Sunday, March 31, 2019

Žuta haljina/The yellow dress

Haljine volim više od svega u svojoj garderobi, pogotovo lepršave i lagane. 
Od kako pišem blog, šila sam više od 30 haljina, to znači da je za te nešto više od dve i po godine, novih haljina u mom ormaru toliko. Sad mi to deluje kao mala cifra, ali kad pomislim da je to jedna količina u mojoj garderobi, deluje mi dovoljno. Prošle godine bloga sam sašila upola manje nego prve godine, a ova haljina je tek prva haljina u trećoj godini bloga.
I love dresses more than anything in my wardrobe, especially when they are fluttering and light.
Since I'm writing this blog, I've made more than 30 dresses, which means that for just over two and a half years, so many new dresses are in my closet. Now, it seems to be a small number, but when I think that it's a quantity in my wardrobe, I think, it's enough for that period. In the last year of my blog, I sewed less than in the first year, and this dress is just the first dress in the third year of the blog.

Ova haljina je rađena po modelu 112 iz Burda časopisa za mesec novembar 2009. godine, ali sa malim izmenama, kao i uvek.
Malo je reći da sam dugo tražila odgovarajući materijal za ovaj model jer je on u planu za šivenje već 6-7 godina. Kupujem razne tkanine i uvek je sve bilo preče nego ova haljina, a sada sam je šila samo zbog svog zadovoljstva, definitnivno ne iz potrebe. 
This pattern is the model 112 from the Burda magazine for November 2009, but with small changes as usual.
It's a little to say that I've been looking for a long time for the right fabric for this model, as it has been planned for sewing for 6-7 years. Meanwhile, I bought a variety of materials, and something was always more important than that dress, and now I've been sewing it just for my pleasure, definitely not out of need.

Materijal od koga je haljina napravljena je viskoza u žutoj boji, kupljena za 5 eura na jednom od vašara tkanina. 
Model je ovde napravljen sa manjim izmenama, nešto sam oduzela, nešto dodala jer je moja ideja bila drugačija nego što je zamišljeno. Naime, dodala sam na dnu kraći nabrani deo i sad baš nisam sigurna da je bio potreban. Možda je moglo i bez toga, ali ne znam kako bi haljina izgledala. A sa druge strane, čini mi se da je taj deo suvišan, ali ne znam zašto. Medjutim, ja sam zadovoljna sa haljinom, čak sam se oduševila kad sam je obukla završenu.
The fabric from which the dress is made is viscose in yellow color, bought for 5 euros on one of the fabrics fair.
The model is here made with minor changes compared to the original, something I took away, added something else because my idea was a little bit different than designed. Namely, I have added on the bottom the ruffle, and now I'm not sure if that was needed. Maybe the dress could have been without it, but I don't know how the dress would look like then. And on the other hand, it seems to me that this part is surplus, but I don't understand why I have that feeling. However, I'm happy with the dress, I was even thrilled when I tried it for the first time.

Više slika mene u haljini se nalazi u nastavku. 
Da napomenem, nisam uspela da nađem odgovarajuće cipele u svom ormaru i ove na slikama su dobro poslužile. Mada možda sam neke previdela, ali svakako da moram u kupovinu cipela.
More pictures of me in the dress is below.
To mention, I didn't manage to find the appropriate shoes in my closet, and these on photos were well served. Although I may have lost sight of some, I certainly need to buy some new shoes.

Moram priznati, oduševljena sam haljinom od kako sam se prvi put videla u njoj, tako da sam  već izabrala materijal od koga ću napraviti bluzu koristeći ovaj model jer mi se ovi široki rukavi mnogo sviđaju.
Do sledećeg čitanja
I have to admit, I  love this dress since I first saw myself in it, so I already chose the fabric from which I will make a blouse using this model because I like these full sleeves very much.
Until next reading


  1. Haljina ti je prelepa, a materijal posebno! Sećam se ovog kroja, i meni je on već godinama na mentalnoj listi čekanja jer ni ja nikako da naiđem na materijal koji bi bio savršen spoj. Tvoja je ispala savršeno, sad se i meni pravi jedna ovakva!

    1. Hvala mnogo! :)
      Mada ne izgleda mi tako lepo na slici u Burdi, možda jer je ispod majca, a interesantan je kroj (ja nisam šila karnere koji idu na rukave, bilo mi previše). Svideo mi se gornji deo mnogo, pa sam izabrala nešto i za bluzu. ;)
