Konačno! Kombinezon...
Ovo je kroj koji sam već par godina htela da šijem, ali sam uvek nalazila neki razlog da to ne uradim.
Bilo je tu svašta između nas (ovog kroja i mene) proteklih 7 godina (Kroj je iz Burde iz marta 2010.) i prošle nedelje odlučih da to sad mora da se uradi. Ili da kažem, došao je trenutak!!!
Yeeeeaaaahhh ...
Finally! Jumpsuit...
This is a pattern I wanted to sew for a couple of years, but I always had some reason not to do it.
There have been some things between us (this pattern and me) over the past 7 years (It's from Burda March 2010) and last week I decided that now it must be done. Or to say, a moment has come!!!
Yeeeeaaaahhh ...
Finally! Jumpsuit...
This is a pattern I wanted to sew for a couple of years, but I always had some reason not to do it.
There have been some things between us (this pattern and me) over the past 7 years (It's from Burda March 2010) and last week I decided that now it must be done. Or to say, a moment has come!!!
Šta reći!?
Neizmerno sam se radovala ovom šivenju, ali me materijal izludeo. Toliko muke mi je zadavao da sam htela da odustanem (Ja ne odustajem, samo ponekad odložim stavri na neko vreme. I trenutno imam bar 5 stvari koje čekaju moje bolje raspoloženje.).
Kupila sam ga u martu na Stoffmarkt-u, sa još par prethodno šivenih materijala (Iz te ture, ostalo mi je još dva neiskorišćena.). Ne znam šta je, ali pretpostavljam pamuk viskoza.
Naime, cela priča o izluđivanju ide ovako: Kao prvo, lepo sam isekla delove, spajala čiodama i šila. No, tu nastaje haos. izvlačile su se niti, a prilagodila sam veličinu igle i stavila novu čak dva puta jer je materijal tanak. Nisam znala šta više da učinim (I konac sam promenila u međuvremenu.) pa je to ostalo tako da na par mesta postoje bele linije na kombinezonu. Druga stvar je bila ta da nisam stekla utisak da se materijal baš toliko mnogo gužva pre nego sam počela da šijem. Kao što napisah, htedoh da odustanem, ali nisam.
Krajnji rezultat se vidi na slikama (Pričvrstila sam čiodama donji deo bočno sa gornjim da bi se videlo da se radi o nogavicama, a ne o haljini.) i da se primetiti da nije lepo ispeglano, a dok sam zakopčavala sandale, još se više izgužvao.
Kako sam baš ovaj materijal odabrala!?
Lagan je, pravi letnji. Dezen je lep i pokušavala sam da zamislim haljinu od njega i nikako mi nije išlo, ali sam iz prve zamislila kombinezon od njega (Valjda mu bilo suđeno.). Ja, i pored svih ovih muka, mislim da je ovaj materijal odličan za ovaj kombinezon.
What to say!?
I was looking forward to this sewing, but the fabric made me crazy. So many troubles, that I wanted to give up (I don't give up, I just leave some things waiting, and at the moment I have at least five things waiting for my better mood.)
I bought it in March at Stoffmarkt, with a couple of previously sewn fabrics (From that purchase are only two more unused left.). I don't know what it is, but I guess cotton viscose.
Namely, the story goes like this: First of all, I've cut the pieces, connected them with pins and sewed. But it was a chaos. Than were pulled the threads in fabric, I tried with adjustment the needle size and put it new even twice because the fabric was thin. It didn't contribute to a better situation. I didn't know what to do anymore (In the meantime I changed the thread also.) so it remained that a few white lines exist on the jumpsuit. The other thing was that I didn't get the impression that the fabric so much wrinkles before I started sewing. As I wrote, I had to give up, but I didn't.
The end result can be seen in the photos (I attached the bottom part to the waist line on the sides with pins, that it can be better seen.).
How did I choose this fabric?
It's lightweight, fine and for summer. The fabric pattern is beautiful, I tried to imagine the dress from it and I couldn't really, but I could imagine a jumpsuit of it. Besides all these troubles, I think this fabric looks great on this jumpsuit.
Ne smatram da mi ovakvi krojevi pristaju pa ih zato i ne šijem. Tanke bratele ističu mršavost mojih ramena, a visoki struk širinu mojih kukova (I to se pogotovo vidi kad ne vežbam, a trenutno i jeste takva situacija.). A kako se ja ne pridržavam raznih pravila šta treba i ne treba da nosim za moj tip građe, nosim sve što se meni svidi, svidelo se to nekom ili ne (Lepota je, ipak, u oku posmatrača.). Tako da nemam problem da probam stvari koje mislim da nisu za mene.
I don't think that this kind of pattern flatters my body shape so I don't sew it. The thin straps point out the slimness of my shoulders, and the high waistline width of my hips (It can be seen especially when I don't do sports, and I am currently in such a situation). As I don't stick to the various rules what I need and I should not wear for my type of body shape, I wear whatever I like, like it or not (Beauty is, however, in the eye of the observer.). So I don't have a problem to try things that I think are not for me.
U ovo slučaju, ja sam oduševljena modelom.
Od promena na kroju, napravila sam malo dublji izrez pozadi (Problem je bio što sam ja na pola šivenja, zbog muka sa materijalom, pročitala da se preporučuju rastegljivi materijali.) da bi mogli moji kukovi proći. Možda sam ipak trebala gornji deo malo suziti, ali nisam iz straha da ću igledati preširoko.
Originalan kroj nogavica je drugačiji sa dole skupljenim nogavicama uz nogu, ali se meni ovako široko više svidelo.
In this case, I'm very satisfied with this model.
As far as changes in this cut are concerned, I made a little deeper cut out of the back (The problem was that when I was halfway, because of the troubles with fabric, I read instructions that it was recommended to use the stretch fabrics.) so my hips could pass in. Perhaps I should narrow the top a bit, but I was afraid to look too wide in hips.
Možda do kraja leta sašijem ponovo ovaj model (Toliko mi se sviđa!).
Na slikama se vidi kako kombinezon izgleda na meni.
(Ako mene pitate, pustite mi neki disko i mogu da plešem. Na to me asocira ovaj kombinezon i tako se osećam u njemu.)
Maybe, until the end of the summer, I'll sew this pattern again (I like it so much!).
The photos show how the garment fits me.
(If you ask me, let me have some disco and I can dance. It is my association with this jumpsuit and so I feel in it.)
Do sledećeg čitanja
Until next reading
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