Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Svetlo u tmurnom danu/Light in gloomy day

Nadala sam se da tmurno, kišno i hladno vreme neće doći tako brzo.
Leto je bilo skoro konstantno toplo, što je pomalo i neobično za ove krajeve. Nije bilo mnogo kiša, čak je bilo nedovoljno kiše, temperature su bile visoke, čak ponekad previsoke. Nisam navikla na to ovde gde jesam, na severozapadu Nemačke. Obično je Balkan taj koji 'gori' svake godine u letnjim mesecima, ali ove godine je obrnuto.
Ali... Stigla nam je kiša i ovde. Stigla je i hladnoća, ne ona prava, ali osetna. Stigli su i tmurni oblaci koji se smenjuju sa kojim zrakom sunca ponekad. 
U petak i subotu je duvao vetar, prekjuče ceo dan padala kiša, a juče je bio dan bez vetra, na momente sunčan, pa kiša, onda sunce sunce osuši mokre ulice, pa ponovo tmurni oblaci... A danas sija sunce. Temperature su od 12 do 16 stepeni celzijusa proteklih dana. 
Naglo je leto prešlo u, može se reći, kasnu jesen.
Koliko god da me raduje šivenje za jesenju sezonu, toliko me ne raduje hladnoća i tu sam kontradiktorna uvek. Volim jesen i zimu, ali ne volim hladnoću.
I was hoping the gloomy, rainy and cold weather will not come so soon.
This summer was almost always warm, which is a little unusual for this area. There was not much rain, even insufficiently, the temperatures were high, sometimes too high. I'm not used to that here, where I am, in the Northwest of Germany. Usually, the Balkans is the one that 'burns' every year in the hottest months, but this year was contrary.
But ... Rain has come here too. Coldness has happened too, not the right one, but it can be felt. There are also gloomy clouds that change with some sun's rays.
On Friday and Saturday was windy, the day before the whole day raining, but yesterday was a day without wind, now and then sunny, but rainy... The sun dries the wet street, then again dark clouds ... And today the sun is shining. Temperatures are from 12 to 16 degrees Celsius in the past days, today too. The summer has suddenly gone, and now it feels like late fall.
As much as I'm looking forward to the sewing for the fall season, I'm not so happy with the cold. I'm always contradictory - I like fall and winter, but I don't like the coldness.

Sve u svemu, vreme je za odeću dugih rukava, tople odevne predmete i tamnije boja.
Ja počinjem jesen sa svetilm bojama i , ako bolje pogledate, opet sa cvećem. Što da ne!?
All in all, it is time for long-sleeved clothes, warm garments,  and darker colors.
I begin the fall sewing with the light colors and, if you look better, again with the flowers. Why not!?

Istina je da sam majcu počela šiti odavno, možda čak za prošlogodišnju jesen jer sam materijal kupila sredinom septembra prošle godine.
Materijal sam kupila sa namerom da od njega sašijem haljinu, ali je suviše lagan pa sam rešila da ga iskoristim za bluzu.
It is true that I started to sew this blouse for a long time, maybe even last year's fall because I bought this fabric in mid-September last year.
I bought the fabric with the intention of making a dress from it, but it is too thin, so I decided to use it for the blouse.

Volim ovakve bluze, ne previše ozbiljne, ali ne suviše neformalne.
Model je broj 120 iz Burde za mesec februar 2009.
Ovaj kroj se u časopisu nalazi u dve varijante, dužoj i kraćoj, a moja je nešto između te dve. Takođe je kroj dat u najmanjoj veličini 38 pa sam ga ja smanjila na 36 pošto mi u gornjem delu odgovara ta veličina. Nisam nezadovoljna, ali sam rukave možda mogla ostaviti malo šire.
I like blouses like this one, not too serious, but not too informal.
The model is number 120 from Burda Magazine for February 2009.
This pattern is in the magazine in two variants, longer and shorter, and mine is something between those two. Also, the model is given in the smallest size 38 so I downsized it to 36 as my upper part corresponds to that size. I'm not dissatisfied, but I could have left my sleeves a bit wider because now I think they are too narrow. But now I can't change anything here.

Definitivno da ću bar još jednom šiti ovaj model, ako ne i više puta jer mi se sviđa, volim slične krojeve.
Definitely, I will sew this model at least once more, if not more times because I love it, I like similar shapes.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading


  1. Sviđa mi se kroj te bluze. Odmah sam spazila da ga nemam (tad nisam redovno kupovala Burde)...
    Cipele su ti strava!

    1. Odličan je kroj, preporučujem. :)
      Ima u toj Burdi još par interesantnih stvari. ;)
      Hvala, treću ili četvrtu sezonu ih već nosim. Izvrnuta koža pa koristim vreme kad nema kiše, zato su i očuvane. :D
