Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bluza iz juna/The blouse from June

Ova bluza je nastala još u junu, a sad tek stiže na blog.
Ovog leta sam eksperimentisala sa raznim krojevima, ali sam dosta toga ostavila nedovršeno, što ću još do kraja ovog meseca pokušati završiti.
Poenta celog tog šivenja je bila pronaći pravi kroj, ali nisam imala dovoljno vremena da se posvetim tome pa sam tek napola uspela u toj ideji. U međuvremenu sam se posvetila i nekim drugim stvarima pa je šivenje moralo da sačeka.
This blouse was created back in June and is just now coming to the blog.
I experimented with various patterns this summer but left a lot unfinished, which I will try to finish by the end of this month.
The point of all that experimenting was to find the right pattern for me, but I didn't have enough time to devote to it, so I only half succeeded in the idea. In the meantime, I was devoting myself to some other things, so sewing had to wait.

Za eksperimentisanje sam koristila materijale koje sam posedovala, a za koje nisam imala nekih posebnih ideja. Ovaj materijal sam kupila pre koju godinu ne bih li od njega napravila dečiju haljinu ali sam za to iskoristila nešto drugo pa je stajao u ormaru. Otuda i ovakav dezen na njemu.
For the experiments, I used fabrics that I already own, and for this one, I didn't have any particular idea what to sew from it. I bought this material last year to make a children's dress, but I used something else for that intention, so it stood in the stock. Hence this design on it.

Bluza nije idealna, ali možda ću je koji put obući baš ovako kako na slikama vidite.
The blouse is not ideal, but maybe I'll wear it sometimes just the way you see it in the pictures.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading