Sunday, October 8, 2017

Crno i cveće/Black and flowers

Da započnemo ovu drugu godinu mog šivenja, kako drugačije, nego sa haljinom. 
Naravno, baš u mom stilu, najjednostavnijom haljinom koju sam mogla sašiti.
Let's start this second year of my sewing, differently, with the dress.
Of course, in my style, the simplest dress I could make.

(Ah, da... Prva godina je prošla, a ja sam sebi dala malo oduška i napravila malu pauzu u šivenju (Nisam šila par dana, ali svašta nešto drugo radila.). Ništa se nije promenilo na blogu ili u mojim planovima, sumirala sam utiske i šta je potrebno menjati tako da me čeka i nešto propratnog posla u budućnosti. Još uvek stoji da moram da naučim ponešto o fotografiji. Još uvek imam bar desetak stvari koje bi mi bile potrebne pa ću ih šiti u skorije vreme. I još uvek imam gomilu ideja.)
(Ah, yea ... The first year went by, and I gave myself a little breath and made a pause in sewing  (I didn't sew for a couple of days and I was doing something else.) Nothing has changed in my blog or in my plans, I've got some impressions and what needs to be changed so some work is waiting to be done in the future. I still have to learn something about photography, I still have at least a dozen things that I need, so I'll sew them in the coming months and I still have a lot of ideas.)

Onaj ko prati moj profil na instagramu, mogao je videti da sam ovaj materijal kupila nedavno. Kupila sam ga zbog čizama koje sam takođe nedavno kupila za početak ove jesenje sezone.
Kada počne jesen i kiše, ja sam skoro uvek u nekoj vrsti čizama i obavezno, haljini pa tako i ovaj put. Trebala mi je haljina za jučerašnji izlet u Köln i ja sam je dva dana pre toga sašila.
Those who follow my profile on the Instagram could see that I bought this fabric recently. I bought it for a dress to be worn with boots that I also bought recently for the start of this autumn season.
When autumn begins, my outfits are almost always combinations of some kind of boots and dress, as this time too. I needed a dress for yesterday's trip to Cologne, and I had been sewing it two days before.

Ovo je jedna od stvari koje se šiju brzo i jednostavno. Nema tu nekih posebnih objašnjenja niti detalja.
Materijal je dovoljno efektan, s tim što kad sam ga kupila, činio mi se jako dobar, a kad sam ga oprala (Uvek operem materijal pre šivenja.), sam se razočarala. Nije bio loš, ali ni toliko dobar koliko sam očekivala. S obzirom na to, haljina je ovako ispala (kroj).
This is one of the things that can be sewed quickly and easily. There are no specific explanations or details.
The fabric is effective enough, but when I bought it, it seemed to me very good, and when I washed it (I always do that.), I was disappointed. It was not bad, but not as good as I expected. Because of that, the dress looks like this (pattern).

Ja ne koristim razne ukrasne šavove jer se mei ne sviđaju, ali ovaj put sam to uradila jer sam smatrala da je za ovakvu vrstu materijala bolji ovaj šav nego običan. Na slici se vidi kako to izgleda, a nalazi se na rukavima i na donjem rubu haljine.
I don't use decorative stitches because I don't like them, but this time I did it because I thought that for this type of fabric is better ending with it. The picture shows how it looks and is on the sleeves and on the bottom edge of the dress.

Kako haljina izgleda na meni, vidi se na slikama mada se meni više sviđa uživo nego na slikama (Možda  je uticalo i to što sam ulovila sat vremena između dva pljuska ne bi li slikala haljinu.).
How the dress fits me, it's seen in photos, although I like it more live than in the photos (Maybe it was that I caught an hour without rain to take quick photos.)

Evo i slika sa čizmama.
And with boots.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

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