I failed to make the pants, I tried at least 5 times and ruined just so many fabrics. That preoccupied me almost all spring and summer long, but I plan soon to return to it. The other thing I regret is that I didn't make skirts that I started, even three.



Bluze i košulje
Blouses and button-down shirts

Što se tiče šivenja donjeg veša, uspela sam da završim samo jedan deo od tri koja su bila planirana, tako da me to očekuje u narednih godinu dana ponovo.
As for sewing underwear, I only managed to finish one part of the three that were planned, so that is what I plan in the following year again.

Jedna novina, tj. ono što sam prvi put šila, bio je filc. Sve je počelo tako što sam u lokalnoj radnji tkanina videla filc koji je čvrst i idealno drži formu. Taj filc je bio 4 mm debeo i odlično se pokazao kao materijal za tašne i ruksak.  Međutim u tom svemu, malo mi se mašina poremetila pa je morala na popravku.
Na mom blogu se mogu videti dve tašne i jedan rukasak od filca, a na Bernina blogu se može videti detaljno uputstvo za izradu jedne od tašni, o čemu će u daljem tekstu još biti reči.
One novelty, i.e., what I sewed for the first time, was felt. It all started by seeing a felt at a local fabric store. That felt was 4 mm thick and turned out to be an excellent material for a bag and backpack. However, in all that, my sewing machine got a little messy and had to be repaired.
On my blog, you can see two bags, and one felt backpack, and on the BERNINA Blog can be seen detailed instructions for making one of these bags, which will be discussed later.

Ni u protekloj godini nisam kupovala garderobu, sem par belih majci i jedan ili dva para farmerki (ne sećam se više). U nedelju sam bila u kupovini sa de prijateljice i probala jednu zelenu haljinu koja mi je bila lepa i dobro stajala, ali pošto mi nije potrebna nisam je kupila - to je jedna od stvari kojoj je blog doprineo, ne kupujem garderobu koja mi nije potrebna iako mi se svidi.
I haven't bought clothes in the past year either, except for a pair of white T-shirts and one or two pairs of jeans (I don't remember anymore). On Sunday, I was shopping with two girlfriends and tried on one green dress that was nice and well-styled, but since I didn't need it, I didn't buy it. It's one of the things the blog has contributed to, I don't buy the wardrobe when I don't need though I like it.

Završila sam sa još jednim izazovom i ponovo kupujem tkanine ali ne u tolikoj meri kao pre. Naravno, zadala sam si novi izazov pa kupujem samo jednobojne tkanine koje mogu da se lakše kombinuju sa ostatkom moje garderobe. 
The second challenge is completed, and I can buy fabrics again but not as much as before. Of course, I set myself a new challenge, so I only purchase monochrome materials that can be more easily combined with the rest of my wardrobe.

Moj profil na Bernina blogu je takođe pomalo ispaštao.
U prošlih godinu dana uradila sam 8 uputstava za šivenje raznih stvari. Između ostalog, pisala sam o šivenju jastušnica i gaćica na 3 različita načina, napravila sam krojeve za tašnu od filca i kapu, koji su možda malo zahtevniji, a takođe i futrole za krojačke lenjire, kao i podlogu za tanjir, čašu i torbicu za escajg. Ovaj mesec sam pisala o pravljenju mirišljavih kesica od lavande, a za mene najzanimljivije je bilo pravljenje broša od filca. To je ono što je meni dalo slobodu da radim kreativne a pomalo unikatne stvari. 
I also neglected my profile on the BERNINA Blog.
In the past year, I have done 8 sewing instructions for various things. Among other things, I wrote about sewing pillowcases and panties in 3 different ways, made patterns for felt bags and beanie hat that may be a bit trickier, as well as for the ruler holder and the table decoration. This month I wrote about making scented lavender bags, but for me, the most exciting thing was making the felt brooch. This is what gave me the freedom to do creative and to make somewhat unique things.

A sada da pišem i o nekim drugim temama, a vezane su za blog. 
Već par meseci, u nedostatku vremena da se posvetim blogu, razmišljam da prestanem sa pisanjem, tj. slikanjem i objavljivanjem stvari koje sašijem. Posvetila sam se stvarima koje su mi trenutno bitnije i ne stižem da održavam blog na nivou na kome sam to do sada radila, a kamoli da ga unapredim. Drugačije rečeno, nisam uradila na tehničkom planu ništa od planiranog, a pitanje je kada ću uspeti tome da se posvetim.
Sa druge strane, ovaj blog je apsolutno amaterski i takav bi ostao i u budućnosti. Za sada se trudim da mi ne oduzima previše vremena pa tako mogu da ga ostavim u životu još neko vreme dok ne odlučim šta uraditi sa blogom. 
Sa šivenjem neću prestati, ono će uvek zaokupljavati moje slobodno vreme jer volim da šijem, kako sebi stvari tako i stvari za kuću i poklone za druge.
And now to write about some other topics related to the blog.
For some time now, in the lack of time to dedicate myself to the blog, I think to stop writing, taking photos and publishing things that I sew. I have dedicated myself to the things that are most important to me right now, and I don't manage to maintain a blog at the level I have been doing so far or to improve it. In other words, I haven't done any technical work on the blog or for the blog, and the question is when will I manage to devote myself to it.
On the other hand, this blog is absolutely amateurish and would remain so in the future. For now, I can leave it in life for a while until I decide what to do with it.
I will not stop with sewing, it will always occupy my free time, because I like to sew, as for myself, as well as things for the house and gifts for others.

Iako blog postoji kao moja inspiracija drugima koji žele da šiju, a nisu se odvažili do sada da to učine, hvala onima koji svrate ovde da pogledaju, možda i pročitaju šta ja imam da pokažem. 
Šivenje je predivan hobi, a svakog ko želi, a nije još počeo sa pravljenjem sopstvene garderobe, mogu samo da podržim. Samo napred!!! Trud i vreme zahteva sve čime se bavite pa tako i šivenje, a korisno je uvek i zavisi samo od onoga šta vi želite.
Hvala svima!
Although the blog exists as my inspiration to others who want to sew and have not courage so far to do the same, thank you to those who come here to take a look, maybe even read, what I have to show.
Sewing is a beautiful hobby, and anyone who wants and hasn't so far started making their own clothes, I can only support. Go ahead!!! Hard work and time requires everything you do, sewing too, and it is always useful and depends on what you want.
Thank You all!

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bela košulja/The white button-down shirt

Klasična bela košulja...
Naprosto, klasika nad klasikama - nešto što može da se kombinuje sa skoro svim što imate u ormaru i nosi u svim prilikama. Nešto što ja smatram da mi je potrebno u ovom trenutku. 
Poslednje bele košulje sam šila daleke 2007. i 2008. godine. Tada sam šila baš mnogo košulja jer su mi bile potrebne, a ako se dobro sećam među njima su bile i 2-3 bele.
The classic white button-down shirt ...
Just classic - something that can be combined with anything you have in your closet and wears it on all occasions. Something that I need at the moment in my closet.
I sewed my last white shirts back in 2007 and 2008. Then I sewed a lot of shirts because I needed them, and if I remember correctly, there were 2-3 white ones.

Što se tiče ovog modela, to je najjednostavniji model košulje, bez ušitaka. Ali moram da napomenem, šivenje košulje nije jednostavno i zahteva poznavanje detalja koji su potrebni.
Koristila sam kroj broj 105 iz Burda magazina za mesec april 2009. godine.
As for this model, it is the simplest shirt model, with no fitting. But I have to mention, sewing a button-down shirt is not easy and requires knowing the details that are needed.
I used pattern number 105 from Burda Magazine for the month of April 2009.

Ovu košulju sam iskrojila i na pola sašila u vreme pre pisanja bloga, a pre dva meseca sam je skoro završila, da bi prekjuče napravila rupice i ušila dugmad. 
Projekte koje ne završim i ostavim po strani, brižno čuvam pa im se vratim da i oni ugledaju završni momenat. Ovom završetku se neizmerno radujem.
I cut and sewed this shirt halfway through the time before writing this blog, and two months ago I almost finished it, it was left to make holes and sew buttons, and I made it the other day.
I carefully save the projects I don't finish, so I could return to them as well when I have the will to finish them. I really look forward to this ending.

Ovu košulju ću kombinovati sa skoro svim stvarima iz mog ormara, ali danas na slikama samo jedan od tih kombinacija.
Jakna sa slika je napravljena pre sigurno 10 godina, ali nisam imala prilike puno da je nosim. 
I will combine this shirt with almost all the things in my wardrobe, but today in the pictures, just one of those combinations.
The jacket in pictures was made about 10 years ago, but I didn't have a lot of opportunities to wear it.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading