Wednesday, September 26, 2018

2.godina bloga/The 2nd year of the blog

Prošla je još jedna cela godina od kako, pre svega šijem, a onda i pišem o tome.
Ova druga godina se u mnogo čemu razlikuje od prve.
Prva je bila puna šivene garderobe, samo sam na to mislila, planirala i ostvarivala planirano. Sve je išlo nekako lako (Mislim na većinu stvari, nešto mi uvek mora muke zadavati.).
It's been another year since I, above all, sew, and then write about it.
This second year is so different from the first one.
The first was full of sewn garments, I constantly thought about it, planned it and made it. Everything went a bit easy (I mean most things, something is always there to cause troubles.).

U ovoj drugoj godine nisam šila toliko mnogo kao u prvoj, nisam stigla da uradim sve što sam planirala, a razloga je bilo mnogo.
Kao i svake godine, krajem godine preispitujem šta sam ili nisam uradila u toj godini, pa sam iz tog razloga počela drugu godinu bloga sa blagim zaostatkom. Manje sam šila, radila neke stvari koje oduzimaju više vremena i donose više napora.
Posle toga su se ređale neke privatne stvari, što pozitivne, što negativne, koje mi nisu dale da se posvetim šivenju.
Naime, u oktobru smo konačno našli odgovarajuću kuću za kupiti (Tražili smo kuću za nas skoro dve godine.), u novembru potpisali papire, u decembru je sve bilo završeno pa smo počeli sa renoviranjem (Nije baš u potpunosti kuća odgovarajuća bila, a za nekoga to znači promena tapeta, poda, plafona i stolarije, a za nas premeštanje stepenica, pravljenje novih soba i slično.) koje još uvek traje iz gomile drugih razloga. 
Početkom januara mi je leva ruka bila u zavoju dve nedelje jer sam posekla jagodicu malog prsta i nisam znala da jedna manja posekotina uzrokuje toliko krvarenja i nezgoda.
Nažalost, početkom februara je iznenada preminuo moj otac, što je svakako donelo neka sasvim drugačija razmišljanja u mom životu.
Sredinom marta je moja majka završila u bolnici, ali se ispostavilo da nije bilo strašno, a početkom juna meseca moj muž, neplanski, a krajem jula on je operisan, ali to je bilo planski.
Sve te stvari su me najviše odvukle od šivenja, a u tim situacijama je to i normalno. Naprosto, ne može čovek da se posveti bilo čemu kad mora da razmišlja o nekim drugim stvarima.
In this second year, I didn't sew as much as in the first one, I didn't get to do everything I planned, and there were many reasons.
Like every year, at the end of the year I wonder what I did or did not do in that year, so, for this reason, I started the second year of the blog with a slight backlog. I sewed less, doing some things that take more time and effort.
After that, there were some personal things, positive and negative, which did not give me to dedicate myself to sewing.
Namely, in October we finally found the right house to buy (We've been looking for a home for us almost two years.), signed paperwork in November, everything was finished in December and we started renovating ((The house was not quite adequate, and for someone it means changing the wallpapers, the floor, the ceiling, and the carpentry, and for us to move the stairs, make new rooms and similar.) that still lasts for a whole bunch of other reasons.
At the beginning of January, my arm was in the bend of two weeks because I had cut my finger and that one wound caused so much bleeding and inability.
Unfortunately, my father suddenly passed away at the beginning of February, which certainly gave me some very different thoughts in my life.
In mid-March, my mother ended up in the hospital, but it turned out not to be terrible, and at the beginning of June my husband was unplanned also in hospital, and at the end of July he was operative, but that was planned.
All these things have taken me away most from sewing, and in those situations it is normal. Sometimes a man can't devote himself to something because he has to think about other more important things like health and family.

Nisam puno šila u ovoj drugoj godini, ali iako mi je neizmerno žao, nisam mogla više.
Sašila sam 27 odevnih predmeta i tri puta sam šila donji veš.
Izuzimajući šorceve kojih je bilo 7 i troje pantalona, najviše sam opet šila haljine i to njih 7, zatim bluze - 5 komada, a iako sam planirala više, sašila sam jedan kaput i jednu jaknu.
I didn't sew a lot in this second year, but even though I was inexcusably sorry, I couldn't do more.
I sewed 27 garments and three times underwear.
Except for the seven shorts and three trousers, I mostly sewed the dresses again - 7, then the blouses - 5 pieces, and although I planned more, I made only one coat and one jacket.

Nisam nezadovoljna, komadi koje sam šila su svakako posebni i meni dragi. Haljine su prelepe, iako ih nisam nosila, volim da ih šijem, a svakako se radujem prilici da ih obučem. Za leto, koje je za nama, sam šila praktične stvari koje su mi bile potrebne i nije ih mnogo.
Bluza opet nisam šila mnogo, ali planiram uskoro više, kao i pantalona.
Kaput je samo jedan ovde, a materijala imam za bar 10 tako da me to čeka i ove zime (A i još uvek mi fale neki modeli i boje u ormaru.). Ista situacija je i sa jaknama.
Donji veš je još jedan u nizu izazova u šivenju novog i meni nepoznatog. Krećem se malim koracima jer sam previše detaljna i precizna pa kad već učim nešto novo to ide sporo.
I'm not dissatisfied, the garments I've been sewed are undoubtedly unique. Dresses are pretty, although I didn't wear them, I love to make them, and I'm certainly looking forward to wearing them. For the summer, which was for us, I was making the practical things that I needed and not many.
The blouses I didn't sew much again, but I plan soon more, just like the pants.
The coat is only one here and the fabrics I have for at least 10, so I'm waiting for this winter (And still some models and colors are missing in my closet). The same situation is with jackets.
The underwear is another in a series of challenges in sewing the new and unknown to me. I'm getting small steps because I'm too detailed and precise so when I'm learning something new it's going slow.

Na slikama ispod možete da vidite sve pomenute odevne predmete i to poređane hronološkim redom, baš kao što sam predstavila i prvu godinu bloga.
In the pictures below you can see all of the items mentioned above, in chronological order, just as I presented the first year of the blog.

Ove godine sa šila i za druge ljude, što inače ne radim. U novembru za moju prijateljicu Claudia, i sa tim je počelo. U decembru sam sašila jedan tipi, ali ga još uvek nisam slikala, ali je moja sestra uspela da sila moje nećake u pidžamama koje sam im šila. U junu sam sašila 4 haljinice za dve devojčice 2 i 4 godine stare, ali nisam napravila slike, a devojčicama su preslatko stajale.
Šila sam, takođe, za dve nepoznate žene. Naime, zamolile su me da pokušam da šijem haljine za flamenco. One su prezadovoljne pa me čeka nastavak šivenja odeće za flamenco.
Umalo da zaboravim, šila sam jednu suknju za rođendanski poklon.
Kao što napisah, ne šijem za druge ljude i neću to ni u budućnosti raditi. Napravim ponekad nešto za nećake (ćebad su bila poslednja) i eventualno za po koju prijateljicu koja baš silno nešto želi i to je dosta od mene.
In this 2nd year, I sewed for other people too, what I don't usually do. In November for my friend Claudia, and it started with that. In December, I made one tipi, but I still didn't take photos, my sister managed to force my nephews into the pajamas and the pictures are on the blog. In June I sewed four dresses for two little girls, 2 and 4 years old, and they were adorable in them.
I also made, for two women, which I don't know before. Namely, they asked me to try to sew flamenco dresses. They are overwhelmed and waiting for me to continue sewing their flamenco garments.
I almost forget I made one skirt as a birthday present.
As I wrote, I don't sew for other people, and I will not do that in the future either. Sometimes I do something for my niece and nephew (last were the blankets) and possibly for any friend who really wants something and that is all from me.

Završila sam jedan izazov i počela drugi. Prvi izazov sam u martu uspešno završila, nisam kupila godinu dana nijedan komad garderobe, a čak i posle toga nisam mnogo kupovala. Ne znam kako to da napišem, ali nemam želju za kupovinom garderobe.
No, preterala sam na nekoj drugoj strani, pa sam pored gomile materijala koje već imam kupila još mnogo, a znala sam da fizički ne mogu da postignem toliko da sašijem. Zbog toga sam sebi zadala novi, drugi po redu izazov.
I finished one challenge and started another. My first challenge in March ended successfully, I didn't buy a piece of wardrobe for a year and even after that, I didn't buy much. I can tell, I don't have the desire to buy a wardrobe.
But I've gone over to some other side, so besides a bunch of fabrics I've already have, I bought many more, but I knew I couldn't physically succeed so much to sew. That is why I gave myself the new, second challenge.

U vezi ostalih sadržaja na blogu, malo sam zakazala. Na blogu je samo jedna priča o hrani i na moju veliku žalost, samo jedna priča o putovanjima i to je priča o prelepoj Barseloni. Zbog svega gore navedenog, nismo mnogo putovali, a početkom juna smo posetili još jedan prelepi grad - Budimpeštu, ali ja o tome nisam pisala niti postavila slike jer nisam imala prilike kada smo se vratili sa putovanja i posle sam odustala od toga.
About the other content on the blog, I've failed. There is only one story about food and my great sorrow, on the blog is just one story about traveling, and that is the story of the overwhelming Barcelona. Because of all the above, we didn't travel a lot, and at the beginning of June we visited another beautiful city - Budapest, but I didn't write or post pictures about it because I didn't have the opportunity when we came back from the trip and after that, I gave up.

Uz sve nevolje koje sam imala na ličnom planu pa zbog toga manje šila, za blog se desila jedna vrlo bitna stvar, tj. za mene, ali zbog bloga i zbog toga što me je muž u prvoj godini bloga častio novom mašinom za šivenje marke BERNINA.
Naime, polovinom aprila me je putem mail-a kontaktirala osoba iz marketing tima Bernine sa ponudom, da li bih možda pisala za BERNINA blog na engleskom jeziku.
Povodom tog odgovora sam se mnogo dvoumila. Pisanje bloga, pre toga šivenje (koje bih i inače radila), pravljenje slika i sređivanje, zahteva mnogo vremena i truda. Ako bi se moralo meriti sa nečim, ja bih rekla da je to kao jedan normalan posao, 5 puta nedeljno, 8 sati, ako ne i više. (Divim se ljudima koji pored redovnog posla uspevaju da pišu i održavaju blog. Istina, neki blogovi su jednostavniji, ali opet zahtevaju mnogo pripreme, rada i realizacije planiranog.) Na kraju je moja odluka bila da - pristala sam da pišem za BERNINA blog, a moj profil se može naći na link-u Jelena.
Što se mojih zaduženja tiče, potrebno je da jednom mesečno, najmanje jednom u dva meseca, napišem jednu priču sa uputstvom za šivenje ili temom šivenja. Priča treba da bude jednostavna i svima pristupačna, što je predstavljalo za mene, a i još uvek je, veliki izazov. Nikad nisam pisala uputstva za šivenje, a pogotovo ne na engleskom jeziku, a sa druga strane, trebalo je smisliti nešto za šiti i razraditi samu ideju. Do sada sam napisala tri priče i nadam se da postajem sve bolja i bolja.
Moja prva priča je bila na blogu krajem meseca juna, a napisala sam uputstvo sa slikama o šivenju tašne za plažu, druga priča sa kraja jula je o jednostavnoj polukrug suknji, a treća od prošlog meseca je priča o šivenju ćebadi
Za sada, ja sam zadovoljna sa saradnjom, a videćemo kako će se dalje odvijati stvari.
With all the trouble I had on a personal plane, and therefore less sewing, a significant thing happened to the blog, that is, for me, but because of the blog and because my husband bought me in the first year of the blog the BERNINA sewing machine.
In the middle of April, I was contacted by one person from Bernina's online marketing team by email, if I could have written for the BERNINA blog in English.
On the occasion of the answer, I had many doubts. Writing a blog, before that, the sewing (which I would anyway do), taking pictures and arranging, takes a lot of time and effort. If it could be compared to anything, I would say it's like a regular job, five days a week, 8 hours, if not more. (Some blogs are more straightforward than others but still require many preparations, work, and realization of the plan.) In the end, I decided to write for BERNINA's blog, and my profile can be found on the link.
What are my responsibilities are concerned, it is necessary once a month, at least once every two months, to write a story with instructions for sewing or sewing theme. The story should be simple and accessible to everyone, which was for me, and is still a big challenge. I have never written the instructions for sewing, especially not in English, and on the other hand, I had to think up something to sew and develop the idea. So far I have written three posts, and I hope to become better and better.
My first story was on the blog at the end of June, and I wrote an instruction with pictures about beach bag sewing, the second story from the end of July was about the simple half-circle skirt, and the third of last month was the story about blankets.
For now, I'm happy with that cooperation, and we'll see how it will continue.

A što se tiče mojih mašina, od pre 3 meseca u mojoj šivaćoj sobi je nova endlarica Bernina L460.
And as far as my sewing machines are concerned, since three months ago in my sewing room is a new serger/overlocker Bernina L460.

Evo zaboravih još jednu vrlo bitnu stvar za blog.
Sredinom jula sam dobila etikete za odeću koju šijem. I to samo 50 komada, što će naravno biti dovoljno za celu sledeću godinu, i dobar deo godine posle te, nadam se.
Dizajn slova i boje sam izabrala u roku od 5 minuta i naručila, nisam puno razmišljala moram priznati, ali mi se etikete sviđaju.
Anyway, I forgot another significant thing for the blog and my clothes.
In mid-July, I got the labels for my clothes. And that's just 50 pieces, which will, of course, be enough for next year, and a good part of the year after that, I hope so.
Design, font, and colors I chose within 5 minutes and ordered, I didn't think much I have to admit, but I like it.

Na kraju ostaje priča o stvarima koje trebam da menjam ili da uradim u budućnosti.
Ovaj blog nije savršen, mučim se sa slikama i mojim raspoloženjem na njima, ali se ne opterećujem time. Ne mogu čekati da sve savršeno uradim pa onda da postavim priču jer bi to trajalo u nedogled tako da sam odlučila da me ne opterećuje činjenica da blog nije savršen - jednostavno šijem, slikam i pišem. To se posebno odnosi na temu fotografisanja, sa čime se još uvek mučim i nisam puno odmakla, ali definitivno moram naći vremena za to.
Druga stvar koje me pomalo iritira jeste da previše toga isplaniram, tj. imam mnogo ideja, a ne postižem većinu da uradim. Trudim se da ne pravim velike pauze na blogu i nadam se da uspevam. (2018. je do sada bila mnogo teška godina za mene i jedva čekam da se završi.)
Trudim se da šijem raznovrsnu garderobu jer mi je potrebna, ali uvek mi fali ponešto (Verovatno da će neki sledeći izazov biti uklapanje moje dosadašnje garderobe i plansko šivenje nove kao dopuna moje dosadašnje.). To bi bila treća stvar koju treba da menjam - više da šijem stvari koje se uklapaju u moju postojeću garderobu.
Poslednje je to da ću dobiti novu sobu za šivenje i mnogo se radujem, a već duže planiram kako ću sve organizovati i namestiti.
In the end, there is a story about the things I need to change or do in the future.
This blog is not perfect, I'm still struggeling with the pictures and my moods on them, but I'm not burdened with it. I can't wait to do it perfectly, already I post a story because it would go endless so I decided not to be overwhelmed by the fact that the blog is not perfect - I merely sew, take photos and write. It is especially true of the topic of photography, which still makes me difficulties and I haven't made enough progress, but I urgently have to find time to do that.
The other thing that annoys me is that I plan too much, so I have a lot of ideas, and I don't succeed in getting the most of them. I try not to make big breaks on the blog, and I hope to achieve that. (2018 has so far been a very tough year for me, and I can't wait to its end.)
I try to sew various garments because I need them, but I always miss more. (It is likely that some of the next challenges will be to plan new clothes as a complement to my previous ones.). That would be the third thing I should go to - to sew items that fit into my existing wardrobe.
The last thing is that I will get a new sewing room next year and I'm very happy. Therefore, I'm planning already on how to organize everything.

Uvek pred kraj godine razmatram sve što sam uradila i šta nisam u godini koja prolazi, tako da me opet hvata razmišljanje o prestanku pisanja ovog bloga. Razlog je ponovo taj da bih trebala da završim neke stvari koje su mi potrebne u nekim drugim aspektima mog života, a stvar je u tome da blog nije kriv već manjak volje za te stvari. I žao mi je zbog toga...
Always at the end of the year, I've been thinking of everything I did and what I didn't do in the year that passed, so I was re-thinking about the end of writing this blog. The reason is again that I should finish some of the things I need in some other aspects of my life, and the matter is that the blog is not the reason for not completing them, but the lack of will for those things is. And I'm sorry about it ...

Hvala svima onima koji pogledaju slike, onima koji i pročitaju tekst takođe...
Hvala mojoj porodici, oni znaju koliko ih ja volim i da zbog njih nisam stala.
Thanks to all those who take a look at the pictures, those who read the text...
Thanks to my family, they know how much I love them, and because of them, I did not stop.

Ja volim da šijem i to se ne menja... Ne verujem da će se to ikada promeniti. Kao što sam već napisala, uvek imam novih i starih ideja.
I love to sew, and it does not change... I do not believe that this will ever change. As I have already written, I always have new and old ideas.

Ovo je, inače, moja 100. priča na blogu. Jeeeee...
This is, otherwise, my 100th story on the blog. Yeah...

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

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