Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Skinny Jeans

Moje prve farmerice!!!
Mislim na prve koje sam sama šila.
Nije baš da sam imala potrebu farmerke da šijem, ali ovih godinu dana izazova mi je postalo godinu dana testiranja mogućnosti i znanja u vezi šivenja. Tu negde na red su došle i farmerice (Ostaje još da probam da šijem donji veš od stvari koje nikad nisam šila.).
My first jeans !!!
The first I sewed for myself.
I had no need to sew jeans, but this year of the challenge became a year of testing my capabilities and knowledge regarding sewing. Somehow, it was time to sew a pair of jeans (I still have to try underwear to sew. Looking forward.)

(Ovo je pretposlednja stvar koju sam šila u 2017. godini, ali zbog nemanja odgovarajućeg prostora za slikanje, to obavljam napolju u dvorištu, a usled kiše, snega i sličnih nepogoda (I ostalih nesličnih, kao haotičan kraj decembra svake godine, a uz to, prošle godine posečena jagodica malog prsta, zbog koje mi je ruka bila tri nedelje u zavoju.), nisam bila u stanju da u prethodnom vremenu ovaj post završim. (Ostaje još da moja sestra nađe vremena da slika tipi koji sam poslednji šila u 2017. godini.))
(This is the penultimate thing I've been sewing in 2017, but because I don't have the right place for taking photos, I do it outside in our yard, and because of the rain, the snow and the similar (the chaotic end of December each year, so I cut my small finger and my hand was three weeks in bandage.), I wasn't able to finish this post in the past year. (I'm still waiting for my sister to take photos of the tipi I've sewed last in 2017. )).

Uopšte što se pantalona i farmerica tiče, moje mišljenje je da velika većina žena, nažalost i ja (i toga sam svesna), previše praktikujemo nošenje pomenutih.
Kod mene to predstavlja neku vrstu jednostavnijeg i brzog rešenja, a u poslednje vreme najčešće tome pribegavam. Iako obožavam haljine i njih najviše ima u mom ormaru, najviše i šijem, žao mi je što ih češće ne nosim. 
Generally, as pants and jeans are concerned, my opinion is that the majority of women, unfortunately, and I (and I'm aware of that), too much practice wearing mentioned.
For me, it represents a sort of easy and quick solutions, but lately, I most often resort to it. Although I love dresses, and most of them have in my closet, and most sew, I am sorry that I don't wear them often.

A sad da pređemo na tehničke detalje. 
U skoro 100% slučajeva, koristim krojeve iz Burda magazina za šivenje, a u Burdi nema kroja baš namenjenog za teksas, tj. ni u jednom izdanju magazina od 2005. godine (od kada ih ja posedujem) nema kroja za farmerice. Razmišljala sam da kupim sa interneta jedan od krojeva koji sam primetila da se mnogo šije, ali sam odustala. Na kraju sam pronašla i iskoristila kroj za slimfit-pantalone (Ja bih rekla uske pantalone.) iz Burde za mart 2014. godine, a  radi se o modelu 115. (Ja sam svakako imala nameru da šijem skinny jeans.)
Now let's go over the technical details.
In almost 100% of cases, I use patterns from Burda Sewing Magazine, and in Burda is no pattern for denim, ie in magazine issues since 2005 (I have them all) is no jeans. I was thinking of buying one of the patterns on the internet, but I gave up. In the end, I found and used a pattern for slim fit pants from Burda for March 2014, and it is model 115. (Anyhow I had the intention to sew skinny jeans.)

Krojem sam zadovoljna. Korigovala sam sedalni deo da mi odgovara i liniju struka onako kako najviše volim, produžila nogavice i to je bilo to. Ispratila sam uputstva za šivenje u magazinu jer je detaljno objašnjeno kako se ovaj model šije (Obično pročitam uputstva i uradim kako mislim da treba ne obazirući se šta je napisano.). 
Moje farmerice mogu da se vide na narednim slikama.
This pattern is good. I adjusted the back part to fit me and the waistline as I love it, extended legs and that was it. I followed the instruction in the magazine because it is explained in details how this model to sew (I usually read the instructions and do what I think is best, not paying attention what is written.)
My jeans can be seen in the following photos.

Trudila sam se da ispoštujem sva "pravila" farmerica i delimično uspela, ali nisam upotrebila smeđi konac za vidljive šavove kao što bi to trebalo, a imala sam ga. To sam samo tako odlučila jer ih prvi put šijem pa da ne pođe nešto po zlu (glupe li teorije), a napravila sam i jednu grešku: Zaboravila sam mali džep i posle nisam htela da se mučim dodajući ga. 
I tried to satisfy all the "rules" of the jeans and partially succeeded. One of the things that I didn't do is that I didn't use a brown thread for visible stitches as it should, and I had it, and I made one mistake: I forgot a small pocket!!! (Sorry...)

Stvari koje bih možda promenila kad budem ovaj model ponovo šila (A hoću, sigurno. Možda i kao pantalone, a ne farmerke.) jesu te da bih možda malo proširila nogavice (Imam utisak, trenutno, da su nogavice baš uske, a gornji deo je normalno udoban. možda je i do mojih nogu, ali ne mislim da su mi noge baš toliko debele da moram da osetim da su mi farmerke uske.) i malo povećala zadnje džepove (Mada mi se i ovakvi sviđaju.).
Things that I would change when I sew this model again (I want to make it again, maybe as pants) are that I might make them wider (I have an impression that the legs are very tight and the rest is normally comfortable, maybe even up to my legs, but I don't think my legs are so thick that I have to feel that my jeans are tight.) and slightly enlarge my back pockets (Though I like them this way too.).

A što se materijala tiče, tu sam ostala razočarana. Kupila sam u lokalnoj radnji 1,20 ovog teksasa po ceni od 10€ po metru. Oprala sam ga, kao i uvek što uradim pre šivenje, boja je ostala postojana, ali kvalitet ne, a tek kad sam ga šila i peglala, kvalitet je postajao sve lošiji. Čak sui čiode cepale niti ili ostavljale tragove u materijalu.
As far as the fabric is concerned, I was disappointed and I am still. I bought in the local store 1.20 m of this denim at a price of 10 € per meter. I washed it, as always as I do before the sewing, the color remained constant, but the quality wasn't, and when I sewed and ironed it, the quality was getting worse. Even the pins ripped the threads or left traces in the fabric.

Na naredim slikama se može videti kako farmerice na meni stoje.
On the photos, you can see jeans on me.

Ja sam zadovoljna farmerkama, za prvi put je odlično.
I am pleased with jeans, for the first time it is great.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading