Saturday, March 18, 2017


Već nekih mesec dana razmišljam o ovome.

For about a month I'm thinking about this.

Ja volim da šijem, volim različite stvari, volim da napravim stvari kakve želim, volim da kombinujem, volim... 
Ima vremena kad puno šijem, nekada jer mi je bilo potrebno garderobe, sada mahom više zbog bloga, ali pored toga, uvek šijem za određene prilike (Mislim da nikad ništa kupovno nisam nosila za svadbe, proslave i slično.). Istina, bilo je i perioda kad baš ništa šila nisam jer nisam imala potrebe, mesta, vremena ili sve zajedno.

I love to sew, I love different things, I love to do things the way I want to, I love to combine, ...
There is a time when I sewed a lot, because I needed clothes, now mostly because of the blog, but besides that, I always sew for certain occasions. True, there were times when I didn't sew at all because I didn't have a need, place, time or all together.

Naime, inspirisale su me pojedine internet priče da samu sebe izazovem da ne kupim išta od garderobe tačno godinu dana, već da pokušam da za tih godinu dana šijem šta mi je potrebno (i nepotrebno).
A odlična prilika mi je ovo doba godine jer mi je rođendan bio 1.marta pa sam se odlučila za godinu dana od rođendana do rođendana.
U protekle dve nedelje kako god sam šetala po radnjama (pa i juče), samo mi je to bilo na umu. Sestri, koja je juče bila sa mnom, i mužu pre neki dan, sam govorila tj. ponavljala: Ma neću da gledam, rešila sam da nema kupovine. I rešila sam, pokušaću, a da li ću uspeti, pokazaće vreme, ali imam jaku volju pa da baš vidimo do kada  ću izdržati.

In fact, I am inspired by the certain stories on the Internet to challenge myself not to buy anything from clothes exactly one year, than to try to sew during that year what I need (and don't need).
A great opportunity to me is this time of year because my birthday was on March 1, so I decide for a one year from my birthday until the next birthday.
In the past two weeks when I was at the malls, only that was on my mind. To my sister, who was yesterday with me, and to my husband the other day ago, I repeated: Well I'm not going to watch, I decided not to buy. And I decided, I will try, but if I succeed, time will tell. One thing is sure, I have a strong will so we shall see just how long I'll succeed.

Iz tog razloga sam ovih dana preturala po svom ormaru i slikala ponešto od moje garderobe, tj. stvari koje sam šila. 
Ja nisam modna blogerka, ja ne pratim trendove i ne moram da ih pratim, ja nosim šta mi se svidi i šta poželim. Šivenje mi daje određene slobode da sašijem ono što zamislim i poželim. Materijale kupujem u neograničenim količinama da sam čak pomislila da si ograničim i kupovinu materijala, ali ne mogu baš svega da se odreknem.

For this reason, I searched recently my closet and made some photos of my clothes, but only things that I sew.
I'm not a fashion blogger, I don't follow trends and don't need to follow them, I wear what I like and what I want. Sewing gives me a certain freedom to make what I imagine and wish. I buy fabrics in unlimited amounts and I even thought to limit that, but I can't give up everything.

Do sada sam šila skoro sve.
Do pregledavanja garderobe sam mislila da pantalone najređe šijem, ali ima ih dosta mojih samo sam najčešće u farmericama. Onda je ipak titula najređe šivenih stvari pripala jaknama, kaputima i mantilima. Imam par primeraka klasičnih modela (sivi i crni kaput, bež mantil, ...) i 10-tak materijala za pomenute, ali nikako da mi baš treba tako šta pa da šijem. 
Najčešće šijem haljine, pogotovo letnje. Prebrojah neki dan, u mom ormaru trenutno je oko 60 haljina koje sam šila (Nešto mi malo.)
Nikada, ali baš nikada nisam šila donji veš i kupaći kostim, mada ovo drugo planiram u neko skorije vreme da pokušam.

So far I have sewed almost everything.
Until now, I thought that I sew pants the rarest, but there are a lot of my works in my closet. Then, however, the title of the rarest sewn things went to jackets, coats, and overcoats. I have a couple of classic pieces (gray and black coat, beige trench coat, ...) and about 10 fabrics for them, but I didn't have a big need to sew them.
I sew mostly dresses, especially in the summer. The other day ago I counted them and in my closet at this moment is about 60 dresses that I sewed (It's not too much.)
Never, but never I sewed underwear and swimsuit, although this other is in my plans anytime soon.

Koristim krojeve iz Burde, uglavnom ih prepravim, neke više, neke manje. Navikla sam na Burdu, a probala sam i par drugih časopisa, ali nisam bila zadovoljna. (Malo je reći da od 2005. godine mi samo jedna Burda fali i ne mogu je prežaliti. Trenutno sam pretplaćena pa mi magazin stiže na kućnu adresu, naravno, malo ranije nego na kioske.)
Nikad nisam učila da pravim krojeve sama i to mi je velika želja.

I use patterns from Burda, mainly customize or change them, some more, some less. I'm used to Burda and I tried a couple of other magazines, but I was not satisfied.
I never learned to make patterns alone and it's my big wish.

Stvari koje šijem ne prodajem, osim ako me neko baš ubedi (Prošlo leto sam se rešila više od 10 haljina.)
Nekada sam poklanjala stvari (Jednom je nekih 30-tak mojih košulja prosleđeno na razne strane.), poklanjam još uvek kad se uspem rastati od njih i kad se nekom mnogo svide.

Clothing that I sew is not for sale unless someone really convinces me and the price is always minimal. Sometimes I give things if someone really likes or wants them. 

Na slikama se ne nalaze stvari koje su predstavljane na blogu, a ovo bi otprilike bilo 3/5 mojih šivenih stvari. Neke od ovih stvari su šivene i pre 10 godina, neke su nove, tj. neke su nošene, neke ne pa čekaju svoj trenutak.

On the photos aren't the clothes that were presented on the blog until now, and this in this post should be about 3/5 of my sewn things. Some of these things I sewed 10 years ago, some are from the last year, some I wore, but some I didn't...

Klasične košulje uvek imam po koju u ormaru (ako zatreba).
Bela mi je omalila pa ću ovih dana novu da šijem, a fale mi jednobojne. Sve koje imam su ili pruge ili šarene. 
Prva svetlo plava je jedna od mojih prvih košulja i zbog toga mi je jako draga i jedna od retkih odavno šivenih koja se zadržala ovde. Volim rusku kragnu. Druga je bila kod moje sestre, ali mi ju je nedavno vratila, treću nisam ni nosila, a četvrta je od pre godinu i po, kad sam se preselila i ovde počela da šijem.

Classical button down shirts I have always several in my closet.
I will soon sew white one because I have one and it's small to me. Also, I miss monochrome shirts, all I have are either striped or colorful.
The first light blue shirt is one of my first buttons down shirts and is therefore very dear to me and one of the few long ago sewn which is kept here. I love this collar. The second one was in my sister closet, but I recently got it back. I never wore the third one, and the fourth shirt is almost new, from the time I began to sew in Germany.

Bluze volim jer nisu previše formalne, a mogu poslužiti u svakoj prilici.
Prva i poslednja su novije. Prvu sam šila jer sam materijal već dugo imala, a poslednju jer sam isti model imala, ali u mnogo efektnijoj varijanti (bela na crvene tufne). Drugu nisam nikada obukla, samo sam isprobavala model (Siva haljina na blogu (Stara nova haljina) ima isti izrez.), a treća bluza mi je trebala za kombinaciju sa tamnim teksasom i nju baš nosim.

I like the blouses because they are not too formal, and can be used on any occasion.
The first and last are the newer. The first I sewed because I had fabric for a long time and the last because I had the same cut on another one, but in a different color (white with red polka dots). The second blouse I never got dressed, I only tried the pattern (gray dress on the blog (The old new dress) has the same cut.), and the third blouse I needed to combine with dark denim and I wear it often.

Košulje bez rukava ili sa kratkim rukavima su kod mene praktična varijanta ispod džempera na kopčanje.
Isti materijal od koga je prva sašivena sam šila jednu drugu košulji i posle je poklonila pa sam slučajno u radnji našla samo parče od koga je ta košulja. Drugu obožavam. Jedna od stvari koja se baš zadržala u mom ormaru. Poslednje dve su nove, šivene prošlo leto pa još nisu doživele svoju premjeru.

Sleeveless or short sleeves button down shirt are in my wardrobe the most commonly used with a cardigan.
For the first, I fund in the store only as much fabric as it was enough for this shirt, but I had sewed a different pattern of the same fabric before it. The second I love, one of the thing that is a long time in my closet. The last two are new, sewn past year.

Bluze... To je jedna od stvari koju mnogo volim, pogotovo leti.
Prva je bila haljina, ali se mnogo providila pa je postala bluza. Druga je šivena sa plavim pantalonama (u nastavku je slika), a druge dve su, recimo, nove. Nisam ih nosila, a šila sam ih prošle godine.

Blouses ... It's one of the things that I love very much, especially in the summer.
The first one was a dress, but it was too much transparent and I shortened it. The second is sewn as a pair with blue pants (below is an image), and the other two are new. I didn't wear them and sewed them last year.

Suknje skoro da i ne nosim.
Imam ih, po koji klasičnu, koju široku, koju kratku i samo jednu dugu. Neke sam baš nosila, a neke i nisam. Smeđa čeka ponovo jesen, jesenji je dezen. Dugu imam jer sam imala 6-7 metara tog materijala pa posle duge i kratke haljine ostalo je taman za suknju.

Almost I don't wear skirts.
I have them, a few classical, a few wide, a few short and only one long skirt. Some I wore, and some I didn't. The brown skirt waits again autumn because of autumn colors and fabric patterns. The long skirt I have because I had 6-7 meters of fabric but after sewing long and short dresses it remained enough for this skirt.

Na konto, gore ispričane priče o pantalonama, i nije baš da ih nemam.
Ja sam se oduševila kako mi odela izgledaju, zaboravila sam na njih. Crne pantalone su jedne od prvih koje sam šila, a plave su bile par sa gore pomenutom majcom.

To look back on the above-told story of my pants, it's not that I don't have them.
I'm thrilled how my suits (pants and vest) look, I forgot them. The black pants are one of the first that I made, and blue are sewn with the above-mentioned blouse.

Jakna, sako, ... Već rekoh da ih nema mnogo, to na slikama i možda još koji komad negde. Prvi kaput koji sam šila imam još uvek, ali je odložen u stanu daleko odavde.
Prvi materijal mi je bio prelep kad sam ga kupila, drugo je beli teksas, a sledeće dve jaknice su isti model, s tim što je poslednja bela nova. Šila sam je pošlo leto, a materijal sam kupila kad i onaj za prsluk koji je predstavljen na blogu (I bila oduševljena sa oba, ali se onaj za prsluk skupio.). 
Sakoe imam u tri boje jer su ono što treba imati u ormaru. Krem nisam obukla, ali stoji tu već par godina. Teget je super kombinacija na farmerke i neku majčicu, a može i na košulju ili na odelo.
A poslednja jaknica ovde na slici je najstarija ovde. Šila sam je u isto vreme kad i gore pomenute crne pantalone.

Jacket, coat, ... I already mentioned that there are not many, that what is in the pictures and maybe some other piece somewhere. The first coat that I sewed I still have, but it is not currently in my closet.
The first fabric was beautiful to me when I bought it, the second is white denim, following two jackets are the same pattern, except that the last one white is new. I sewed it last summer.
The suit jacket or blazer I have in three colors because that you must have in your closet. The beige I has never wear but it been in my closet for a few years. The navy is a great combination with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt or button-down shirt.
The last jacket here in the pictures is the oldest. I sewed it more than 10 years ago.

Za kraj je ostala priča o haljinama.
Ja haljine obožavam. U svakoj prilici, u svako doba, svakako.
Neke su stare, neke novije, nema najnovijih ovde, sve su nošene, sve su mi drage...

For the end has remained a story about the dresses.
I love dresses. In every occasion, anytime, in every way.
Some are old, some new, not the latest, all are worn, all close to my heart ...

Prvu haljinu sam odavno šila, a pre neki dan videh u Burdi taj model, drugu mnogo volim. od istog materijala imam i košulju. Poslednje dve sam obuka samo jednom za prilike za koje sam ih šila. Pretposlednja je teksas beli, a dezen je predivan pa nisam mogla da odolim iako mislim da to i nije materijal za haljinu, a poslednja je haljina za zimu od punijeg materijala.

The first dress was made a long time ago, the second I really like, from the same fabric I have also the button down shirt. The last two I wore only once for the occasions for which I have sewed them. The second from the end is from white denim and pattern is so beautiful so I couldn't resist sewing a dress although I think it isn't fabric for it, and the last one is the dress from thicker fabric only for the winter.

Opuštene haljine za svaki dan imam u tri puta većem broju nego što je ovde prikazano. Da se primetiti, uglavnom su to neke hladnije boje za hladnije vreme, ali par njih se može za svako vreme iskoristiti (Teget i sivu sam nosila na baletanke prošlo leto.).

I have casual dresses in three times larger number than is shown here. It is noticeable, that are mostly some cooler colors for cold weather, but some of them can be wear at any time (The navy blue and the gray I wore last summer.).

Haljine sa dugmićima ili košulja haljine. 
Prve dve su pravi primer onoga što volim da nosim i da šijem. Druga je romantična haljina i sa baletankama na nogama izgledam kao curica u njoj. Treću nisam nosila, a tu je već par godina. Poslednja, crvena je košulja haljina od izuzetno kvalitetnog materijala koji se ne gužsva skoro nikako, pegla se jako dobro. (Imam još jednu sličan model, ali od svetlo plavog lana.)
(Da se primetiti da ja obožavam 3/4 rukave.)

Dresses with the buttons.
The first two are a real example of what I like to wear and to sew. The second is a romantic dress and with flat shoes, on my feet, I look like a little girl in it. The third was not worn, and it's already a few years in my wardrobe. The last one, red button down dress is from high-quality material that almost never crowded and the ironing is almost not needed. (I have another one the same cut, but of light blue linen.)
(It is can be seen that I adore 3/4 sleeves.)

Ovo je deo sa haljinama sa svadbi (osim treće). Sad kad razmislim, desilo mi se da su sve svadbe na koje sam išla (tj. nisam bila sprečena da idem) budu leti. Prva je bila sredina avgusta 2010., druga početak septembra 2011. i poslednja početak septembra 2016. godine. Vreme je bilo toplo i pretoplo pa su haljine bile baš odgovarajuće, a i šivene su baš za te prilike. 
Treća haljina je od prošlog leta, a materijal je predivan i boje baš po mom ukusu.

This is part about the dresses for weddings (except the third dress). Now when I'm thinking about it, it happened to me that all the weddings that I attended were in the summer. The first wedding was in mid-August 2010, the second in early September 2011 and the last in early September 2016. The weather was warm or too warm so the dresses were appropriate.
The third dress is from last year, and the fabric pattern is beautiful.

Ja ne volim leto. Ovde gde sam sada leto je hladno, a gde sam pre bila leto je pakleno toplo.
Ali sa druge strane mogu reći, ja ipak volim leto zbog haljina i sandala.
Prve tri haljine su davno, davno šivene. Za prvu sam skidala kroj sa jedne sestrine kupljene haljine, treća haljina je u originalu bila u drugom obliku, ali sam je posle nekog vremena prepravila na sadašnji oblik, a drugu je više nosila moja sestra nego ja.
Zelena haljina je od tzv. kuvanog pamuka. Imala sam ga u 5 boja, a tri su ostale kod mene.

I don't like summer. Where I am now summer is cold, and where I was before the summer is hot as hell.
On the other hand, I can say, but I still a little bit like summer because of dresses and sandals.
The first three dresses are long, long time ago sewn.
For the first dress, I copied the pattern from one from my sister bought dresses, the third dress was originally in another form, but after a while, I restated it to present form. The second one has long been in the closet of my sister and I got it back again.
The green dress is made of cotton which I had in five different colors, and from three of them, I had the dresses.

A za sam kraj su ostale duge haljine. Imam ih 4, toliko ih je i na slici. 
Sve osim treće su od gužvanog pamuka koji se kod mene dobro pokazao za lagane letnje haljine a pogotovo duge. Četvrta je od gore pomenutog materijala kao i duga suknja.

And in the end, there are long dresses. I have 4 of them, it can be seen in the picture.
All except third dress are made of wrinkled cotton which is for me ideal for summer dresses and especially long one. The fourth dress is made of the above-mentioned fabric as well as the long skirt.

Ovo je bio deo mog ormara. I sama sam se iznenadila šta sve imam u njemu.

This was part of my wardrobe. I surprised myself what I have.

Zaključak bi bio:
Moj izazov je počeo 1.3., a to znači da do 1.3.2018. neću kupiti ništa, ama baš ništa od garderobe
Poželite mi sreću, dug je to period. 

The conclusion would be:
My challenge has started on March 1, which means that up to 01/03/2018. I shall not buy anything, anything at all from the clothes.
Wish me luck, it's a long time.

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