Sunday, May 14, 2017


Cipele su krive!!!
Shoes are quilty!!!

Ova suknja nije zamišljena kao vintage, ali se desilo to da sam naručivala cipele za svadbu ne bi li našla odgovarajuće pa sam naručila i ove na slikama.
Cipele nisu moj fazon uopšte, ali su mi se svidele jer su drugačije. Nešto sasvim drugačije u mom ormaru, gde sad tek kontam, ima svega. (Ne ustručavam se da nosim ono što mi se svidi i to na kraju postaje pravo šarenilo epoha i stilova.)
This skirt was not designed as a vintage, but it happened that I had ordered shoes for the wedding to find matching one so I ordered these, which can be seen in the pictures.
Shoes are not my style at all but I liked it because they are different. Something quite unusual in my wardrobe, where can be found every kind of different things. (I do not hesitate to wear what I like, and in the end, my closet becomes a mixture of epochs and styles.)

Materijal sam kupila nedavno u radnji u mestu gde živim. I ovo je savršen primer kako ja kupujem materijale. Retko kada u kupovinu idem sa ciljem da mi treba neki materijal za nesšto određeno, uglavnom kupim šta mi se u datom momentu svidi pa posle razmišljam šta i kako od toga.
I bought this fabric recently in the place where I live. This is a perfect example of how I buy fabrics. Rarely I go shopping for the purpose of getting some fabric for something specific, I usually buy what I like at the moment, so afterward I have to think about what and how to sew something from it.

Suknju sam sašila prošli mesec, ali nisam stizala da napravim fotografije.
Što se kroja tiče, iskoristila sam donji deo jedne haljine koju sam šila prošle godine. 
I sewed this skirt last month, but I didn't have time to take photos.
As far as the cut is concerned, I used the bottom part of a dress I sewed last year.

Nešto drugačije od mene, moram priznati. 
No, ponekad volim da se potpuno uživim u ono što nosim tako da me raduje neko dešavanje da u ovom stilu mogu da se pokažem. 
Do tada, suknju ću iskoristiti na neki drugi način.
Something different from me, I have to admit.
But sometimes I like to enjoy completely in what I wear so I'm looking forward to some occasion that I can show myself in this style.
Until then, I'll wear the skirt in another way.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.


  1. Replies
    1. 😘 Bas se pitah ko mi ostavio komentar, kad ono ti. Thanks.🤗
