Thursday, May 25, 2017

Makeover number 1

Ovo je prva promena koju pravim od kako sam počela da pišem blog. (Biće ih još.)
Ima još par stvari koje treba da prepravljam ili pravim nešto novo, ali ne stižem. Istina je da me je na to teško nagovoriti, tj. samu sebe teško ubedim da to treba da uradim.
A nekada sam samo od starih stvari šila, korišćenu garderobu sam prepravljala ili šila nešto novo. Nekako mi bilo milije staro da pogrešim nego novo, a i komad platna, ravan, bez ičega me pomalo plašio. Ali i to se vremenom promenilo, sad najviše volim materijal i da radim šta poželim.
This is the first makeover that I make since I started to write a blog. (There will be more.)
There are still a few things I need to redesign or make something new from them, but I don't find time. The truth is that I hardly decide on this, ie. it's very hard to convince myself that it needs to be done.
Years ago I sewed only from old used clothes revisions or something new. Somehow I would prefer to go wrong with the old things than new, and the piece of fabric, plain, without anything, frightened me a little. But that times have changed, now I like the piece of fabric and to do with it what I want.
Sad da se vratim na bit priče.
Moj muž za posao oblači košulje, čini mi se da od pre dve godine samo njih nosi kad se radi o poslu, tako da ih i kupujemo, to je sad već samo jedan proizvođač čije košulje nosi.
Sa druge strane, moj muž je i pušač, tj. nije pa jeste, ali uglavnom jeste. No, ponekad je nesmotren pa mu se dese i ovakve, kao na slici, rupice od cigarete na košulji. (Prošle godine je od nečeg drugog napravio rupicu na rukavu košulje pa sam ja skratila rukave, ali kako on ne nosi košulje dugih rukava, ta košulja stoji (Mislim da ću i nju da uzmem.).
Now to go back to the essence of this story.
My husband wears usually to the office a button-down shirt, it seems to me that in last two years he wears only them, so we buy them, it is now only one manufacturer whose shirt we are buying.
On the other hand, my husband is a smoker, ie. mostly he is. But sometimes he is awkward so happen to him, as seen in the photos, the holes of cigarettes on his shirts. (Last year something else made a hole on the sleeve of his shirt so I shortened the sleeves, but as he doesn't wear a long-sleeved shirt, this shirt stands in our closet and wait (I think I'll take her to.).
Ima već dva meseca kako je ova košulja završila u mojoj radnoj sobi i čekala. Dugo sam razmišljala šta sa njom. Prvi plan je bio da napravim bluzu, ali mi to je to bilo suviše jednostavno, a ja sam htela baš promenu da napravim i pre neki dan sam došla na ideju da sašijem ono što najviše volim - haljinu. 
It has been already two months since this shirt ended up in my sewing room. I have been thinking what to do with it. The first plan was to make a blouse, but to me, it was too simple, and I wanted to make a real change and the other day I got the idea to sew what I like the most - dress.

Gornji deo sa tregerima i tregere sam sašila od rukava, a ostalo je od grudnog dela s tim da je donji rub ostao rub košulje, ali sam deo sa dugmadima okrenula pozadi i iskoristila za kopčanje. Zbog toga sam i na gornjem delu stavila deo za kopčanje sa dva dugmeta.
Ispod grudi, na liniju sečenja haljine, sam stavila gumu. S obzirom da nisam pomerala šavove na donjem delu, to je bilo jedino rešenje da haljina dobro pristaje jer nije bilo moguće savršeno uklopiti ušitke.
Za ukrašavanje sam htela da iskoristim belu pamučnu čipku, ali mi je izgledalo da je previše pa nisam, mada sad kad gledam slike, možda bi se čipka baš dobro uklopila.
The upper part of this dress and straps I sewed from the sleeves, and the rest of the thoracic part, the bottom edge of the dress is the edge of the shirt, but I turned back part with the buttons and used it for fastening. That is why I made on the upper part also a part for fastening with two buttons.
Under the chest, on the cutting line of the dress, I put the rubber. Because I didn't move stitches on the bottom part, it was the only solution that dress fit well because it wasn't possible perfectly to make darts.
For decoration I wanted to use white cotton lace, but it seemed to me too much and I didn't, but now when I look at photos, perhaps lace would fit very good.

Ja sam prezadovoljna kako haljina izgleda na meni.
Da ne zvučim neskromno, ali ovo je jedna od stvari koje sam, što se tiče prilagođavanja kroja, najbolje izvela. Uvek se može bolje i drugačije, ali ova promena jeste promena kakvu sam htela - velika.
I am very pleased with how the dress looks on me.
Not to sound immodest, but this is one of the things I have, as far as the adjustment pattern goes, really good performed. It can always be better and otherwise, but this change is that what I wanted - great.


Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

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