Monday, May 8, 2017

Wedding dress

Ovo bi trebala da je priča o venčanica.
I jeste, ali na moj način.

This is supposed to be a story about the wedding dress.
And it is, but on my way.

Proteklih mesec dana su bila posvećena samo jednoj haljini, najvažnijoj u mom životu, rekli bi mnogi.
Zapostavila sam pomalo blog, šivenje, pisanje, sve iz razloga ne bi li izgledala savršeno za veliki dan.

Last month was dedicated to one dress, as many would say, the most important dress in my life.
I have neglected my blog, sewing, and writing, all for reasons that I look perfect for a big day.

30.aprila, pre nešto više od nedelju dana, je održano naše crkveno venčanje i naša svadbena žurka. Prvobitno je samo žurka bila u planu, ali su se, sa malo muka, kockice sklopile pa smo uspeli da organiyujemo i naše drugo venčanje. Prvo smo obavili krajem prošle godine, vrlo neplanski i spontano.

On April 30, just over a week ago, our wedding ceremony in the church and the wedding party after were held. Initially, only the party was in the plan, but we managed to organize everything for the church ceremony. Our civil wedding was held 6 months ago.

Oba puta, kada sam izgovorila da, sam nosila svojih ruku delo.
Prvi put sam izvukla iz ormara haljinu koju još nisam nosila, šarenu (Nalazi se na blogu, priča, i obukla čizme. Ne znam zašto, ali uvek sam imala želju da se udam u čizmama, ali ne zimi.

Both times, when I said yes, I wore clothes that I had made.
For the first time, I pulled out of my wardrobe a colorful dress (on my blog, and combined it with gray boots. I don't know why, but I always had a desire to be in boots at my wedding, but not in the winter.

Za ovaj drugi put odlučila sam se ipak za belu boju. 
Prvobitno je trebalo da budem u dugoj haljini, ali prijateljica i ja smo posetile jedan salon venčanica u blizini i ja sam isprobala čak 6 haljina koje su mi bile interesantne, ali to prosto nisam bila ja. Svakako sam htela da kupim haljinu, ali posle te posete sam shvatila da ću svakoj haljini naći neku manu ili ću hteti nešto drugačije. Čak je i moj brat rekao da je bolje da šijem jer ću se manje nervirati. 
Međutim, mislim da je ovo bilo nešto najteže za šta sam se odlučila.
Krajem februara kupljen materijal se skupljao prilikom peglanja više od 10%, organdin koji sam kupila je bio prelep, ali je zahtevao kao podlogu dobar materijal koji nisam našla pa sam odustala od skoro završene haljine. Na kraju 2 nedelje pre venčanja, a nedelju dana pre polaska na put, naišla sam na ovaj žoržet sa slikama, ali ga je bilo samo 4m i s obzirom da mi je za haljinu trebala dupla dužina jer se materijal provideo, ja sam se odlučila za bluzu i suknju.
Oba dela su sašivena od duplog materijala, ali sam gornji sloj skratila ne bi li dobila vrlo neprimetne, a sa druge strane, vrlo bitne detalje. Pojas sam naknadno sašila i na njega ušila ukrasnu traku sa šljokicama.

For this second time, I decided for the white fabric.
It was supposed to be a long dress, but I visited one wedding dress shop nearby and tried out six dresses that were interesting to me, but I wasn't happy. I wanted to buy a dress, but after that, I realized that I'll hardly find a dress that I'll like. Even my brother said that it's better that I saw one.

However, I think this was the hardest thing for which I decided.

At the end of February, I bought 5m white georgette and 5m beautiful organdy with flowers, but it was too difficult to work with them and the first fabric was getting smaller and smaller when I ironed it. Almost, in the end, 2 weeks before the wedding, I came across this georgette, but in the store was only 4m and because I needed a double length for the dress, I decided for the blues and skirt.

Both pieces were sewn from a double layer of fabric, but the upper layer is shortened to get some details. Besides, I made the belt to which I sewed the decorative tape.

Kada je sve bilo gotovo, nisam probala kako stoji, ni sa cipelama ni sa pojasom.
Spakovala sam suknju i bluzu, pojas, belu jaknicu koju sam šila prošlog septembra i cipele u kola.
Tog dana... Kasnila sam sa frizure i šminkanja i obukla se za 15 minuta, namestila sve kako treba i izašla iz sobe.
Nije bilo vremena za popravke i nerviranje.

When I was finished with sewing, I didn't try it, either with the shoes or with the belt.
I packed the skirt and blouse, the belt, the white jacket that I sewed last September and the shoes in the car and left there until the evening before the ceremony.
That day ... I was late with hairstyle and makeup, so I got dressed in 15 minutes and left the room. There was no more time for repairs and nervousness.

To sam bila ja u tom trenutku.

At that moment, that was me.

Lokaciju za našu svadbenu žurku, koja se vidi na fotografijama, smo lako izabrali, nismo ni razmišljali niti se raspitivali za nešto drugo. Smatrali smo da je mesto prelepo, a ispostavilo se da je savršeno.
Mislim da smo prvi i jedini mladenci koji nisu bili da vide prostor pre samog dešavanja, a sve zbog toga jer smo imali potpuno poverenje u tim koji je zadužen za to. 
Iz tog razloga, veliko hvala Club Reset, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija.

The location for our wedding party, seen in the photos, was easy to choose, we didn't even think about or ask for something else. We thought the place was overwhelming, and it turned out to be perfect.
I think we are the first and only couple who didn't see the location before the event itself, and all because we had complete confidence in the team that is responsible for it.
For this reason, thanks to Club Reset, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia.

Fotografije iz ove priče su delo jedne mlade i talentovane dame, uz čiju dozvolu ih delim sa vama (Ja znam koliko je neprocenjivih momenata uspela da uhvati svojim fotoaparatom.).

Photos from this story are the work of a young and talented photographer, and with her permission, I'm sharing them with you (I know how many priceless moments she managed to catch with her camera.)
Great thanks to Marija

Naravno, kao i uvek, najlepše hvala mojoj prijateljici Jeleni, Frizerski salon Mushu Two.
Of course, as always, most thanks to my friend Jelena, Hair Salon Mushu Two.

Čovek je najsrećniji kad nađe ono pola koje ga dopunjuje... I čini boljim...
The man is the happiest when he finds his second half, which makes him complete and better...


  1. Predivna priča o predivnoj haljini, koju samo ti znaš da izneseš sa takvom elegancijom.

    1. Draga, hvala ti mnogo na lepim recima!!! :*

  2. Anonymous10/5/17 11:08

    Prelepe su slike :-)
