Monday, August 28, 2017

Kraj leta/End of summer

Kao što napisah u poslednjoj priči, trebalo bi da završim neke započete letnje stvari, a koje nisam uradila kad je bilo planirano.
Ova haljina je jedna od tih stvari. Haljina za leto. Lagana. Jednostavna...
U planu je bila još jedna haljina, ali s obzirom da je, ovde gde ja živim, bilo vrlo malo toplog vremena, od te druge haljine sam odustala. (Zato je ova nedelja prava letnja.)
As I wrote in the last story, I should finish some of the things I started, which I didn't do when it was planned.
This dress is one of those things. Dress for the summer. Easy. Simple ...
There was another dress in the plan, but since here, where I live, were very little warm days, I dropped out of that other dress. (This week is warm.)
Pre skoro 5 godina, imala sam plan da šijem pod svojim imenom i prodajem (Odustala sam.) pa sam u tim nekim planovima, kupila mnoštvo materijala.
Među tim materijalima nalazila se i ova viskoza. Ja ne volim viskozu, ne volim ruže (cveće na tkanini da, ali ruže ne), a pogotovo ne roza boju, ali ne volim biti ni uskih vidika pa kupim i ono što ne volim, a mislim da bi dobro bilo za haljinu ili nešto drugo.
Almost five years ago, I had a plan to sew under my name and sell it (I gave up.) So in some of these plans, I bought a lot of fabrics.
Among these fabrics was this viscose. I don't like viscose, I don't like roses (flowers on fabric yes, but not roses), and especially not pink, but I don't like to be limited, so I buy what I don't like when I think it would be good for a dress or something else.

Prvobitno je bilo zamišljeno da ispod grudi bude volan, ali kada sam sve delove spojila, nije mi se svidelo pa je haljina u ovoj, završnoj, verziji bez njega.
Kroj gornjeg dela je kroj jedne spavaćice iz Burde, a ja sam prilagodila sebi.
Donji deo je trapeznog oblika.
It was originally intended to be a ruffle under the chest, but when I joined all the parts I didn't like it, so the dress is in this final version without it.
The pattern of the upper part is from a pattern for nightgown from Burda, and I've adjusted it for myself.
The bottom is a trapezoidal shape.

O haljini nemam mnogo toga da kažem, ali tu su slike, koje ponekad govore više od reči.
About this dress, I don't have much to say, but there are photos that sometimes speak more than words.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kao na slici/Like in the photo

Konačno da i ovde stignem.
Nisam skoro ceo mesec ništa pisala, a nije da nisam nešto radila. Radila sam svašta (Postala tetka, ovaj put jedne devojčice, kuvala pekmez od kajsija (Obožavam ga! A što mi dobro ispao... Sad još šljive da stignu.), pravila turšiju, ... Skoro 2 meseca imamo električne bicikle pa se i vozamo malo više kad vreme dozvoli (Evo drugi dan ovaj mesec bez kiše, jeeee.), malo smo i partijali, kuglali i konačno posle godinu dana u ponedeljak igrali golf (To je jedna od stvari, pored teretane, koju mi je žao što ne uspevam više.).).
I šila sam ponešto (Mada sam sela, ponovo, da zagrejem stolicu ne bi li usavršila nemački pa ne žalim što manje šijem.).
Finally to come here.
I didn't write anything for almost a month, and it wasn't that I didn't do anything. I've done a lot of things (I became an aunt again, my sister gave birth to a girl, a little bit babysitting sister's older child, cooked apricot jam (I love it. It's so good. Waiting for plums now.),  ... Almost 2 months we have electric bikes and we are driving them a little more when the weather permits (This is the second day this month without rain, yeah.), We were invited to some parties, bowled and finally after a year on Monday played golf (This is one thing apart from the gym, I'm sorry I can't do it more.)).
And I sewed a bit (I want to improve my German knowledge, so I don't regret as much as I could).

Nažalost, prve tri nedelje avgusta je skoro stalno padala kiša i bilo (za moj organizam) prilično hladno (15-22 stepeni), a kod mene na stolu za šivenje samo započete letnje stvari. U jednom trenutku sam htela da se prebacim na šivenje za jesen, ali odlučih da to sačeka 1.9. (Odajem počast letu samo zbog haljina.). Nego, sad još imam još koješta za završiti (jedna haljina, 4 kupaća kostima, 5 bluza i jedne pantalone) pa da počinjem opet nešto drugo.
Unfortunately, during the first three weeks of August it was raining and quite cold (15 to 22 degrees), on my sewing table were only plans for warm weather. At one point I wanted to switch to sewing for fall, but I decided to wait until September 1 (I pay tribute to the summer only because of the dresses). And now I still have something to finish (one dress, 4 swimsuits, 5 blouses and one pants) so I could start something else again.

Sad da se vratim na današnju temu.
Ovo se kod mene zove neplansko šivenje. Desi mi se da vidim negde sliku i da mi se, u ovom slušaju, haljina svidi i da je šijem. Tako je nastala ova haljina. Na dnu ove priče, poslednja slika je slika haljine sa interneta (u ovom slučaju Pinterest) po kojoj sam šila ovu haljinu. Nikad nisam učila, tako da ne znam (još uvek) sama da napravim kroj pa sam se poslužila krojem iz Burde (gornji deo je jedan model, a donji drugi).
Now to come back to today's topic.
This is called unplanned. It happens to me, that I see a photo of a dress, I like it and sew it. That's how this dress was created. At the bottom of this story, the last photo is the photo of the dress from internet (in this case, Pinterest) by which I sewed this dress. I never taught, so I don't know (yet) alone to make a pattern, so I used patterns from Burda (the top is one model, and the skirt another one).
Materijal je jedan od materijala koje imam na zalihama. Iako sam imala u planu nešto drugo i mislim da bi neki mekši pamuk bio mnogo bolji nego ovaj pamuk, ali nisam ga mogla nabaviti u neko skorije vreme pa sam se poslužila ovim što imam. I pored toga, mislim da materijal odgovara ovom modelu. Svakako sam od njega planirala haljinu šiti.
The fabric is one of the fabrics I have in stock. Though I had something else in my mind and think some softer cotton would be much better than this cotton, I couldn't get it in recent time, so I used what I have. And besides, I think this fabric fits this model. Certainly, I was planning to make a dress from it.

Pokušala sam u što većoj meri da kopiram model sa slike, a opet sam htela da budem drugačija pa su u pitanju manje razlike (Izrez nije potpuno isti, džepovi su kosi jer te ja više volim, a suknja je malkice šira što i ne mora biti tačno, ali po slici bi rekla da jeste.).
Gornji deo nisam postavljala jer sam imala bojazan da će biti suviše krut postavljen jer je sam pamuk krut. Umesto toga sam ivice obradila paspul trakom, ali u plavoj boji, sve da bi bilo zanimljivije, ali se ona ni ne vidi jer je unutra.
Najveći problem su mi predstavljala dugmad. Meni su se svidela dugmad na slici, ali ih je bilo nemoguće brzo naći, a čekati nisam htela. Imala sam dve vrste drikera kući, kupila još jednu, a kupila sam još tri vrste dugmadi (plave, krem i srebrne) za ušivanje od kojih je jedna na haljini. (Nisam 100% zadovoljna, ali nisu ni toliko loša.) 
I tried as much as I could to copy the model from the photo, and again I wanted to be different, so there are small differences (Neckline and pockets are not exactly the same, and the skirt is wider than on the photo, as I can see.).
I didn't put a lining on the top because I was afraid it would be too stiff because the cotton is stiff. Instead, the edges were hemmed with a true bias, but in blue, all that it would be more interesting. It couldn't be seen because it is inside.
The biggest problem was the buttons. I liked the buttons in the photo, but it was impossible to find them quickly and I didn't want to wait. I had two types of press studs buttons at home, bought one more, and three more types of buttons (blue, beige and silver) and one of them is on this dress. (I'm not 100% happy, but they aren't so bad.)

Na slikama može da se vidi kako haljina na meni izgleda. 
In the photos can be seen how the dress fits me.

I onda je izašlo sunce, baš kad ne treba, pa su slike svetlije. (To znači da još nisam naučila da koristim fotoaparat, izvinjavam se.)
And then the sun came out, just when I don't need it, so the photos are brighter. (This means I haven't learned to use the camera yet, I apologize.)

A na kraju, pominjana, slika sa interneta koja je poslužila kao inspiracija, tj. kopirala sam kroj sa slike.
Finally, a photo from the Internet that served as an inspiration, i.e. I copied the pattern from the photo.

Nadam se da vam se svidelo.
Do sledećeg čitanja.
I hope you liked it.
Until next reading.