Sunday, July 30, 2017

Moja ideja/My idea

Da, sve su moje ideje.
Svako spajanje materijala i kroja, svaka promena kroja, svaka promena odeće, ... Sve su to moje ideje. Ne razlikuje se ova baš previše. 
Kao što sam već pisala, ja se ponekad potpuno prepustim materijalu, da li kvalitetu tkanine ili dezenu, ali 99% biti određenog komada garderobe dolazi upravo od materijala. (Mislim da je ovde reč o 100%.)
Yes, they are all my ideas.
Every joining fabric and cut, every change in pattern, every little thing in clothes, ... All of these are my ideas. This is not so much different.
As I have already written, sometimes I'm totally inspired with fabric, whether the quality or the pattern of the fabric, but 99% of a certain piece of wardrobe comes just from inspiration whit fabric. (I think, here it is 100%.)
Materijal sam kupila na poslednjem Stoffmarkt-u pre dve nedelje, a ko me je u poslednje vreme ispratio, materijal iz priče i ovaj su istog dezena samo su boje drugačije. Ovde je podloga tamna pa se materijal ne providi, što je bio slučaj sa belom podlogom, tako da nisam morala postavljati materijal. Kvalitet materijala je isti, a boje su svakako moj izbor broj jedan.
I bought this fabric two weeks ago at the last Stoffmarkt, and who recently read me, fabric from the story and this one are almost the same, only colors are other. Here is the base dark and the fabric isn't transparent, which was the case with the white background, so I didn't need to put the lining. The quality of the fabrics is the same, and these colors are always my first choice.

Stajala sam svega pola sata pred ogledalom i smišljala šta bi šila. Znala sam da će biti haljina, a s obzirom da mi se materijal mnogo svideo i da je bordura prelepa, odlučila sam sam da haljina bude na jedno rame i da se bordura nalazi i gore i dole. Čak štaviše, iskoristila sam rub bordure, tj. krajeve materijala, koji su tehnički dobro urađeni, pa nisam morala ni htela da porubljujem rubove haljine.
Kroj haljine je jednostavan, širina je celom dužinom ista, oko 130cm. 
Manje dvojbe jesam imala, i to oko gornjeg dela. Odlučila sam da haljina bude sa gumom, ali na njoj bordura. Bordura je rasečena na ramenu jer je tako bilo bolje s obzirom da je bordura široka.
Dužinu haljine ostavih koliko je bilo materijala, meni se čak tako i najviše svidelo.
I stood for half an hour in front of the mirror and figured out what would be of this piece. I knew it would be a dress, since the fabric and the border are so beautiful, I decided that the dress should be on one shoulder and that the border should be up and down. Even more, I used the edge of the border, that is, the ends of the fabric, which are technically well done, so I didn't hem the edges of the dress.
The pattern of this dress is simple, the width is same all along, about 130cm. 
I had fewer doubts, and that was about a top. I decided to end up with rubber. The border is open on the shoulder and that's the only detail on the dress.
I left the length of the dress as much as I had fabric, and I liked it even the most.

(Nedavno je jedna starija gospođa rasprodavala inventar svoje radnje zbog zatvaranja. Radnja se nalazila u blizini i ja sam slučajno to primetila. Nije baš da mi je trebala lutka za šivenje, ali sam kupila dve (posle cenkanja). Ovo je, u stvari, lutka za izlog, ali pošto je od stiropora, može se koristiti i kao lutka za šivenje. Međutim, ja već imam lutku za šivenje pa ove dve kod mene služe kao ukras, a i dobro dođu kad nešto ne može na ofinger. Poenta priče je da mi je lutka baš dobro došla za slikanje, iako sad primetih da nisam lepo namestila haljinu.)
(Recently, an older lady sold out the inventory of her store because of closing. The store was near by and I accidentally caught it. It's not like I needed a sewing mannequin, but I bought two. This is, in fact, a display or window mannequin, but since it is styrofoam, it can also be used as a sewing mannequin. However, I already have one and these two are used as a decoration in my sewing room, they are ideal when something can't be shown on a hanger. I want to say, the mannequin 'helped' in this case.)

Još jedna od laganih letnjih haljina u mom ormaru, a za ovo leto, još imam u planu dve za sašiti.
One more of the light summer dresses in my closet, and for this summer, I still have two others in my sewing plans.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading 

Friday, July 28, 2017


Konačno! Kombinezon...
Ovo je kroj koji sam već par godina htela da šijem, ali sam uvek nalazila neki razlog da to ne uradim.
Bilo je tu svašta između nas (ovog kroja i mene) proteklih 7 godina (Kroj je iz Burde iz marta 2010.) i prošle nedelje odlučih da to sad mora da se uradi. Ili da kažem, došao je trenutak!!!
Yeeeeaaaahhh ...
Finally! Jumpsuit...
This is a pattern I wanted to sew for a couple of years, but I always had some reason not to do it.
There have been some things between us (this pattern and me) over the past 7 years (It's from Burda March 2010) and last week I decided that now it must be done. Or to say, a moment has come!!!
Šta reći!? 
Neizmerno sam se radovala ovom šivenju, ali me materijal izludeo. Toliko muke mi je zadavao da sam htela da odustanem (Ja ne odustajem, samo ponekad odložim stavri na neko vreme. I trenutno imam bar 5 stvari koje čekaju moje bolje raspoloženje.).
Kupila sam ga u martu na Stoffmarkt-u, sa još par prethodno šivenih materijala (Iz te ture, ostalo mi je još dva neiskorišćena.). Ne znam šta je, ali pretpostavljam pamuk viskoza. 
Naime, cela priča o izluđivanju ide ovako: Kao prvo, lepo sam isekla delove, spajala čiodama i šila. No, tu nastaje haos. izvlačile su se niti, a prilagodila sam veličinu igle i stavila novu čak dva puta jer je materijal tanak. Nisam znala šta više da učinim (I konac sam promenila u međuvremenu.) pa je to ostalo tako da na par mesta postoje bele linije na kombinezonu. Druga stvar je bila ta da nisam stekla utisak da se materijal baš toliko mnogo gužva pre nego sam počela da šijem. Kao što napisah, htedoh da odustanem, ali nisam.
Krajnji rezultat se vidi na slikama (Pričvrstila sam čiodama donji deo bočno sa gornjim da bi se videlo da se radi o nogavicama, a ne o haljini.) i da se primetiti da nije lepo ispeglano, a dok sam zakopčavala sandale, još se više izgužvao.
Kako sam baš ovaj materijal odabrala!? 
Lagan je, pravi letnji. Dezen je lep i pokušavala sam da zamislim haljinu od njega i nikako mi nije išlo, ali sam iz prve zamislila kombinezon od njega (Valjda mu bilo suđeno.). Ja, i pored svih ovih muka, mislim da je ovaj materijal odličan za ovaj kombinezon.
What to say!?
I was looking forward to this sewing, but the fabric made me crazy. So many troubles, that I wanted to give up (I don't give up, I just leave some things waiting, and at the moment I have at least five things waiting for my better mood.)
I bought it in March at Stoffmarkt, with a couple of previously sewn fabrics (From that purchase are only two more unused left.). I don't know what it is, but I guess cotton viscose.
Namely, the story goes like this: First of all, I've cut the pieces, connected them with pins and sewed. But it was a chaos. Than were pulled the threads in fabric, I tried with adjustment the needle size and put it new even twice because the fabric was thin. It didn't contribute to a better situation. I didn't know what to do anymore (In the meantime I changed the thread also.) so it remained that a few white lines exist on the jumpsuit. The other thing was that I didn't get the impression that the fabric so much wrinkles before I started sewing. As I wrote, I had to give up, but I didn't.
The end result can be seen in the photos (I attached the bottom part to the waist line on the sides with pins, that it can be better seen.).
How did I choose this fabric?
It's lightweight, fine and for summer. The fabric pattern is beautiful, I tried to imagine the dress from it and I couldn't really, but I could imagine a jumpsuit of it. Besides all these troubles, I think this fabric looks great on this jumpsuit.

Ne smatram da mi ovakvi krojevi pristaju pa ih zato i ne šijem. Tanke bratele ističu mršavost mojih ramena, a visoki struk širinu mojih kukova (I to se pogotovo vidi kad ne vežbam, a trenutno i jeste takva situacija.). A kako se ja ne pridržavam raznih pravila šta treba i ne treba da nosim za moj tip građe, nosim sve što se meni svidi, svidelo se to nekom ili ne (Lepota je, ipak, u oku posmatrača.). Tako da nemam problem da probam stvari koje mislim da nisu za mene. 
I don't think that this kind of pattern flatters my body shape so I don't sew it. The thin straps point out the slimness of my shoulders, and the high waistline width of my hips (It can be seen especially when I don't do sports, and I am currently in such a situation). As I don't stick to the various rules what I need and I should not wear for my type of body shape, I wear whatever I like, like it or not (Beauty is, however, in the eye of the observer.). So I don't have a problem to try things that I think are not for me.

U ovo slučaju, ja sam oduševljena modelom.
Od promena na kroju, napravila sam malo dublji izrez pozadi (Problem je bio što sam ja na pola šivenja, zbog muka sa materijalom, pročitala da se preporučuju rastegljivi materijali.) da bi mogli moji kukovi proći. Možda sam ipak trebala gornji deo malo suziti, ali nisam iz straha da ću igledati preširoko.
Originalan kroj nogavica je drugačiji sa dole skupljenim nogavicama uz nogu, ali se meni ovako široko više svidelo.
In this case, I'm very satisfied with this model.
As far as changes in this cut are concerned, I made a little deeper cut out of the back (The problem was that when I was halfway, because of the troubles with fabric, I read instructions that it was recommended to use the stretch fabrics.) so my hips could pass in. Perhaps I should narrow the top a bit, but I was afraid to look too wide in hips.

Možda do kraja leta sašijem ponovo ovaj model (Toliko mi se sviđa!).
Na slikama se vidi kako kombinezon izgleda na meni.
(Ako mene pitate, pustite mi neki disko i mogu da plešem. Na to me asocira ovaj kombinezon i tako se osećam u njemu.)
Maybe, until the end of the summer, I'll sew this pattern again (I like it so much!).
The photos show how the garment fits me.
(If you ask me, let me have some disco and I can dance. It is my association with this jumpsuit and so I feel in it.)

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Beli pamuk/White cotton

Beli pamuk... 
Ja obožavam pamuk.
Moj omiljeni materijal za šivenje. Njega bi mogla uvek i u svako doba i svašta od njega šiti.
To je neopisiva ljubav, bar sa moje strane.
Belo šijem retko, a nekad sam mnogo češće. (Šta da kaže tek crno, njega skoro uopšte ne šijem.)
White cotton ...
I love cotton.
My favorite sewing fabric. I could always sew something from cotton.
It's indescribable love, at least on my side.
I sew something in white rarely, and this couldn't be said in the past. (What to say black, I don't sew it at all).
Ovaj pamuk po sebi ima vez pa mi je zato i draži. Takvi materijali me uvek podsete na stara vremena.
Ne znam zašto, ali ja sam uvek naopaka. Sve što je aktuelno, ja ne šijem i ne nosim. Ponešto mi se i svidi pa se uvuče neprimetno u moj ormar, ali uglavnom, ne uspeva tako da ja nikada nisam u trendu iliti in. Uvek ja nešto po svome, a takva sam oduvek i bila.
Prvi put sam šila ovaj kroj i nisam ništa menjala (Jeeeee... ). Materijal se providi, postavljen je gornji deo (primeti se na slikama) i donju ivicu sam samo sa overlock-om uradila jer je dupli sloj materijala čvrst i inače ne bi padalo kako treba već bi kruto stajalo. Možda materijal nije za ovaj kroj, možda je malo više krut, ali ja i ne pazim mnogo na to, šijem šta hoću od čega hoću.
Čak sam i bratele napravila od istog materijala iako je zbog veza bilo teško šiti.
Kao što rekoh, nisam ništa menjala, ali sam dodala gumu pozadi između bratela baš iz razloga jer je dupli sloj materijala kad se sašije krut. Sa gumom sam krutost ublažila pa dobro pristaje uz telo.
This cotton is with embroidery and so I like it. Such fabrics remind me of old times.
I don't know why, but I'm always upside down. Everything that's current in, I don't sew or wear. I like sometimes something, but mostly, I'm almost never in a trend. I wear always something of my own, what I like.
For the first time, I made this pattern and I didn't change anything (Yeeeeeaaaahh ...). The fabric is transparent, the upper part is double placed (see the photos) and the bottom edge is sewn only with the overlock because the double layer of the fabric was thick and otherwise it would not fall properly. Maybe this fabric is not for this pattern, it is a bit stiff, but I didn't care much about it. I sew what I want from what I want.
Even the straps are made from the same fabric although it was difficult to sew them because of embroidery.
As I said, I didn't change anything, but I added a rubber on the back between the straps because a double layer of fabric was too stiff. With rubber is the stiffness milder and fits well to the body.

Majcu sam iskombinovala sa poslednje šivenim pantalonama iako sam imala ideju za neke druge, ali i to ću da završim uskoro. Međutim, nije loše ni ovako.
I combined the strap top with my latest sewn pants, although I had an idea for some others, I'll finish it soon. However, it is not bad either.

Ovaj kroj bluze ću sigurno ponovo da šijem (Nadam se dok ne prođe leto, mada je kod nas leto promenjivo. Dva dana sunca, pa četiri dana kiše.), ali od nekog drugog materijala, a pretpostavljam da će to biti neka viskoza koja lepo pada. 
I'm sure I sew this pattern again (I hope soon, although summer is here two days of sunshine and four days of rain), but from another fabric, maybe from viscose.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Svetlo zeleno/Light green

Postoje nekoliko razloga za ovaj džemper.
Htela sam se rešiti materijala, trebao mi je ovakav džemper i htela sam nešto zeleno.
There are several reasons for this cardigan.
I wanted to make something from this fabric, needed this kind of cardigan and wanted something green.

Materijal sam kupila za kombinezon, ali se providi pa nije bio za to pogodan. I tako je stajao, sad već godinu dana i par puta sam smišljala šta sa njim. Bilo je raznih ideja, samo da se rešim materijala, a na kraju mi je bio potreban ovakav džemper.
Imam sličan (ako ne i isti) koji sam kupila, ali tamno plavi i volim da ga nosim. (Ovo je jedna od praktičnih stvari koju je moguće višestruko iskombinovati. Kod mene će to biti malo teže jer je moja garderoba skoro sva šarena i svaki komad za sebe, ali moram se uskoro i oko toga potruditi.)
Napisah u nekoj prošloj priči kako sam htela šiti nešto zeleno, pa i jesam. Jeste da bi se više obradovala zelenoj haljini ili suknji, ali dok ne nađem odgovarajući materijal, ostaje mi ovo.
I bought this fabric for a jumpsuit, but it is too transparent and it wasn't suitable for it. And so it was on my stock, for a year now and a couple of times I was thinking what to do with it. There were various ideas, just to make anything, and in the end, I needed such a cardigan.
I have a similar (if not the same) which I bought but in dark blue and I love to wear it. (This is one of the practical things that can be good combined. That will be a little harder for me because my clothing is almost all colorful and every piece is for itself, but I want to do some work about it soon.)
I wrote in one recent story that I want to sew something green, so I did it. I shall have more fun in a green dress or skirt, but until I find the right fabric, this is what I had.
Ovaj džemper sam sašila samo upotrebom overlock-a.
Kroj sam sama napravila, kopirajući jedan kroj iz Burde i kroj mog kupljenog, a šila sam sličan tamno ljubičasti koji se može videti u priči, a pre dva meseca sam prijateljici šila takođe jedan.
Ivice, kao i krajeve rukava su otvorene i vidi se overlock šav u beloj boji, što s obzirom na boju materijala izgleda odgovarajuće.
Sve ukupno sa krojenjem izrada ovog komada ne traje više od sat vremena.
I sewed this cardigan just by using the overlock.
The pattern I made myself, copying one from Burda and my mentioned cardigan. I sewed similar in dark purple that can be seen in the story, and two months ago, I also made one for my friend.
The edges, as well as the edges of the sleeves, are open and the overlock seam in a white can be seen, which considering the color of the fabric looks adequate.
All in all, with the cutting, sewing this piece doesn't last more than an hour.

Na slikama se može videti kako džemper stoji. 
In the photos can be seen how the cardigan looks on me.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.