Moj doprinos jednobojnim stvarima u mom ormaru je ovakav (Ovo se odnosi samo na odevne predmete za gornji deo tela.): Kupila sam početkom godine tri jednobojna materijala za bluze, jedan u ljubičastoj boji (ovaj na slikama) i dva u plavim nijansama.
Kopirala sam jednu kupljenu majcu od sličnog materijala i iskrojila 3 bluza, od svake boje po jednu, isti kroj, kao ovaj na slikama. Jednostavno mi se sviđa ta bluza koju već imam.
A onda je to moralo da čeka jer sam šila nešto drugo, a kad sam počela sa jednom od plavih bluza, nije mi se svideo izrez oko vrata i to čeka popravljanje, a pre neki dan sam iznenada odlučila da ovu ljubičastu sašijem.
My contribution to the monochrome garments in my closet is this (This only applies to items for the upper part of the body.): At the beginning of the year, I purchased three monochrome fabrics intended for blouses, one in purple (this one in the pictures) and two in blue shades.
I copied a purchased garment of similar fabric and cut out 3 blouses, each color one, the same cut as this in the pictures. I just like that blouse I already have.
And then it had to wait because I was sewing something else, and when I started with one of the blue blouses, I didn't like the neckline, and that is waiting for the repair, but before someday I suddenly decided to stitch this purple.
My contribution to the monochrome garments in my closet is this (This only applies to items for the upper part of the body.): At the beginning of the year, I purchased three monochrome fabrics intended for blouses, one in purple (this one in the pictures) and two in blue shades.
I copied a purchased garment of similar fabric and cut out 3 blouses, each color one, the same cut as this in the pictures. I just like that blouse I already have.
And then it had to wait because I was sewing something else, and when I started with one of the blue blouses, I didn't like the neckline, and that is waiting for the repair, but before someday I suddenly decided to stitch this purple.
Materijal je tanak, fin, ali na slikama sam tek primetila da se mnogo gužva.
O kroju ne mogu puno da govorima, samo sam ga kopirala sa jedne svoje kupljene majce, ali možda sam mogla rukave malo šire da napravim. Bluza ima dovoljnu širinu i pada lepo, a pozadi je duža 5 cm nego napred.
The fabric is thin, beautiful, but I've just noticed that it wrinkles.
I can't talk much about my pattern, I just copied it from one of my purchased blouses, but maybe I could have made my sleeves slightly wide to make. The shirt has enough width and falls well, only the back is 5 cm longer than the front.
Kao što napisah već par puta, moj veliki problem je gomila šarene garderobe, a vrlo malo jednobojnih komada pa pokušavam to da promenim jer nisam u stanju da kombinujem puno, ali tek me čeka veliki posao (Planiram sledeće godine tome da se posvetim.).
As I wrote for a couple of times, my big problem is a pile of colorful garments and very few monochrome pieces, so I'm trying to change it because I'm not able to combine much and it is still waiting for me (I plan next year to dedicate to that .).
A da ne bih opet na slikama bila u farmerkama, iako ih najčešće oblačim, izabrala sam sivu suknju kupljenu u prvoj polovini godine, a već je bila na blogu. Izvadila sam iz ormara i sivi kaput, ali sam, nažalost, zaboravila u toku slikanja na njega, a mislim da bi se baš uklopio u ovu kombinaciju.
Kao što se vidi, na slikama je bluza puštena preko suknje ili skroz uvučena u nju. Uživo mi se druga kombinacija više svidela, a na slikama prva.
I usually wear jeans and to change it in the photos at least, I chose the gray skirt bought in the first half of this year, which was already on the blog. I pulled out from my closet and gray coat, but unfortunately, I forgot about it while taking photos, but I think that it would fit into this combination.
As you can see in the pictures, the blouse is over the skirt or completely pulled into it. In reality, I liked the second combination more than the first one and the first in the pictures more.
Bluzu sam ukrasila sivim brošem, kao što se vidi. Broš sam sama napravila od filca, a koristeći uputstvo sa interneta, o čemu ću još pisati.
Do sledećeg čitanja
I used a gray brooch to decorate the blouse, as you can see. I've made a brooch myself from felt using instruction from the internet, about it I'll write soon.
Until next reading
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