Sa šivenjem donjeg veša sam počela u martu prošle godine. Nikad do tada nisam šila gaćice pa sam se tada, nastojeći da naučim nešto novo, opredelila da i to pokušam.
Sad ako bih morala da se izjasnim, rekla bih Vam da u budućnosti, ako budem imala volje i vremena, ću uvek sebi šiti gaćice. Razlog je taj da sam našla model koji mi odgovara, a šivene gaćice su se pokazale mnogo bolje u odnosu na kupovne (Što ne znači da u buduće neću kupovati donji veš, ipak mi je to jedna od opsesija.).
This is the fourth story about the underwear on my blog, and some more are planned.
With the sewing of the underwear, I started in March last year. I never made panties until then, and then, trying to learn something new, I decided to try it.
Now if I had to declare myself, I would tell you that in the future, if I have the will and time, I will always sew my panties. The reason is that I found a model that fits me, and the sewn panties turned out to be much better compared to purchased (Which doesn't mean that in the future I will not buy underwear, it is still one of the obsessions.)
U ovoj priči se radi o kompletima donjeg veša koji se sastoje od grudnjaka i gaćica, a svi kompletu su napravljeni od skube.
Odlučila sam se za skubu jer sam sa njom već radila. Naime, šila sam prijateljici pre skoro tri godine par haljina. Vrlo je jednostavna za obradu, elastična i punija, a pri tome se može naći u prelepim dezenima. To me možda i najviše privuklo pa sam početkom marta kupila skubu u 5 različitih dezena, a od svake svega 40 cm. Računala sam da mi neće biti potrebno više za jedan grudjak i jedne ili više gaćica.
Na slikama ćete videti 4 od 5 dezena koje sam kupila i jedan komplet napravljen za moju prijateljicu, (a iskorišćen je ostatak materijala od šivenja haljina). Pored kompleta koji su sašiveni, ostalo mi je još materijala za po koje gaćice.
This story is about underwear sets consisting of bra and panties, and all sets are made of scuba.
I decided to use scuba because I was already working with it. Namely, I sewed for my girlfriend for almost three years ago, a few dresses. The scuba is very easy to handle with it, elastic and full, and it can be found in most beautiful patterns. This may have attracted me the most, so at the beginning of March I purchased a scuba in 5 different designs, and from each only 40 cm. I have figured I wouldn't need more for one bra and one or more panties.
In the pictures, you will see 4 out of 5 designs I bought and one set made for my girlfriend, (from the rest of the fabric from sewing dress). In addition to the sets that were sewn, I still have some material left, maybe for more panties.
Što se tiče modela grudnjaka i gaćica, koristila sam za grudnjak 3 modela, a tako i za gaćice.
As for the model of the bra and panties, I used for the bra 3 patterns, and also for the panties three patterns.
Modeli grudnjaka koje sam koristila su model iz Burde koji sam prilagodila tkanini jer je u originalu preporučen pamuk kao materijal za izradu, drugi model je model koji sam naručila na internetu, tj. jedan od 5 modela Merckwaerdigh BHS10, a treći je prvi model samo drugačije isečen i postavljen sa powermesh.
The brass models I used are the pattern Burda Magazine which I adapted to the fabric because it was initially recommended cotton as a material for making, the second model is the pattern I ordered on the Internet, i.e., one of the 5 models of Merckwaerdigh BHS10, and the third is the first model just cut otherwise and padded using power mesh.
Na slici se nalaze (sa desna na levo) dezen moje prijateljice i četiri moja.
In the picture are bra (from left to right) from four different of my scuba fabrics and one from leftover.
Prvi kroj koji sam koristila je, kao što već napisah, model iz Burda časopisa. Isti kroj je upotrebljen i za skubu za moju prijateljicu, a korigovan kroj je upotrebljen za drugi model u crvenim nijansama.
Grudnjak se sastoji iz dve jednake polovine koje su krojene svaka iz jednog dela. Rubovi su urađeni sa fold over elastic (Ne znam kako se to zove na srpskom jer, moram priznati, koristim engleski i nemački mngo više nego srpki kad kupujem stvari na internetu ili se informišem o njima.)
Ovaj model grudnjaka meni odlično stoji, prijatan je i lepo izgleda.
The first pattern I used is, as I have already written, a Burda magazine model. The same cut was used for the sewing the last one bra, and the adjusted cut was used for the second model in red shades.
The bra is made up of two equal halves that are tailored each in one part. The edges are made with a fold over elastic.
This model of the bra is excellent, it fits nice and is beautiful.
Drugi model sam pronašla na internetu. Na slici ispod su prikazani svi modeli pod nazivom Merckwaerdigh BHS10, a izabrala sam baš njih jer su svi krojevi različiti.
Model koji sam ja šila je u gornjem redu skroz desno.
I purchased the second pattern on the Internet. The picture below shows all models Merckwaerdigh BHS10, and I chose them because all the cuts are different.
The model I was sewing is on the top, right.
A kako izgleda sašiven dati model može se videti na slici ispod.
Pribojavala sam se pomalo kako će izgledati na meni s obzirom na konstrukciju korpi, ali savršeno pristaje i ja mogu samo ovaj kroj preporučiti.
And how a sewn model looks, can be seen in the picture below.
I was afraid a little bit how it will look on me considering the structure of the cups, but fits perfectly, and I can only recommend this cut.
A za moju prijateljicu nešto od možda njenog omiljenog materijala.
And for a friend of mine, some of perhaps her favorite fabrics.
Kao što sam već par puta pisala, šivenje donjeg veša nije komplikovano, gaćice su vrlo jednostavne za šivenje, a šivenje grudnjaka zahteva malo više spretnosti i znanja.
Što se gaćica tiče, ostaje mi još malo eksperimentisanja sa različitim vrstama ekastike i čipka kao materijal, a kada se radi o šivenju grudnjaka, ja sam na pola puta. Ostaju mi još neke komplikovanije stvari za savladati.
As I have been writing for several times, sewing underwear is not complicated, panties are very easy to sew, and sewing a bra requires a bit more skill and knowledge.
As far as the panties are concerned, I still have to do a bit of experimenting with different types of elastics and lace as a fabric, and when it comes to sewing a bra, I'm halfway. It still has some more complicated things to overcome.
Na kraju ove priče, da dodam, svakom ko šije, a nikad nije pokušao da napravi svoj donji veš, neka pokuša, ako ništa drugo, bar gaćice. Meni je to pričinilo veiko zadovoljstvo.
At the end of this story, to add, to anyone who sews, and never tried to make underwear, let try, if nothing else, at least panties. To me, that has brought me great pleasure.
This is the fourth story about the underwear on my blog, and some more are planned.
With the sewing of the underwear, I started in March last year. I never made panties until then, and then, trying to learn something new, I decided to try it.
Now if I had to declare myself, I would tell you that in the future, if I have the will and time, I will always sew my panties. The reason is that I found a model that fits me, and the sewn panties turned out to be much better compared to purchased (Which doesn't mean that in the future I will not buy underwear, it is still one of the obsessions.)
U ovoj priči se radi o kompletima donjeg veša koji se sastoje od grudnjaka i gaćica, a svi kompletu su napravljeni od skube.
Odlučila sam se za skubu jer sam sa njom već radila. Naime, šila sam prijateljici pre skoro tri godine par haljina. Vrlo je jednostavna za obradu, elastična i punija, a pri tome se može naći u prelepim dezenima. To me možda i najviše privuklo pa sam početkom marta kupila skubu u 5 različitih dezena, a od svake svega 40 cm. Računala sam da mi neće biti potrebno više za jedan grudjak i jedne ili više gaćica.
Na slikama ćete videti 4 od 5 dezena koje sam kupila i jedan komplet napravljen za moju prijateljicu, (a iskorišćen je ostatak materijala od šivenja haljina). Pored kompleta koji su sašiveni, ostalo mi je još materijala za po koje gaćice.
This story is about underwear sets consisting of bra and panties, and all sets are made of scuba.
I decided to use scuba because I was already working with it. Namely, I sewed for my girlfriend for almost three years ago, a few dresses. The scuba is very easy to handle with it, elastic and full, and it can be found in most beautiful patterns. This may have attracted me the most, so at the beginning of March I purchased a scuba in 5 different designs, and from each only 40 cm. I have figured I wouldn't need more for one bra and one or more panties.
In the pictures, you will see 4 out of 5 designs I bought and one set made for my girlfriend, (from the rest of the fabric from sewing dress). In addition to the sets that were sewn, I still have some material left, maybe for more panties.
Što se tiče modela grudnjaka i gaćica, koristila sam za grudnjak 3 modela, a tako i za gaćice.
As for the model of the bra and panties, I used for the bra 3 patterns, and also for the panties three patterns.
Modeli grudnjaka koje sam koristila su model iz Burde koji sam prilagodila tkanini jer je u originalu preporučen pamuk kao materijal za izradu, drugi model je model koji sam naručila na internetu, tj. jedan od 5 modela Merckwaerdigh BHS10, a treći je prvi model samo drugačije isečen i postavljen sa powermesh.
The brass models I used are the pattern Burda Magazine which I adapted to the fabric because it was initially recommended cotton as a material for making, the second model is the pattern I ordered on the Internet, i.e., one of the 5 models of Merckwaerdigh BHS10, and the third is the first model just cut otherwise and padded using power mesh.
Na slici se nalaze (sa desna na levo) dezen moje prijateljice i četiri moja.
In the picture are bra (from left to right) from four different of my scuba fabrics and one from leftover.
Prvi kroj koji sam koristila je, kao što već napisah, model iz Burda časopisa. Isti kroj je upotrebljen i za skubu za moju prijateljicu, a korigovan kroj je upotrebljen za drugi model u crvenim nijansama.
Grudnjak se sastoji iz dve jednake polovine koje su krojene svaka iz jednog dela. Rubovi su urađeni sa fold over elastic (Ne znam kako se to zove na srpskom jer, moram priznati, koristim engleski i nemački mngo više nego srpki kad kupujem stvari na internetu ili se informišem o njima.)
Ovaj model grudnjaka meni odlično stoji, prijatan je i lepo izgleda.
The first pattern I used is, as I have already written, a Burda magazine model. The same cut was used for the sewing the last one bra, and the adjusted cut was used for the second model in red shades.
The bra is made up of two equal halves that are tailored each in one part. The edges are made with a fold over elastic.
This model of the bra is excellent, it fits nice and is beautiful.
Drugi model sam pronašla na internetu. Na slici ispod su prikazani svi modeli pod nazivom Merckwaerdigh BHS10, a izabrala sam baš njih jer su svi krojevi različiti.
Model koji sam ja šila je u gornjem redu skroz desno.
I purchased the second pattern on the Internet. The picture below shows all models Merckwaerdigh BHS10, and I chose them because all the cuts are different.
The model I was sewing is on the top, right.
A kako izgleda sašiven dati model može se videti na slici ispod.
Pribojavala sam se pomalo kako će izgledati na meni s obzirom na konstrukciju korpi, ali savršeno pristaje i ja mogu samo ovaj kroj preporučiti.
And how a sewn model looks, can be seen in the picture below.
I was afraid a little bit how it will look on me considering the structure of the cups, but fits perfectly, and I can only recommend this cut.
Treći model sam sama osmislila, a kao osnovu upotrebila prvi kroj gore naveden.
Odlučila sam se da koristim postavu (powermesh), koji sam već bila naručila pa sam zbog toga kroj morala podeliti na par delova.
Ovako napravljen grudnjak je čvrsći i ne toliko elastičan koliko grudnjak samo od skube napravljen.
Nabavila sam i foam (engleski) ili laminat (nemački) koji se koristi za postavljanje grudnjaka i pravljenje korpi, a planiarala sam ga za ovaj model koristiti, međutim, odustala sam. Smatrala sam da bi bilo previše jer je moj powermesh materijal deblji.
The third model I created myself, but as the basis, I used the first pattern referred to above.
I decided to use the power mesh as lining, which I already had, so I had to cut the pattern into a few pieces.
The brass made like this is tighter and not as elastic as the bra is just made of a skull.
I also bought a foam (English) or laminate (German) for lining a bra and a cups, and I planned to use it for this model. However, I gave up. I thought the bra would be too thick because of my power mesh is more abundant than usual.
Što se tiče modela gaćica, koristila sam tri modela.
Prvi na slici, s leva na desno, od cvetnog dezena sa crvenom trakom je model koji sam skinula sa interneta, a nalazio se na stranici Evie la Luve pod imenom Maxine i kroj je besplatan za skinuti.
Ovaj kroj odlično stoji iako sam se ja pribojavala zbog naizgled prevelikih otvora za noge.
Drugi kroj je moj kroj koji sam već šila do sada, a treći je kroj za tange dobijen iz drugog modela.
As for the panties, I used three patterns, too.
The first in the picture below, from left to right, of a flower pattern with a red fold over elastic is a model I downloaded from the Internet, and it was on Evie la Luve's page called Maxine, and it is free to download.
This cut is excellent even though I was scared of the seemingly too big leg openings.
The second pattern is my cut which I've already made so far, and the third is a thong cut made from the second pattern.
Kako kompleti izgledaju, može se videti na slikama koje slede.
How the sets look, can be seen in the pictures that follow.
A za moju prijateljicu nešto od možda njenog omiljenog materijala.
And for a friend of mine, some of perhaps her favorite fabrics.
Kao što sam već par puta pisala, šivenje donjeg veša nije komplikovano, gaćice su vrlo jednostavne za šivenje, a šivenje grudnjaka zahteva malo više spretnosti i znanja.
Što se gaćica tiče, ostaje mi još malo eksperimentisanja sa različitim vrstama ekastike i čipka kao materijal, a kada se radi o šivenju grudnjaka, ja sam na pola puta. Ostaju mi još neke komplikovanije stvari za savladati.
As I have been writing for several times, sewing underwear is not complicated, panties are very easy to sew, and sewing a bra requires a bit more skill and knowledge.
As far as the panties are concerned, I still have to do a bit of experimenting with different types of elastics and lace as a fabric, and when it comes to sewing a bra, I'm halfway. It still has some more complicated things to overcome.
Na kraju ove priče, da dodam, svakom ko šije, a nikad nije pokušao da napravi svoj donji veš, neka pokuša, ako ništa drugo, bar gaćice. Meni je to pričinilo veiko zadovoljstvo.
At the end of this story, to add, to anyone who sews, and never tried to make underwear, let try, if nothing else, at least panties. To me, that has brought me great pleasure.
Divno odradjeno! Zanima me samo kakva je skuba kao materijal za donji ves? Znam da je jako prijatan materijal inace ali nije prirodan pa nisam sigurna koliko je zdrav za upotrebu.