Saturday, April 27, 2019

Izazov - broj 3/The challenge - number 3

Završila sam drugi izazov pre koji dan, što ste mogli pročitati u prethodnom tekstu, ali još pre kraja  tog izazova sam znala da me očekuje novi. Nisam bila uspešna koliko sam želela tako da je ostalo još par stvari koje me opterećuju.
Naime, izazovi mi služe da rešim neke problematične stvari koje se tiču moje garderobe, tj. odnosu prema kupovini odeće, odnosu prema svom telu i garderobi, planiranju i potrebama vezanim za moju odeću, a obuhvatali su do sada takođe moje šivenje u pogledu kupovine tkanina. 
A few days ago I finished my second challenge, what you can read about in the previous text, but even before the end of that challenge, I knew that a new one needs to be done. I was not as successful as I wanted, so there are a few more things left that burden me.
Namely, the challenges help me to solve some problematic things that concern my clothes, i.e., my attitudes about buying clothes, correlation of my body and wardrobe, planning and needs related to my clothes, and so far have included my sewing in terms of buying fabrics.

U ovom trenutku, čak i duže, me brinu dve stvari u vezi mog ormara i mog šivenja. 
Prva stvar je ta da mi fali osnovnih komada u mom ormaru. Pod osnovnim komadima podrazumevam odeću koja se lako kombinuje sa nečim drugim od komada garderobe. Tu se radi najviše o bluzama, pantalona, suknjama i jaknama. 
Pretežno šijem vrlo specifične dezene, ali i modele i ne trudim se da sparim nešto sa nečim. Obično sparujem garderobu sa cipelama, ali to baš i nema puno veze sa mogućnosti kombinovanja odevnih predmeta, tako da pod hitno moram da menjam pogled na šivenje i da to radim obazirući se na već postojeće stvari u mom ormaru.
At this moment, even longer, I am concerned about two things about my clothes and my sewing.
The first thing is that I miss the basic items in my closet. Under essential pieces, I mean clothing that is easily combined with another item of clothing. It refers mostly to blouses, trousers, skirts, and jackets.
I predominantly sew very specific patterns, models also and don't bother to match them with something else. I usually match clothing with shoes, but that doesn't really have much to do with the possibility of combining garments, so I need to change the look at sewing under urgency, and to do this, taking care of already existing garments in my wardrobe.

Druga, vrlo bitna stvar, je moja kupovina materijala
Dešava mi se da skoro uvek kupim 4-8 materijala i da do sledeće kupovine ne uspem sve da sašijem (pola uvek ostane u zalihama) pa ponovo kupim još toliko i desi mi se ista stvar. Tako se nepregledni niz kupovine i šivenja pola od kupljenih tkanina nastavlja, a na taj način se samo povećavaju moje zalihe, tako da nije ni čudo da sam došla do stanja u kome sam. Mislim na zalihe, ogromne su i nemam više mesta za dodatne.
Another significant thing is my purchase of fabrics.
It happens that I almost always buy 4-8 fabrics (approximately 7-12 m) and until the next purchase I am not able to sew everything from that (half always stays in stock), and I buy again so much, and the same thing happens. That repeat of buying and sewing half of the purchased fabrics continues, and in that way only my supplies are increased, so it's no wonder that I came to the state I am in now. It is about my fabric stock, it is enormous, and I have no extra space for more.

Zbog dva, gore navedena razloga, došla sam do ideje za novi izazov. 
Narednih godinu dana smem da kupujem materijale samo za osnovne odevne predmete i samo onda kad sam sašila sve iz prethodne kupovine.
Najiskrenije, ovo je neizbežno. U poslednjem tekstu sam napisala da sam kupila nešto materijala, tj. iz dva puta sam kupila, zajedno sabrano, 7 materijala za bluze i 5 za pantalone. To je 12 odevnih predmeta (a možda mi ostane i za nešto više) i dok njih ne iskoristim ne smem da kupim niti jedan metar tkanine.
Kao i kada se radilo o prethodnim izazovima, svesno se prihvatam ograničenja i učiniću sve da uspem u tome da ih se pridržavam. (Postavila sam si i neke druge izazove, ali o tome će biti reći u nekim narednimm mesecima.)
For the two reasons mentioned above, I came up with an idea for a new challenge.
For the next year, I can buy fabrics only to use them for basic garments, and only when I have sewed everything from the previous purchase.
Honestly, this is inevitable. In the last text, I wrote that I bought some fabrics, i.e., all together, 7 fabrics for blouses and 5 for trousers. These are 12 clothing items (and maybe something more), and until I use them, I cannot buy any meter of fabric.
As with previous challenges, I consciously accept the limitations and will do everything to succeed in adhering to them. (I set some other challenges to me, but about that will be written in some of the following months.)

Na slikama koje slede, mogu da se vide nekoliko slika preuzetih sa Pinterest-a, a radi se o inspiracijama za neka buduća dela. U ovom trenutnku mi nedostaju bluze, košulje i pantalone u mojoj garderobi, a svakako da mi treba još koja suknja i jednostavna (jednobojna) haljina.
In the pictures below, from Pinterest, several clothing items can be seen, and these are the inspirations for some future work. At this moment, I do not have enough blouses, button-down shirts, and pants in my closet, and indeed, I need some skirts and simple (monochrome) dresses.


Poželite mi sreću da uspem u svojoj nameri jer mi je garderoba trenutno u vrlo šarenom haosu iz koga moram da se izvučem. (Čim se preselimo i sredim ormar za cipele, moraću i povodom toga nešto da menjam, ali o tome uskoro.)
Wish me luck to succeed in my intention because my closet is currently in very colorful chaos from which I have to get out. (As soon as we move and get a closet for my shoes, I have to change something about that too, but about that soon.)

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Friday, April 26, 2019

Kraj 2. izazova/The end of the 2nd challenge

Krajem aprila meseca prošle godine sam napisala jedan tekst na blogu, a radilo se o još jednom izazovu - mom drugom izazovu za period od godinu dana posle prvog.
At the end of April last year, I wrote an article on the blog, and it was about another challenge - my second challenge for one year after the first challenge.

Prvi izazov sam uspešno završila, nisam kupila niti jedan komad garderobe za godinu dana, a nastavila sam u sličnom ritmu - ne kupujem skoro uopšte garderobu, već je šijem kad stignem.
Sa ove tačke gledišta, učinila sam sebi sa tim izazovom veliku uslugu. Ne odlazim po radnjama, kupim tek kad mi se nešto mnogo svidi, ne nerviram se više jer mi garderoba koja se može naći ne stoji kako bi trebalo već samo moje telo ne može da se uklopi u konfekcijske mere pa ne kupujem ništa što mi polovično pristaje. 
Kao što se može zaključiti, prvi izazov je samo pozitivne stvari u moj ormar i novčanik doneo.
I successfully completed the first challenge, I didn't buy a single piece of clothing in a year, and I continued in a similar rhythm - I don't buy almost any wardrobe than I made it when I have time and the will.
From this point of view, I have made myself a great favor with that challenge. I don't go in the shopping, I only buy when I like something, I don't get nervous anymore because something that can be found doesn't fit me how it should nor my body cannot fit in ready-to-wear measures, and therefore I don't buy anything that half-fit me.
As you can conclude, the first challenge brought only positive things in my wardrobe and wallet.

Posle toga, došao je red da rešim još jedan problem koji je počeo da me opterećuje. Tada sam odlučila da proteklu godinu dana ne kupujem tkanine - niti jedan jedini metar. Sad videh da sam za datum početka izazova odredila 1.maj prošle godine pa pretpostavljam da je trebalo da izdržim do prvog maja ove godine.
Recimo da sam u tome uspela. 
Naime, u protekle 3 nedelje su se u okolini gde živim održala dva vašara materijala i pošto se sledeći  ponovo u blizini održavaju za 6-7 meseci, ja sam se odlučila da posetim ta dva, sad već za nama. Tkanine kupujem uglavnom na vašarima materijala jer mi je to prilika da se na jednom mestu nađe mnogo raznih vrsta materijala po vrlo povoljnim cenama. No, ako mi je baš nešto potrebno, posetim i obližnje radnje. 
Sve u svemu, do početka aprila nisam kupila ni jedan metar materijala koji bih iskoristila za svoju garderobu, tako da smatram izazov uspešno završen. 
After that, it was time for me to solve another problem that began to burden me. I decided not to buy fabrics for the year - not even one meter. Now I see that I set the start of that challenge on May 1st last year, so I guess I should have endured it to the May 1st of this year.
Let's say I succeeded.
Namely, in the past 3 weeks, in the surroundings where I live, I visited two fabrics fairs, and since the next one is again in 6-7 months, I decided to visit those two, in April. I buy fabrics mostly in markets because it is an opportunity for me to find many different materials in one place at very affordable prices. But if I need something urgent, I also visit nearby shops.
Overall, until the beginning of April, I didn't buy a meter of fabrics to use it for my wardrobe, so I consider the challenge to be completed successfully.

NAPOMENA: Što se tiče onoga što sam kupovala, bili su to materijali iskorišćeni za moj profil na BERNINA blogu. Stvari koje sam tamo šila su osmišljavane iz meseca u mesec i nisam imala materijale na zalihama, tako da je bilo neizbežno nabaviti ih.
NOTE: Regarding what I was buying, were the materials used for my profile on the BERNINA blog. Things there made have been designed from month to month, and I did not have the materials in stock, so it was inevitable to obtain them.

Sa druge strane, plan mi je bio da se rešim dobrog dela svojih zaliha materijala, ali u tome nisam bila dovoljno uspešna. S obzirom na splet svega što se dešavalo oko mene, pogotovo u 2018. godini, nisam mnogo šila (o čemu sam pisala u priči o 2. godini bloga).
Nije da nisam imala inspiracije, naprotiv, ali nisam imala volje i nije mi bilo potrebno više od onoga što sam uradila. Naravno da je lepo obogatiti svoj ormar sa novim komadima garderobe, ali kad mi se nije šilo - nisam.
Iz tog razloga su moje zalihe tkanina još uvek prevelike, o čemu ću pisati još u sledećem tekstu.
On the other hand, I planned to spend a big part of my fabrics, but I wasn't successful enough. Considering everything that happened around me, especially in 2018, I didn't do much sewing (I wrote about that in the story about the 2nd year of the blog).
It was not that I didn't have inspiration, on the contrary, but I didn't have the will, and I didn't need more than what I did. Of course, it's nice to enrich your wardrobe with new clothes, but when I didn't want to sew - I didn't do that.
For this reason, my stock is still too big, as I will write about in the next text.

Na slikama u nastavku su samo neki od materijala kojih sam se 'rešila' (a nalaze se u tekstu Izazov - broj 2.) i ono što je iz njih nastalo sledi u narednim slikama.
The pictures below are representing some of the projects I've finished from the fabrics from my stock (they can be found in the text Challenge - number 2).

(Moram priznati da me uvek fascinira, ne samo kad je u pitanju moje stvaranje, već i kad se radi o stvaranju drugih ljudi, u šta parče tkanine može da se pretvori. 
Moja garderoba je već odavno mojih ruku delo, a ja sam samouka, šijem ono što mi se svidi ili što mi je potrebno i kad imam vremena, ovaj blog i šivenje mi nije posao, već samo zanimacija, ali zamislite tek što šta su sve u stanju da urade ljudi koji su potpuno posvećeni krojenju i šivenju.)
(I must admit that it always fascinates me, not only when it comes to my creation, but also when it comes to the creation of other people, in which a piece of fabric can be transformed.
My wardrobe is for a long time made by me, but I am self-taught, I sew what I like or what I need and when I have time, this blog and sewing is not my job, it's just a beautiful occupation - hobby, but imagine what are able to make people who are fully dedicated to tailoring and sewing.)

Što se tiče planova za šivenje koji su takođe napomenuti u pomenutom tekstu, nisam uspela da ih ispoštujem. Trenutno se osećam kao da sam ih potpuno zaboravila, što i nije baš netačno.
Inače, to je takođe jedna od stvari koju bih trebala da menjam - tj. da se potrudim da ispoštujem planove koje napravim. Neretko mi se desi da nešto isplaniram, a onda se vremenom predomislim i uradim nešto drugo. Na taj način dolazim do gomile nekih komada garderobe koje nastaju nevezane jedne za druge i koje teško da mogu sa ičim da uklopim.
Tako da, definitivno, moram da poradim na planiranju i realizaciji planova.
As for the sewing plans that are also mentioned in the mentioned story, I have not been able to comply with them. At the moment, I feel like I completely forgot them, which is not very wrong.
Otherwise, it's also one of the things I should change - i.e., to try to finish the plans I make. It's unfortunate that I'm planning something, and then I change my mind over time and do something different. In this way, I come to a bunch of clothes that are made unrelated to each other and which I can hardly be able to fit with anything.
So, definitely, I have to work on the planning and implementation of plans.

Na slikama sam označila samo dve stvari koje sam uspela da završim, a koje su predstavljene na njima. (Stidim se.) Iako sam za većinu imala tkanine na zalihama, nekako sam izgubila pojam o ovim planovima ili mi nisu bile potrebne te stvari pa ih nisam šila. Skoro sve sa ovih slika ostaje i dalje u mojim planovima, a o nekim drugima biće reči u nekoj od sledećih priča.
In the pictures, I marked only two things that I managed to finish, which were presented in them. (I'm ashamed.) Although for most I had fabrics in stock, I somehow lost the notion of these plans or I didn't need those things and I didn't sew them. Almost all of these things remain in my projects further, and about some others will be said in one of the following stories.

Za kraj priče o drugom izazovu, mogu samo još da dodam da je izazov prošao i iako sam uspela u njemu, nisam u potpunosti zadovoljna sa onim šta sam uradila. Još uvek imam previše materijala u zalihama i trebalo bih da nastavim da manje kupujem tkanine, ali pri tome više da šijem.
For the end of the story about the second challenge, I just like to add that the challenge is over and although I managed it, I'm not completely satisfied with what I've done. I still have too many fabrics in stock, and I should continue to buy materials less, but at the same time to sew more.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading