Thursday, May 25, 2017

Makeover number 1

Ovo je prva promena koju pravim od kako sam počela da pišem blog. (Biće ih još.)
Ima još par stvari koje treba da prepravljam ili pravim nešto novo, ali ne stižem. Istina je da me je na to teško nagovoriti, tj. samu sebe teško ubedim da to treba da uradim.
A nekada sam samo od starih stvari šila, korišćenu garderobu sam prepravljala ili šila nešto novo. Nekako mi bilo milije staro da pogrešim nego novo, a i komad platna, ravan, bez ičega me pomalo plašio. Ali i to se vremenom promenilo, sad najviše volim materijal i da radim šta poželim.
This is the first makeover that I make since I started to write a blog. (There will be more.)
There are still a few things I need to redesign or make something new from them, but I don't find time. The truth is that I hardly decide on this, ie. it's very hard to convince myself that it needs to be done.
Years ago I sewed only from old used clothes revisions or something new. Somehow I would prefer to go wrong with the old things than new, and the piece of fabric, plain, without anything, frightened me a little. But that times have changed, now I like the piece of fabric and to do with it what I want.
Sad da se vratim na bit priče.
Moj muž za posao oblači košulje, čini mi se da od pre dve godine samo njih nosi kad se radi o poslu, tako da ih i kupujemo, to je sad već samo jedan proizvođač čije košulje nosi.
Sa druge strane, moj muž je i pušač, tj. nije pa jeste, ali uglavnom jeste. No, ponekad je nesmotren pa mu se dese i ovakve, kao na slici, rupice od cigarete na košulji. (Prošle godine je od nečeg drugog napravio rupicu na rukavu košulje pa sam ja skratila rukave, ali kako on ne nosi košulje dugih rukava, ta košulja stoji (Mislim da ću i nju da uzmem.).
Now to go back to the essence of this story.
My husband wears usually to the office a button-down shirt, it seems to me that in last two years he wears only them, so we buy them, it is now only one manufacturer whose shirt we are buying.
On the other hand, my husband is a smoker, ie. mostly he is. But sometimes he is awkward so happen to him, as seen in the photos, the holes of cigarettes on his shirts. (Last year something else made a hole on the sleeve of his shirt so I shortened the sleeves, but as he doesn't wear a long-sleeved shirt, this shirt stands in our closet and wait (I think I'll take her to.).
Ima već dva meseca kako je ova košulja završila u mojoj radnoj sobi i čekala. Dugo sam razmišljala šta sa njom. Prvi plan je bio da napravim bluzu, ali mi to je to bilo suviše jednostavno, a ja sam htela baš promenu da napravim i pre neki dan sam došla na ideju da sašijem ono što najviše volim - haljinu. 
It has been already two months since this shirt ended up in my sewing room. I have been thinking what to do with it. The first plan was to make a blouse, but to me, it was too simple, and I wanted to make a real change and the other day I got the idea to sew what I like the most - dress.

Gornji deo sa tregerima i tregere sam sašila od rukava, a ostalo je od grudnog dela s tim da je donji rub ostao rub košulje, ali sam deo sa dugmadima okrenula pozadi i iskoristila za kopčanje. Zbog toga sam i na gornjem delu stavila deo za kopčanje sa dva dugmeta.
Ispod grudi, na liniju sečenja haljine, sam stavila gumu. S obzirom da nisam pomerala šavove na donjem delu, to je bilo jedino rešenje da haljina dobro pristaje jer nije bilo moguće savršeno uklopiti ušitke.
Za ukrašavanje sam htela da iskoristim belu pamučnu čipku, ali mi je izgledalo da je previše pa nisam, mada sad kad gledam slike, možda bi se čipka baš dobro uklopila.
The upper part of this dress and straps I sewed from the sleeves, and the rest of the thoracic part, the bottom edge of the dress is the edge of the shirt, but I turned back part with the buttons and used it for fastening. That is why I made on the upper part also a part for fastening with two buttons.
Under the chest, on the cutting line of the dress, I put the rubber. Because I didn't move stitches on the bottom part, it was the only solution that dress fit well because it wasn't possible perfectly to make darts.
For decoration I wanted to use white cotton lace, but it seemed to me too much and I didn't, but now when I look at photos, perhaps lace would fit very good.

Ja sam prezadovoljna kako haljina izgleda na meni.
Da ne zvučim neskromno, ali ovo je jedna od stvari koje sam, što se tiče prilagođavanja kroja, najbolje izvela. Uvek se može bolje i drugačije, ali ova promena jeste promena kakvu sam htela - velika.
I am very pleased with how the dress looks on me.
Not to sound immodest, but this is one of the things I have, as far as the adjustment pattern goes, really good performed. It can always be better and otherwise, but this change is that what I wanted - great.


Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Volim patike. 
I love sneakers.

Nekada davno sam ih mnogo više nosila, a sad se ograničavam na sportske aktivnosti, vožnju bicikla ili neko baš opušteno vreme. Ove sam kupila prošle godine na rasprodaji u kišnom delu godine pa sam se pre neki dan setila da ih imam (Još nisam izvukla svu prolećnu i letnju obuću iz zimskog sna.)
A long time ago I've worn them a lot, latterly I have limited myself to wearing them for sports activities, biking or just relaxation. I bought this last year on sale in the rain part of the year so I remembered a few days ago that I have them (I have not pulled all the spring and summer shoes out of winter sleep).

Naime, uvek sam imala u svom ormaru bar jednu haljinu koja se može nositi sa patikama. Čak sam i prošlog leta šila jednu. Mada mislim da će ova biti moj omiljeni komad garderobe ovog leta.
Namely, I always had in my wardrobe at least one dress that could be worn in combination with the sneakers. I sewed one last year, but I think this will be my favorite piece of clothes this summer.

Pre mesec dana sam sa prijateljicom koja ne živi ovde obišla radnje materijala jer je ona htela nešto da kupuje i u jednoj prodavnici sam naletela na ovaj materijal i na prvi pogled se zaljubila. Morala, ali morala sam da ga kupim. Nisam znala šta ću šiti, to je bila još jedna o mojih mnogobrojnih impulsivnih kupovina materijala (Samo da ga kupim!).
A month ago, with a friend who doesn't live here, I visited fabric shops nearby because she wanted to buy something, in one shop I ran into this fabric and at first sight fell in love. I had to buy it. I didn't know what I would sew, that was only another one of my many impulsive purchases of fabrics (Just to buy it!).

Oduvek sam htela šiti ovakav model haljine, ali mi se do sada nije ukazala prilika.
Često se setim moje mame u pamučnim letnjim haljinama ovog kroja koji sam iskoristila za haljinu, a nedavno sam pregledavala slike i naletela na mamu u jednoj takvoj haljini. Koliko se sećam, haljina je bila žuta i mama je na slici ima kaiš na struku od istog platna.
I always wanted to sew this kind of dress, but I didn't have a chance until now.
I remember often my mom in the cotton dresses of the same cut I used to this dress, recently I looked at the family album and mom in one of those dresses. As far as I remember, the dress was yellow and mom in the photo had a belt on the waist from the same fabric.

Haljinu sam sašila za manje od dva sata. 
Inače, ja ne šijem brzo. Užasno sam pedantna i dok svaki detalj ne bude perfektan, ja ne odustajem. Samim tim nisam ni previše produktivna, čak se i ne trudim da budem, mada neke stvari baš brzo mogu da se realizuju.  (Nedavno me zamolila prijateljica da joj sašijem jedan džemper od laganog ljubičastog žerseja koji je kupila, a džemper joj je bio potreban baš za moju svadbu. Ona je isprobala jedan moj, tamno ljubičasti, ima ga u jednoj od priča na blogu, i kroj joj je odgovarao pa smo se dogovorile da dođe do mene i još sam rekla da ćemo brzo to nas dve završiti. Na kraju je i bilo tako, sat i po vremena je sve ukupno trajalo. Ona zadovoljna, a i ja svojim šivenjem. Tako sam ja zaključila da mogu nešto i brzo da sašijem i budem zadovoljna.)
I've sewed this dress in less than two hours.
Otherwise, I don't sew fast. I'm terribly pedantic and until every detail is perfect, I don't give up. By doing so, I'm not too productive, even I'm not trying to be, but some things can be quickly realized. (My girlfriend recently asked me to sew her a light purple sweater from jersey that she bought, and she needed the sweater for my wedding. She tried one of mine, dark purple, and the cut was the right one. So we agreed that she comes to me and I said that we would soon finish it, and at the end, it was like that, a little over an hour it was everything over. She was happy, and I also with my quick sewing. It was a sign that I can sew something quick and be satisfied.)

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Još jedna suknja/Another Skirt

Kod mene kao da je leto već počelo.
Ovih dana spremam neke letnje kombinacije, a što se prolećnih tiče, tek po koja dođe na red. Istina je da mene leto raduje, ja haljine obožavam i meni je leto uvek prilika da smislim i sašijem par novih (A ove godine šijem sebi kupaće kostime pa se neizmerno radujem. Nikad ih nisam šila pa me izazov dodatno motiviše.). A sa druge strane, imamo par zakazanih izleta i druženja pa je to prilika više za šivenje. 
It's to me as summer has already started.
These days I make some summer outfits, and as far as spring combinations are concerned, just few come to the order for sewing. It is true that I'm looking forward to the summer, I love dresses and then I have the chance to design and sew a couple of new ones (This year I'll sew swimsuits and I'm looking forward to it. I had never sewed them and it's a big challenge for me, so I'm well motivated.). On the other hand, we have a couple of arranged trips and parties with friends, so it's a few more opportunities for sewing.

Suknju sam sašila pre nekog vremena, ali sad tek dolazi na red da je postavim na blog. (Naime, nakupilo mi se par stvari pa sad pokušavam da nadoknadim pokazivanje najbrže što mogu.)
I sewed this skirt a few months ago, but just now I find time to write something about it. (Namely, a couple of things have been accumulated, so I'm trying to make the stories as fast as I can.)

Suknja je sašivena od kepera kojeg sam kupila pre par godina (Izvučem ponekad nešto od davno kupljenih materijala i kažem sebi, sad je vreme.). Kroj je ravan, a kao što sam već negde pre pisala, rajsfešlus šijem da bude uočljiv, a na ovoj suknji je (kao i na prethodnoj) metalni u srebrnoj boji.
The skirt is stitched from cotton fabric, which I bought a few years ago (Sometimes I get some of my long ago bought fabrics and say to myself, now it's time.). The cut it straight, and as I have written before, I sew the zip to be visible, because of that, on this skirt (as in the previous too) is the metal zip in silver.

Moja kombinacija za ovu suknju je pamučna majca sa printom (Sad tu moram da dodam da je to jedna od omiljenih stvari koje kupujem, posle cipela, naravno.).
Jednostavno, baš kako volim.
I decided today for a combination of skirts with a cotton print shirt (I have to add that print shirts are one of my favorite things to buy after the shoe, of course.)
Simply, just as I like.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Cipele su krive!!!
Shoes are quilty!!!

Ova suknja nije zamišljena kao vintage, ali se desilo to da sam naručivala cipele za svadbu ne bi li našla odgovarajuće pa sam naručila i ove na slikama.
Cipele nisu moj fazon uopšte, ali su mi se svidele jer su drugačije. Nešto sasvim drugačije u mom ormaru, gde sad tek kontam, ima svega. (Ne ustručavam se da nosim ono što mi se svidi i to na kraju postaje pravo šarenilo epoha i stilova.)
This skirt was not designed as a vintage, but it happened that I had ordered shoes for the wedding to find matching one so I ordered these, which can be seen in the pictures.
Shoes are not my style at all but I liked it because they are different. Something quite unusual in my wardrobe, where can be found every kind of different things. (I do not hesitate to wear what I like, and in the end, my closet becomes a mixture of epochs and styles.)

Materijal sam kupila nedavno u radnji u mestu gde živim. I ovo je savršen primer kako ja kupujem materijale. Retko kada u kupovinu idem sa ciljem da mi treba neki materijal za nesšto određeno, uglavnom kupim šta mi se u datom momentu svidi pa posle razmišljam šta i kako od toga.
I bought this fabric recently in the place where I live. This is a perfect example of how I buy fabrics. Rarely I go shopping for the purpose of getting some fabric for something specific, I usually buy what I like at the moment, so afterward I have to think about what and how to sew something from it.

Suknju sam sašila prošli mesec, ali nisam stizala da napravim fotografije.
Što se kroja tiče, iskoristila sam donji deo jedne haljine koju sam šila prošle godine. 
I sewed this skirt last month, but I didn't have time to take photos.
As far as the cut is concerned, I used the bottom part of a dress I sewed last year.

Nešto drugačije od mene, moram priznati. 
No, ponekad volim da se potpuno uživim u ono što nosim tako da me raduje neko dešavanje da u ovom stilu mogu da se pokažem. 
Do tada, suknju ću iskoristiti na neki drugi način.
Something different from me, I have to admit.
But sometimes I like to enjoy completely in what I wear so I'm looking forward to some occasion that I can show myself in this style.
Until then, I'll wear the skirt in another way.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Crna haljina/Black dress

Ja skoro nikad ne nosim crnu boju, naprosto je ne volim.
A kad se ipak desi prilika da  je obučem, to je uvek jednostavan model.
I almost never wear clothes in black, I just don't like the black color.
And when it comes to an opportunity to wear it, it's always something simple.

Model ove haljine je ravan kroj sa 3/4 rukavima. Pozadi je malo dublji i veći otvor (vidi se na slikama u nastavku) nego inače na haljinama, ali opuštena forma haljine mi je dozvolila da ubacim taj detalj.
Materijal je puniji i drži formu, a to mi je i bio cilj kad sam ga tražila pa i kupila.
The model of this dress is a straight cut with 3/4 sleeves. On the back is a bit deeper and bigger opening (see the pictures below) than otherwise on the dresses, but the relaxed form of the dress allowed me to insert that detail.
The fabric is full and holds the shape, which was my goal when I was looking for it and bought it.

Jedina mana je da je materijal i haljina prava noćna mora za slike. Peglala, nameštala, peglala, slikala i slikala i naprosto, nije hteo da se postavi kako sam ja htela. 
The only drawback is that the fabric and the dress are a real nightmare for taking photos. I ironed it, tried to look good, again ironed, took photos and again and again. Simply I couldn't set it as I wanted.

Sa druge strane, ja skoro nikada ne šijem nešto crne boje. Davno sam šila uske pantalone u crnoj boji i evo sada ovu haljinu. 
Imam još dve male crne haljine u svom ormaru. Jedna je poklon od sestre, a drugu sam kupila jer je mala crna haljina nešto što se mora imati u ormaru (Za svaki slučaj, a naravno, nisam je još nosila.)
On the other hand, I almost never sew something black. I've been sewed tight black trousers for a long time ago and now this dress.
I have two more black dresses in my closet. One is a sister's gift and the other one I bought  because the little black dress is a must-have piece in every women's closet (Of course, I haven't worn it so far.)

Razlog za ovu haljinu su cipele, kao i uvek kod mene. Cipele su uvek razlog za novu haljinu. (Živeo razlog!!!)
Ove baletanke životinjskog dezena sam kupila pre 2 meseca. I moram priznati, ja sam se dvoumila, ali me sestra nagovorila i hvala joj na tome. Cipele su jako udobne i praktične, samo još da ih uklopim u svoju garderobu.
The reason for making this dress are shoes, as always. Shoes are always the reason for a new dress.
2 months ago I bought this flat shoes with animal print. And I have to admit, I had doubts, but my sister persuaded me and I can thank her for it. Shoes are very comfortable and practical, just I need
to combine them with my clothes.

A sad malo slika haljine.
And now a few photos of this dress.

Mi smo večeras pozvani na jedan rođendan pa je ovo moj večerašnji izgled.
We're going to a birthday party tonight, so this is my today's outfit.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Wedding dress

Ovo bi trebala da je priča o venčanica.
I jeste, ali na moj način.

This is supposed to be a story about the wedding dress.
And it is, but on my way.

Proteklih mesec dana su bila posvećena samo jednoj haljini, najvažnijoj u mom životu, rekli bi mnogi.
Zapostavila sam pomalo blog, šivenje, pisanje, sve iz razloga ne bi li izgledala savršeno za veliki dan.

Last month was dedicated to one dress, as many would say, the most important dress in my life.
I have neglected my blog, sewing, and writing, all for reasons that I look perfect for a big day.

30.aprila, pre nešto više od nedelju dana, je održano naše crkveno venčanje i naša svadbena žurka. Prvobitno je samo žurka bila u planu, ali su se, sa malo muka, kockice sklopile pa smo uspeli da organiyujemo i naše drugo venčanje. Prvo smo obavili krajem prošle godine, vrlo neplanski i spontano.

On April 30, just over a week ago, our wedding ceremony in the church and the wedding party after were held. Initially, only the party was in the plan, but we managed to organize everything for the church ceremony. Our civil wedding was held 6 months ago.

Oba puta, kada sam izgovorila da, sam nosila svojih ruku delo.
Prvi put sam izvukla iz ormara haljinu koju još nisam nosila, šarenu (Nalazi se na blogu, priča, i obukla čizme. Ne znam zašto, ali uvek sam imala želju da se udam u čizmama, ali ne zimi.

Both times, when I said yes, I wore clothes that I had made.
For the first time, I pulled out of my wardrobe a colorful dress (on my blog, and combined it with gray boots. I don't know why, but I always had a desire to be in boots at my wedding, but not in the winter.

Za ovaj drugi put odlučila sam se ipak za belu boju. 
Prvobitno je trebalo da budem u dugoj haljini, ali prijateljica i ja smo posetile jedan salon venčanica u blizini i ja sam isprobala čak 6 haljina koje su mi bile interesantne, ali to prosto nisam bila ja. Svakako sam htela da kupim haljinu, ali posle te posete sam shvatila da ću svakoj haljini naći neku manu ili ću hteti nešto drugačije. Čak je i moj brat rekao da je bolje da šijem jer ću se manje nervirati. 
Međutim, mislim da je ovo bilo nešto najteže za šta sam se odlučila.
Krajem februara kupljen materijal se skupljao prilikom peglanja više od 10%, organdin koji sam kupila je bio prelep, ali je zahtevao kao podlogu dobar materijal koji nisam našla pa sam odustala od skoro završene haljine. Na kraju 2 nedelje pre venčanja, a nedelju dana pre polaska na put, naišla sam na ovaj žoržet sa slikama, ali ga je bilo samo 4m i s obzirom da mi je za haljinu trebala dupla dužina jer se materijal provideo, ja sam se odlučila za bluzu i suknju.
Oba dela su sašivena od duplog materijala, ali sam gornji sloj skratila ne bi li dobila vrlo neprimetne, a sa druge strane, vrlo bitne detalje. Pojas sam naknadno sašila i na njega ušila ukrasnu traku sa šljokicama.

For this second time, I decided for the white fabric.
It was supposed to be a long dress, but I visited one wedding dress shop nearby and tried out six dresses that were interesting to me, but I wasn't happy. I wanted to buy a dress, but after that, I realized that I'll hardly find a dress that I'll like. Even my brother said that it's better that I saw one.

However, I think this was the hardest thing for which I decided.

At the end of February, I bought 5m white georgette and 5m beautiful organdy with flowers, but it was too difficult to work with them and the first fabric was getting smaller and smaller when I ironed it. Almost, in the end, 2 weeks before the wedding, I came across this georgette, but in the store was only 4m and because I needed a double length for the dress, I decided for the blues and skirt.

Both pieces were sewn from a double layer of fabric, but the upper layer is shortened to get some details. Besides, I made the belt to which I sewed the decorative tape.

Kada je sve bilo gotovo, nisam probala kako stoji, ni sa cipelama ni sa pojasom.
Spakovala sam suknju i bluzu, pojas, belu jaknicu koju sam šila prošlog septembra i cipele u kola.
Tog dana... Kasnila sam sa frizure i šminkanja i obukla se za 15 minuta, namestila sve kako treba i izašla iz sobe.
Nije bilo vremena za popravke i nerviranje.

When I was finished with sewing, I didn't try it, either with the shoes or with the belt.
I packed the skirt and blouse, the belt, the white jacket that I sewed last September and the shoes in the car and left there until the evening before the ceremony.
That day ... I was late with hairstyle and makeup, so I got dressed in 15 minutes and left the room. There was no more time for repairs and nervousness.

To sam bila ja u tom trenutku.

At that moment, that was me.

Lokaciju za našu svadbenu žurku, koja se vidi na fotografijama, smo lako izabrali, nismo ni razmišljali niti se raspitivali za nešto drugo. Smatrali smo da je mesto prelepo, a ispostavilo se da je savršeno.
Mislim da smo prvi i jedini mladenci koji nisu bili da vide prostor pre samog dešavanja, a sve zbog toga jer smo imali potpuno poverenje u tim koji je zadužen za to. 
Iz tog razloga, veliko hvala Club Reset, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija.

The location for our wedding party, seen in the photos, was easy to choose, we didn't even think about or ask for something else. We thought the place was overwhelming, and it turned out to be perfect.
I think we are the first and only couple who didn't see the location before the event itself, and all because we had complete confidence in the team that is responsible for it.
For this reason, thanks to Club Reset, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia.

Fotografije iz ove priče su delo jedne mlade i talentovane dame, uz čiju dozvolu ih delim sa vama (Ja znam koliko je neprocenjivih momenata uspela da uhvati svojim fotoaparatom.).

Photos from this story are the work of a young and talented photographer, and with her permission, I'm sharing them with you (I know how many priceless moments she managed to catch with her camera.)
Great thanks to Marija

Naravno, kao i uvek, najlepše hvala mojoj prijateljici Jeleni, Frizerski salon Mushu Two.
Of course, as always, most thanks to my friend Jelena, Hair Salon Mushu Two.

Čovek je najsrećniji kad nađe ono pola koje ga dopunjuje... I čini boljim...
The man is the happiest when he finds his second half, which makes him complete and better...