Friday, January 27, 2017

Dugi prsluk/Long vest

Iskoristih te, iskoristih te, a mislio si da neću!
(Ovo je moj razgovor sa materijalom. Nadmudrivali smo se skoro od samog početka.)

I made something from you, but you thought I will not!
(This is my conversation with the fabric. We have quibbled almost from the very beginning.)

Ova priča je trebala da se zove NE-PLAN ili već nešto slično sa neplanskim u naslovu.
Naime, kupila sam materijal letos i plan je bio da šijem jaknu, nešto kao bundicu ili slično, ali posle pranja (Uvek prvo operem materijal pre šivenja.) materijal je ispao manji i to više od 10%.
Onda su usledila pitanja: Šta? Kako? Gde? 

This story should be called unplanned sewn or something similar.
In fact, I bought this fabric last summer and the plan was to sew a jacket, something like a short fur coat or like that, but after washing (I always wash fabric before using it.) fabric was smaller more than 10%.
Then came the questions: What? How? Where?

Svideo mi se materijal i nisam htela da ga ostavim po strani (Samo slažem gomile na čekanje boljih vremena.).
Istina, dugo sam razmišljala.
Šila sam svašta do sada u svom šivaćem stažu, ali prsluk nisam nijedan. Nisam nikad ni nosila dugi prsluk, ali u poslednje vreme sam naletala na par interesantnih slika (Mada su to bile neke letnje varijante na pantalone i majčicu.) 
Sa druge strane, imala sam samo toliko materijala koliko se vidi na slikama. Ta dužina, taj obim...
S obzirom na to, ja sam prezadovoljna kako je sve ispalo.

I liked the fabric and didn't want to put it by the side (I have to much aside.)
It is true that I have long thought.
So far I sewed almost everything, but vest never. I never even wore a long vest, but lately I've seen some interesting pictures of it (Although these were some summer variants.)
On the other hand, I had only that much fabric as it can be seen in the pictures. This length, this width ...
Considering this, I am more than satisfied with how everything turned out.

Prsluk nije napravljen da se može zakopčati jer nisam imala dovoljno materijala, ali sam stavila dugmad kao ukras (Falilo mi nešto, pa mi falilo.)
Da budem iskrena, jednostavna stvar za sašiti.
Iskoristila sam paspul traku slične boje za opšivanje, trouglove za dugmad sam prvo zalepila lepkom za tekstil i onda rukom ušila, što je bio najnaporniji deo (Rasteglo mi se na par dana.). 

The vest is not designed to be buttoned, because I didn't have enough material, but I put the buttons as a decoration.
To be honest, simple thing to sew.
I used bias tape (similar color) to hem, triangles for buttons first I stucked together with textile glue and then sewed them by hand, that was the most difficult part of making this vest.

Danas sam prsluk sparila sa kariranom košuljom (Dobila sam je nedavno od sestre.), tamnim farmerkama i braon čizmama (iz prošle priče).
Odlična kombinacija za svaki dan.
(Imam na zalihama (ho, ho, ho, bolje da se ne zna) braon materijal sa cvetićima za haljinu koju planiram uskoro šiti i sa prslukom mislim da će dobro ići.)

Today I combined the vest with plaid shirt, dark jeans and brown boots(from last post).
The perfect combination for every day.
(I have a brown fabric with flowers for a dress that would be perfect for vest and I plan to sew it soon.)

Do sledećeg čitanja.

Until next reading.

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