Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tašne od filca/Felt bags

Ovo je jedna drugačija priča od mene. Do sada na blogu nisam postavljala tašne i neke druge stvari,. U stvari, sem odevnih poredmeta, nije bilo drugih stvari koje sam šila ili nisam, ali kako nešto završim napišem koju rečenicu o tome.
Ove zime, koja je već na izmaku, sam se zabavljala sa filcem, tj. šivenjem tašni od pomenutog materijala. Čak tri sam napravila.
Prethodno sam za potrebe BERNINA bloga pravila broš od filca koji možete videti ovde. (Na linku se nalazi i kompletno uputstvo za pravljenje pomenutog broša.)
This is a different story from me. So far, I did not post bags and other things on the blog. In fact, I did not sew other things, except the wardrobe, but when I end up something, I write a few words here about it.
This winter, which is already at its end, I had fun with a felt, i.e., I sew a bags from the mentioned material, even three times.
Previously, for the BERNINA blog's requirements, I  made a felt brooch that you can see here. (The link also contains the complete instructions for creating the brooch mentioned above.)

Nikad do sada nisam koristila filc, a kupila sam ga ne bih li sašila papuče, no na kraju sam ga iskoristila za tašne. Ovde se radilo o dve različite vrste filca, tamno sivi koji sam koristila za manju tašnu je tanji i mekaniji, a svetlo sivi i tamno plavi su deblji i poprilično čvrsti.
Moram da napomenem da nisam imala kroj za tašne, već sam smislila svoj kroj i kopirala neke tašne koje već posedujem. Sve tašne su samo probni primerci, koje ću možda i da iskoristim.
I never used a felt until now, and I bought it to make the slippers, but in the end, I used it for two bags and a backpack. These were two different types of felt, the dark gray that I used for a smaller purse is thinner and softer, and the light gray and dark blue are thicker and quite robust.
I must point out that I didn't have a pattern, but I figured out my own cut and copied some of the bags I already own. All bags are only samples, which I may use sometimes.

Svetlo siva tašna je smišljena za BERNINA blog, a nalazi se na linku, i na njemu je uputstvo šta je sve potrebno i detaljan opis kako se pravi slična tašna.
Moja ideja je bila da tašna bude jednostavna i moderna, da se može iskoristiti u raznim prilikama, i da bude, pre svega, praktična. Moje mišljenje je da sam uspela u tome, jer mi se taša neizmerno sviđa.
The light gray bag is designed for BERNINA blog, located at the following link, and there is the instruction what is required, and a detailed description of how to make a similar bag.
My idea was that the purse would be modern and straightforward, that it could be used on a variety of occasions, and that it would be, first of all, practical. My opinion is that I have succeeded in that because my bag is exactly what I wanted.

Ideju za ruksak, koji se nalazi na slikama ispod, sam dobila sa Pinterest-a, ali sliku koja me inspirisala ne mogu trenutno da nađem.
Ruksak je, kao i prethodna tašna, vrlo jednostavnog kroja. Izrađen je samo od filca, ne računajući traku, nije postavljen, a leđni deo je napravljen od dva sloja filca da bi bio stabilan.
Na prednjoj strani se nalazi rajsfešlus za džep koji se nalazi unutar ruksaka, a unutra na leđnom delu, onom drugom, nalazi se 2 džepa, od kojih je jedan sa rajsfešlusom, i traka sa karabinerom za ključeve.
Šavovi spajanja na ovoj tašni su urađeni sa unutrašnje strane i zbog toga je bilo teže izvesti da se ruksak oformi baš onako kako je zamišljen, što se nadam da će vremenom ipak uspeti.
The idea for the backpack, which is found in the pictures below, I got from Pinterest, but I can't find the now image that inspired me.
The cut of the backpack, like by the previous bag, is simple. Made only of felt, not counting the band, without lining, and the back is made of two layers of felt to be stable.
On the front, there is a zipper for pocket, that is inside the backpack, and inside the back part, on the other part, that inside is, are 2 pockets, one with a zipper, and a tape with a carabiner for keys.
The seams on this bag are made from the inside and because of that, was more challenging to make the backpack shape just as it was imagined.

Treća tašna koja je ovde predstvaljena je jedna manja tašna, a nju sam napravila po uzoru na jednu tašnu koju već posedujem. Najjednostavnije objašnjeno - kopirala sam kroj moje tašne na papir i isekla ga od filca. 
Detalji na ovoj tašni su slični tašnama sličnog dizajna koje mogu da se nađu u prodaji, nisam puno odstupala od toga.
The third bag that is presented here is a small purse, and I designed it based on the model one bag I already own. The simplest explanation - I copied the pattern pieces of my bag on paper and cut it from the felt.
Details on this bag are similar to the bags similar designs that can be found in stores, I didn't deviate much from it.

Kao što sam napisala već, ove tašne su samo probni primerci, pa zbog toga nisu najbolje kako bi mogle biti. Na svakoj od tri tašne postoji grešaka (Najmanje na prvoj) koji sam se trudila ili ću se potruditi da ubuduće ispravim.
As I have already written, these bags are only the samples, so they aren't as good as they might be. On each of three bags are some small errors that I tried or I will try to correct in the future.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading