Showing posts with label kraj izazova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kraj izazova. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2019

Kraj 2. izazova/The end of the 2nd challenge

Krajem aprila meseca prošle godine sam napisala jedan tekst na blogu, a radilo se o još jednom izazovu - mom drugom izazovu za period od godinu dana posle prvog.
At the end of April last year, I wrote an article on the blog, and it was about another challenge - my second challenge for one year after the first challenge.

Prvi izazov sam uspešno završila, nisam kupila niti jedan komad garderobe za godinu dana, a nastavila sam u sličnom ritmu - ne kupujem skoro uopšte garderobu, već je šijem kad stignem.
Sa ove tačke gledišta, učinila sam sebi sa tim izazovom veliku uslugu. Ne odlazim po radnjama, kupim tek kad mi se nešto mnogo svidi, ne nerviram se više jer mi garderoba koja se može naći ne stoji kako bi trebalo već samo moje telo ne može da se uklopi u konfekcijske mere pa ne kupujem ništa što mi polovično pristaje. 
Kao što se može zaključiti, prvi izazov je samo pozitivne stvari u moj ormar i novčanik doneo.
I successfully completed the first challenge, I didn't buy a single piece of clothing in a year, and I continued in a similar rhythm - I don't buy almost any wardrobe than I made it when I have time and the will.
From this point of view, I have made myself a great favor with that challenge. I don't go in the shopping, I only buy when I like something, I don't get nervous anymore because something that can be found doesn't fit me how it should nor my body cannot fit in ready-to-wear measures, and therefore I don't buy anything that half-fit me.
As you can conclude, the first challenge brought only positive things in my wardrobe and wallet.

Posle toga, došao je red da rešim još jedan problem koji je počeo da me opterećuje. Tada sam odlučila da proteklu godinu dana ne kupujem tkanine - niti jedan jedini metar. Sad videh da sam za datum početka izazova odredila 1.maj prošle godine pa pretpostavljam da je trebalo da izdržim do prvog maja ove godine.
Recimo da sam u tome uspela. 
Naime, u protekle 3 nedelje su se u okolini gde živim održala dva vašara materijala i pošto se sledeći  ponovo u blizini održavaju za 6-7 meseci, ja sam se odlučila da posetim ta dva, sad već za nama. Tkanine kupujem uglavnom na vašarima materijala jer mi je to prilika da se na jednom mestu nađe mnogo raznih vrsta materijala po vrlo povoljnim cenama. No, ako mi je baš nešto potrebno, posetim i obližnje radnje. 
Sve u svemu, do početka aprila nisam kupila ni jedan metar materijala koji bih iskoristila za svoju garderobu, tako da smatram izazov uspešno završen. 
After that, it was time for me to solve another problem that began to burden me. I decided not to buy fabrics for the year - not even one meter. Now I see that I set the start of that challenge on May 1st last year, so I guess I should have endured it to the May 1st of this year.
Let's say I succeeded.
Namely, in the past 3 weeks, in the surroundings where I live, I visited two fabrics fairs, and since the next one is again in 6-7 months, I decided to visit those two, in April. I buy fabrics mostly in markets because it is an opportunity for me to find many different materials in one place at very affordable prices. But if I need something urgent, I also visit nearby shops.
Overall, until the beginning of April, I didn't buy a meter of fabrics to use it for my wardrobe, so I consider the challenge to be completed successfully.

NAPOMENA: Što se tiče onoga što sam kupovala, bili su to materijali iskorišćeni za moj profil na BERNINA blogu. Stvari koje sam tamo šila su osmišljavane iz meseca u mesec i nisam imala materijale na zalihama, tako da je bilo neizbežno nabaviti ih.
NOTE: Regarding what I was buying, were the materials used for my profile on the BERNINA blog. Things there made have been designed from month to month, and I did not have the materials in stock, so it was inevitable to obtain them.

Sa druge strane, plan mi je bio da se rešim dobrog dela svojih zaliha materijala, ali u tome nisam bila dovoljno uspešna. S obzirom na splet svega što se dešavalo oko mene, pogotovo u 2018. godini, nisam mnogo šila (o čemu sam pisala u priči o 2. godini bloga).
Nije da nisam imala inspiracije, naprotiv, ali nisam imala volje i nije mi bilo potrebno više od onoga što sam uradila. Naravno da je lepo obogatiti svoj ormar sa novim komadima garderobe, ali kad mi se nije šilo - nisam.
Iz tog razloga su moje zalihe tkanina još uvek prevelike, o čemu ću pisati još u sledećem tekstu.
On the other hand, I planned to spend a big part of my fabrics, but I wasn't successful enough. Considering everything that happened around me, especially in 2018, I didn't do much sewing (I wrote about that in the story about the 2nd year of the blog).
It was not that I didn't have inspiration, on the contrary, but I didn't have the will, and I didn't need more than what I did. Of course, it's nice to enrich your wardrobe with new clothes, but when I didn't want to sew - I didn't do that.
For this reason, my stock is still too big, as I will write about in the next text.

Na slikama u nastavku su samo neki od materijala kojih sam se 'rešila' (a nalaze se u tekstu Izazov - broj 2.) i ono što je iz njih nastalo sledi u narednim slikama.
The pictures below are representing some of the projects I've finished from the fabrics from my stock (they can be found in the text Challenge - number 2).

(Moram priznati da me uvek fascinira, ne samo kad je u pitanju moje stvaranje, već i kad se radi o stvaranju drugih ljudi, u šta parče tkanine može da se pretvori. 
Moja garderoba je već odavno mojih ruku delo, a ja sam samouka, šijem ono što mi se svidi ili što mi je potrebno i kad imam vremena, ovaj blog i šivenje mi nije posao, već samo zanimacija, ali zamislite tek što šta su sve u stanju da urade ljudi koji su potpuno posvećeni krojenju i šivenju.)
(I must admit that it always fascinates me, not only when it comes to my creation, but also when it comes to the creation of other people, in which a piece of fabric can be transformed.
My wardrobe is for a long time made by me, but I am self-taught, I sew what I like or what I need and when I have time, this blog and sewing is not my job, it's just a beautiful occupation - hobby, but imagine what are able to make people who are fully dedicated to tailoring and sewing.)

Što se tiče planova za šivenje koji su takođe napomenuti u pomenutom tekstu, nisam uspela da ih ispoštujem. Trenutno se osećam kao da sam ih potpuno zaboravila, što i nije baš netačno.
Inače, to je takođe jedna od stvari koju bih trebala da menjam - tj. da se potrudim da ispoštujem planove koje napravim. Neretko mi se desi da nešto isplaniram, a onda se vremenom predomislim i uradim nešto drugo. Na taj način dolazim do gomile nekih komada garderobe koje nastaju nevezane jedne za druge i koje teško da mogu sa ičim da uklopim.
Tako da, definitivno, moram da poradim na planiranju i realizaciji planova.
As for the sewing plans that are also mentioned in the mentioned story, I have not been able to comply with them. At the moment, I feel like I completely forgot them, which is not very wrong.
Otherwise, it's also one of the things I should change - i.e., to try to finish the plans I make. It's unfortunate that I'm planning something, and then I change my mind over time and do something different. In this way, I come to a bunch of clothes that are made unrelated to each other and which I can hardly be able to fit with anything.
So, definitely, I have to work on the planning and implementation of plans.

Na slikama sam označila samo dve stvari koje sam uspela da završim, a koje su predstavljene na njima. (Stidim se.) Iako sam za većinu imala tkanine na zalihama, nekako sam izgubila pojam o ovim planovima ili mi nisu bile potrebne te stvari pa ih nisam šila. Skoro sve sa ovih slika ostaje i dalje u mojim planovima, a o nekim drugima biće reči u nekoj od sledećih priča.
In the pictures, I marked only two things that I managed to finish, which were presented in them. (I'm ashamed.) Although for most I had fabrics in stock, I somehow lost the notion of these plans or I didn't need those things and I didn't sew them. Almost all of these things remain in my projects further, and about some others will be said in one of the following stories.

Za kraj priče o drugom izazovu, mogu samo još da dodam da je izazov prošao i iako sam uspela u njemu, nisam u potpunosti zadovoljna sa onim šta sam uradila. Još uvek imam previše materijala u zalihama i trebalo bih da nastavim da manje kupujem tkanine, ali pri tome više da šijem.
For the end of the story about the second challenge, I just like to add that the challenge is over and although I managed it, I'm not completely satisfied with what I've done. I still have too many fabrics in stock, and I should continue to buy materials less, but at the same time to sew more.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Kraj izazova/End of challenge

18. marta prošle godine sam napisala ovde jednu priču, a njena tema je bila izazov.
Godina dana od tada mi je bila godina raznih izazova, šila sam stvari koje inače ne šijem i koje nikad šila nisam, kupila poneku knjigu o modeliranju, malo više nego inače izučavala materijale, krojeve i modne pravce, a završni račun je bio da imam u ormaru mnogo više garderobe nego što bih kupila da nisam šila, a sve iz razloga da isprobam nešto novo i drugačije, da vidim kakav je kroj, da ... A ponešto mi je i bilo potrebno.
On March 18 last year I wrote a story on the blog, and the theme was a challenge.
A year since then, a year of various challenges, I sewed things that I didn't make and I never did before, I bought a few books about designing, a little more than otherwise studied materials, patterns, and fashion and at the end is that in my closet is much more clothes, and all for reason to try something new and different, to see how some pattern looks, to ... And I needed some things.

Naime, tada sam odlučila da testiram sebe tako što sam odlučila da godinu dana ne kupim niti jedan komad garderobe. Odlučila sam da period od godinu dana bude od mog rođendana prošle godine pa do ove godine, tj. datum početka i kraja je 1. mart. 
U priči su slike nekog dela moje dotadašnje garderobe koja me nije videla u tih godinu dana, mada to nije tako strašno jer mi se nečesto desi da se vratim nekim starim stvarima koje godinama nisam nosila.
Namely, then I decided to test myself by deciding not to buy any piece of wardrobe for a year. I have decided that a period of one year is from my birthday last year until this year, ie the date of the beginning and end is March 1st.
In the story, are pictures of a part of my former wardrobe that didn't see me in that year, though it is not bad because I happen to come back often to some old things which I haven't worn for years. 

Na izazov mi se nije bilo teško priviknuti. 
Ja i inače, ne kupujem mnogo garderobe iz razloga jer mi se retko šta svidi, a ponekad mi naprosto određeni komad nije vredan novca koji bi trebalo izdvojiti za njega jer ga svakako mogu sašiti.
Prodavnice odeće nisam obilazila, volim to ponekad, ali ne moram pa mi to nije teško palo. U današnje vreme sve se može naći i videti na internetu.
Ja ne pratim modne trendove, čak štaviše, ja ih izbegavam. Masovne trendove pogotovo, nikad nisam mogla da se uklopim u masu i da nosim ono što se nosi. Sa druge strane, ja nemam želju da se ističem i da budem uočljiva, ja nosim stvari koje meni prijaju, a sve to zavisi od mog raspoloženja.
Ja ne nosim marke, niti kupujem takve stvari. Situacija je ta da su takve stvari uglavnom precenjene i da je marka najbitnija stvar na takvoj garderobi. Garderobu nosim zbog sebe, ne onoga šta je na njoj. Uvek sam takva bila pa i danas, nosim stvari koje mi prijaju i koje mi se svide, jeftine ili skupe, nije bitno.
It wasn't difficult to get used to the challenge.
And otherwise, I don't buy a lot of clothes because I rarely like anything, and sometimes a certain piece of clothing is not worth the money to be paid for it because I can sew it.
I didn't go in clothing stores, I love that sometimes, but I don't have to do that, so it wasn't hard to me. Nowadays everything can be found and seen on the Internet.
I don't follow fashion trends, even more, I avoid them. Mass trends, especially. That's not me. On the other hand, I don't have the desire to point out and to be noticeable, I wear things because of me, and all this depends on my mood.
I don't wear brands or buy such things. The situation is that these things are mostly overcome and that the name is the most important thing in such a wardrobe. I wear a wardrobe for myself, not what's on it. I've always been like that and today also, wearing things that I like, cheap or expensive, doesn't matter.

Za ovih godinu dana uspela sam da ne kupim ni jedan komad garderobe i nije mi uopšte teško palo, samo sam više šila, ali ne zbog potrebe već nekih mojih dokazivanja i izazivanja sebe.
Ono što sam kupila za to vreme, a ja to ne računam u garderobu, jeste donji veš (6 pari gaća) i čarape. Čak sam dosta blogova pročitala i videa pogledala o šivenju pomenutih, ali šivenje čarapa, iako to neko radi,  mi je potpuno besmisleno, a gaće sam prošle nedelje šila i odlično su ispale, ali priča o njima će tek uslediti (Ostalo je da ih testiram pa ćemo videti da li sam bila uspešna u funkcionalnosti, ne samo u izgledu.).
For the past year, I have succeeded in not buying a wardrobe, and I didn't find that difficult, but I was sewing more, mostly not because of need but because of my proving and provoking myself.
What I bought for that time, and I don't count in the wardrobe, is the underwear (6 pair of panties) and socks. I even read a lot of blogs and watched videos about sewing of the socks, but I didn't want to do that, it is completely nonsensical. I made last week panties and they look great, but the story about them comes in a few weeks (The rest is to test them so we'll see if I was successful in functionality, not just in appearance.).

Neko sumiranje te godine dana izazova bi izgledalo ovako:
Šila sam više nego što bih kupila stvari. Uštedela ništa nisam jer sam kupovala previše materijala, ali to je već tema za neki drugi izazov.
Šila sam neke bitne stvari, ali kako pamtim sebe koja šijem, za sve bitnije događaje sam nosila ono što sam šila (Sve svadbe, slavlja, moje diplomiranje, oba naša venčanja, ...).
Šila sam neke stvari po prvi put, tj. izazivala sam sebe i svoje mogućnosti i znanja (Želela sam to u većoj meri, ali nadoknadiću. Ostalo mi je još da se pozabavim šivenjem donjeg veša što mi je želja da naučim.).
Nisam imala želju da kupujem garderobu, ali sam dočekala kraj da bih kupila farmerice i uzela sam ovih dana čak dvoje. Verujem da ću ih u budućnosti više šiti nego kupovati, ali ipak volim izgled kupovnih.
Sa druge strane, ona koja donosi nedomice, još uvek se borim sa šivenjem osnovnih komada. Nikad nisam šila svakodnevnu garderobu poput majci, potkošulja i gaćica, već isključivo neke neobičnije varijante, ponajviše zbog izbora materijala. Razmišljam u poslednje vreme dosta o tome i pitam se da li to uopšte treba da radim. To je izazov sa te strane da onda stvarno neću imati potrebu išta da kupim, a sa druge strane, nije mi izazov jer mi nije interesantno tako šta šiti.
Još uvek nisam počela da uklapam komade koje šijem 100%, još uvek šijem pomalo haotično po moj ormar. Šijem šta želim i šta mi se svidi i još uvek ne obraćam pažnju na komade koje već imam, tako da je moj ormar pun individualnih komada koje je teško spariti. Na tome pokušavam već duže da radim jer sam svesna svega, ali u toj fazi, pripreme šivenja i ideja, me nekako još uvek više vodi srce.
Možda i zbog navedenog u prethodnom pasusu, ali ja nisam uspela da obučem sve što sam sašila. Moguće da je i razlog taj što sam puno šila, u prvoj godini bloga sam sašila 48 komada garderobe, a moja prethodna garderoba je već bila dovoljno bogata stvarima.
Some summing up that one-year challenge would look like this:
I sewed more. I didn't save anything because I bought too many fabrics, but that's already a topic for another challenge.
I sewed some important things, but since I'm sewing, I've worn what I've been made at all important occasions (all weddings, celebrations, my graduation, both of my weddings ...).
I've been doing some things for the first time, so I challenged myself, my skills and knowledge (I wanted to do it more, but I make it in the future.).
I didn't have the desire to buy clothes, but I waited for the end of the challenge to buy jeans and bought last week two pairs. I believe that in the future I will have more sewn than bought jeans, but I still like the look of purchased.
On the other hand, some doubts are still here.
I'm still struggling with basic pieces sewing. I've never sewed everyday clothes like a shirt and underwear, I make only some 'special' pieces, mostly because of the choice of fabric. I've been thinking about it lately and I wonder if I should do it at all. It's a challenge because then I really should not have the need to buy anything, and on the other hand, it's not a challenge because it's not interesting to me.
I still haven't started to fit pieces that I'm making, I'm still a bit chaotic for my closet, sew what I want and what I like and still don't pay attention to the pieces I already have, so my closet is full of individual pieces that are hard to pair. I've been trying to do this long time because I'm aware of everything, but at the preparing and ideas, somehow I still and only follow a heart.
Perhaps because of the above paragraph, but I didn't manage to wear everything I made. It is possible that the reason is that I made a lot, in the first year of my blog I had sewed 48 pieces of wardrobe, and my previous wardrobe was already rich enough.

Godina izazova je izgledala ovako:
The Challenge Year looked like this:

Jakne i kaput/ Jackets and coat

Suknje/ Skirts

Pantalone/ Pants

Bluze/ Blouses

Haljine/ Dresses

Sašila sam još i jedan džemper i kombinezon.
I sewed one vest and one overall.

Od stvari koje sam šila po prvi put, našle su se za mojom šivaćom mašinom kupaći kostimi i farmerice, a specijalna stvar koju sam sašila je bila 'venčanica'.
From the things I first sewed, there are swimsuits and jeans, and the special thing I was made was 'wedding dress'.

Jedan od bitnijih projekata u godini izazova je bila venčanica, i to za venčanje u crkvi jer smo opštinski deo već bili obavili, vrlo spontano (Udala sam se baš kako sam htela, u neobaveznoj kombinaciji, bojama i čizmama, a haljinu sam izvukla iz ormara svojih šivenih stvari )
Haljinu za venčanje u crkvi sam bila ubeđena da ću sama šiti jer nisam želela venčanicu, a retko šta mi se svidelo od haljina koje sam videla.
Jedna moja prijateljica je organizovala da odemo u salon venčanica nedaleko od nas da bi isprobale haljine. (Bilo je to u januaru, ali šivenje venčanice sam obavila u aprilu pa zato ovde pišem o tome.) Trebalo mi je to iskustvo da bih se odlučila u kom smeru ću da idem u odabiru haljine za tu priliku.
Probala sam 6 haljina.
Haljine koje su se meni svidele su bile dizajnerske haljine, koje je teško bilo nabaviti u kratkom roku.
Jedina koja me oduševila toliko da sam rekla da mi se baš sviđa je na slikama ispod (Nisam postavila ovu sliku i pisala o tome kad sam pisala o venčanici pa sad da iskoristim priliku.).
Haljina je sa potpisom jedne australijske marke venčanica, sad se ne sećam imena. I pored toga što je možda i bilo moguće isporučiti je u kratkom roku koji sam ja imala, ja sam imala poneki razlog još da se ne odlučim za ovu haljinu.
Naime, haljina je prelepa, ali gornji deo me grebao i bio oštar, a ja imam osetljivu kožu pa me to iritiralo. Haljina se i prilično providi, a gornji deo je skroz providan pa sam razmišljala kako da nešto preko nabavim, baš zbog cele ceremonije u crkvi. Kao treće, haljina ima jako lepu liniju i može se dobro kretati u njoj, ali ja sam imala utisak da će me sputavati i da neću moće najslobodnije da se krećem u njoj (Meni je to najbitnije, da me garderoba ne sputava i da ne moram stalno nešto paziti.).
(Ako nekoga interesuje cena je bila oko 2000€. U Nemačkoj se venčanice kupuju, ne postoji mogućnost iznajmljivanja kao što je to slučaj na Balkanu.)
One of the most important projects in this year of the challenge was a wedding dress for the ceremony in the church because the civil marriage was already behind us.
That dress I was convinced that I make alone because I didn't want really wedding dress and I rarely liked the dresses I saw.
One of my friends has arranged for us to go to the bridal store to try out the dresses. (It was in January, but I did the sewing in April, so I'm writing here about it.) I needed that experience to decide which point I would go in choosing a dress for that occasion.
I tried 6 dresses.
The dresses I liked were designer dresses, which was hard to get in a short time.
The only one who thrilled me so much that I said I liked it can be seen in the photos below (I didn't set this photos and wrote about it when I wrote about the wedding dress and now I take the opportunity.).
The dress is with the signature of an Australian bridal brand, now I don't know its name. And despite the fact that was possible to deliver it in the short time I had, I had a few reasons why I didn't decide for this dress.
Namely, the dress was beautiful, but the upper part was sharp, and as I have sensitive skin, it irritated me. The dress is pretty transparent, and the upper part is completely transparent, so I was thinking of getting something over, because of the ceremony in the church. As a third, the dress has a very nice line and I could move well in it, but I had the impression that it would shackle me and that I would not be able to move freely in it (It was the most important thing to me.).
(If someone is interested in the price it was around 2000 €. In Germany, a wedding dress is only for sale, there is no way to rent it, as is the case in the Balkans.)

Tako nekako, poprilično lako sam odlučila da ne želim dugu haljinu, da ne želim čipku (Kupila sam posle organdin i još ponešto.) i da želim nešto praktično (Iako mislim da venčanica ne sme da bude obična i praktična.).
Imala sam određene predstave kako bi haljina trebala izgledati, ali su se one menjale sa mojim raspoloženjem. Za određene nisam našla odgovarajući materijal, dve sam počela pa sam se predomislila (završiću ih u neko skorije vreme), a na kraju sam sašila ono u čemu sam se u tom trenutku osećala najbolje, mada mi se sada ne sviđa kako sam izgledala.
Priča i slike o 'venčanici' su na .
So, somehow, I pretty easy decided I don't want a long dress, I don't want a lace (I bought organza and some more fabrics) and I wanted something practical (although I think the wedding dress must not be ordinary and practical).
I had certain ideas about the dress look, but they changed with my moods. For certain models I didn't find the appropriate fabrics, I started two dresses, but changed my mind (I'll finish them at some time), and in the end, I sewed that in what I felt the best at the moment, although I don't like it now.
The story about and more photos of 'wedding dress' are on

Druga interesantna stvar koji sam radila, a bila je potpuno nova za mene, su kupaći kostimi.
Nisam napisala priču o njima jer nisam uspela da se izborim sa slikanjem istih, ali sam uspela nešto tako da slike možete videti i ovde, kao i u priči
The other interesting thing I was doing, and it was brand new to me, were swimsuits.
I didn't write a story about them because I didn't succeed to take photos, but I managed something so that you could see some here and in the story

Šivenje kupaćih kostima je , ispostavilo se, mnogo jednostavnije nego što sam mislila.
Kupila sam likru i gumu za njih, odgledala par videa kako se šiju, napravila svoje krojeve, kopirajući neke svoje prethodne kupaće i donji veš i sašila ih (Ja sam šila 6 različitih krojeva od 4 različita materijala, a ovde se mogu videti samo modeli koje sam šila.). Mogu se sašiti samo koristeći mašinu za šivenje, ali ja sam za neke šavove koristila overlock jer sam smatrala da će bolje držati (I preporučujem tako.).
Swimwear sewing is, it turned out, much simpler than I thought.
I bought lycra and a rubber for them, watched a couple of videos, made patterns, copying some of my previous swimsuits and underwear and sewed (I sewed 6 different models of 4 different fabrics and here you can see models only, not all of the swimsuits.). They could be sewed only using a sewing machine, but I used overlock for some seams because I thought it would be better (and I recommend that as well).

Sledeći izazov za moje šivačke sposobnosti je bio šivenje farmerica.
Imala sam samo jedne koje su mi odgovarale i bile su mi potrebne. No, dugo sam se dvoumila da li da to radim, misleći da je komplikovano, ali i to se ispostavilo jednostavnije nego što sam mislila. Iskoristila sam kroj pantalona iz Burde, kupila samo teksas materijal, nitne, dugme i rajsfešlus sam imala. Za prvi put sam prezadovoljna kako izgledaju, a mogu se videti u
The next challenge for my sewing skills was the sewing of the jeans.
I had only one pair that fitted me and I needed them badly. But I wondered if I did it, thinking it is complicated, but it turned out to be simpler than I thought. I used the pattern for skinny pants from Burda magazine, bought only denim,  rest I had. For the first time, it was easy and fast, I'm impressed how it looks good (

Pre par meseci sam napisala priču o prvoj godini bloga i tada sam se oduševila količinom i raznovršnošću stvari koje sam šila, godina izazova je samo tome doprinela.
Sad kad razmišljam o svemu, godinu dana nisam kupila išta od odevnih predmeta. Vauuu!
Sa ove tačke gledišta, nije bilo teško, čak mi je pomoglo da se nateram da šijem svašta i verovatno da shvatim da mogu sve da šijem i to dobro. Sad kad pomislim, nisam ni primetila da vreme prolazi, a kamoli da je toliko prošlo. I da je došao kraj te priče.
Iako šijem već 19 godina, ja sam još uvek u ubeđenju da moram još da učim, da moram bolje, lakše.
Verovatno da ću posle ovoga nastaviti da ne kupujem stvari ili da kupujem retko, bar u trenutnoj situaciji gde imam dovoljno vremena za šivenje. Inspiracije i materijala mi ne fali.
A couple of months ago, I wrote a story about the first year of the blog, and then I was thrilled with the quantity and variety of things I was sewing, the year of the challenge contributed to it.
Now when I think about everything, for a year I have not bought any clothes. Wow!
From this point of view, it wasn't difficult, it even helped me to sew everything and probably understand that I can sew all that I want and do it well. I didn't even notice that time passes, let alone that it's been so long. And that story came to an end.
Although I've been sewing for 19 years, I still need to be better.
Probably, after this, I will continue not to buy things or buy rare, at least in the current situation where I have enough time to sew. I have enough inspiration and fabrics.

Mnogo je žena, devojaka, osoba koje šiju, a čiji se profili mogu naći na društvenim mrežama ili pak na internetu. Mene su mnoge inspirisale  za ovaj izazov, za neke moje izazove i hvala im na tome.
A lot of women, girls, people who sew and their profiles can be found on social networks or on the Internet. They have inspired me for this challenge, for some of my challenges and thanks them for that.

Nadam se da vam se svidela ova celokupna priča od godinu dana.
Ja već razmišljam o novom izazovu, koji će mi verovatno mnogo teže pasti, ali o tome ću pisati sledeće nedelje.
I hope you liked this whole year.
I'm already thinking about a new challenge, which I think will probably be harder, but I will write about it the next week.

Do sledećeg čitanja
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