Showing posts with label ruffle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ruffle. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2017

Poklon/The gift

Pišem ovu priču, a haljina više nije kod mene.
Napravila sam slike pre 2 nedelje, ali nisam stigla da napišem priču.
Prošlu nedelju sam provela u Novom Sadu (Lieblingsstadt mu ja tepam, a to znači dragi/omiljeni grad, volim tu nemačku reč.) i videla se par puta sa jednom prijateljicom. Ostala sam joj 'dužna' sitnicu i obećala nešto sašiti (Ima par mojih prijateljica koje imaju ponešto mojih stvari, ali pomenuta prijateljica ima najviše haljina koje sam ja šila.), haljina mi je stajala u koferu pa sam je odnela prijateljici na probu i ostala je kod nje. Ona se oduševila, a ja sam joj rekla da ću ipak pustiti priču (ako se slaže, a složila se).
I am writing this story and the dress isn't in my closet anymore.
I took the photos 2 weeks ago, but I haven't found time to write the story.
Last week I spent in Novi Sad (Lieblingsstadt, which means beloved/favorite city) and was a couple of times with one of my girlfriends. I stayed her 'obliged' something and promised to sew anything (There are a couple of my friends that have some of my clothes, but mentioned friend has a few dresses which I sewed.). How this dress was in my suitcase, I gave it to her. She was thrilled, and I told her that I still want to write a story (if she agrees, and she agreed).
Sašila sam haljinu pre 3-4 meseca, jedno veče sam planirala šta od kojeg materijala da šijem i dobila sam
ideju za ovu haljinu, izvukla šta imam od puplina na zalihama i sašila je za par sati.
To je od onih stvari koje ne planirate, već se naprosto pojavi ideja i vi je realizujete, ne razmišljajući puno.
I sewed this dress before 3-4 months, one evening I planned what to sew from fabric which I had in my stocks and got the idea for this dress, pulled out some of the poplins and sewed it in a few hours.
It was one of those things you don't plan, you simply get the idea and realize it, without thinking too much.

Haljina je jednostavnog A kroja sa volanom dole. Interesantno je to, da su pruge tela haljine i volana su okomito postavljene. 
Pozadi sam ostavila otvor i ovaj put stavila belu traku za vezanje.
The cut of this dress is a simple A-line with a ruffle on the edge at the end. Interestingly, the stripes on dress body and on ruffle are vertically mounted.
I left the hole in the back and this time put a white band.

Kako meni haljina stoji, može se videti na slikama. 
How I look in the dress can be seen in the pictures.

U nekim haljinama se osećam kao lutka.
In some dresses, I feel like a doll.

Do sledećeg čitanja, ali nadam se uskoro. Iako sam na odmoru, imam sašivenih stvari koje čekaju slikanje.
Until next reading, but hopefully soon. Although I am on vacation, I have sewn things waiting for stories.