Sunday, July 23, 2017

Svetlo zeleno/Light green

Postoje nekoliko razloga za ovaj džemper.
Htela sam se rešiti materijala, trebao mi je ovakav džemper i htela sam nešto zeleno.
There are several reasons for this cardigan.
I wanted to make something from this fabric, needed this kind of cardigan and wanted something green.

Materijal sam kupila za kombinezon, ali se providi pa nije bio za to pogodan. I tako je stajao, sad već godinu dana i par puta sam smišljala šta sa njim. Bilo je raznih ideja, samo da se rešim materijala, a na kraju mi je bio potreban ovakav džemper.
Imam sličan (ako ne i isti) koji sam kupila, ali tamno plavi i volim da ga nosim. (Ovo je jedna od praktičnih stvari koju je moguće višestruko iskombinovati. Kod mene će to biti malo teže jer je moja garderoba skoro sva šarena i svaki komad za sebe, ali moram se uskoro i oko toga potruditi.)
Napisah u nekoj prošloj priči kako sam htela šiti nešto zeleno, pa i jesam. Jeste da bi se više obradovala zelenoj haljini ili suknji, ali dok ne nađem odgovarajući materijal, ostaje mi ovo.
I bought this fabric for a jumpsuit, but it is too transparent and it wasn't suitable for it. And so it was on my stock, for a year now and a couple of times I was thinking what to do with it. There were various ideas, just to make anything, and in the end, I needed such a cardigan.
I have a similar (if not the same) which I bought but in dark blue and I love to wear it. (This is one of the practical things that can be good combined. That will be a little harder for me because my clothing is almost all colorful and every piece is for itself, but I want to do some work about it soon.)
I wrote in one recent story that I want to sew something green, so I did it. I shall have more fun in a green dress or skirt, but until I find the right fabric, this is what I had.
Ovaj džemper sam sašila samo upotrebom overlock-a.
Kroj sam sama napravila, kopirajući jedan kroj iz Burde i kroj mog kupljenog, a šila sam sličan tamno ljubičasti koji se može videti u priči, a pre dva meseca sam prijateljici šila takođe jedan.
Ivice, kao i krajeve rukava su otvorene i vidi se overlock šav u beloj boji, što s obzirom na boju materijala izgleda odgovarajuće.
Sve ukupno sa krojenjem izrada ovog komada ne traje više od sat vremena.
I sewed this cardigan just by using the overlock.
The pattern I made myself, copying one from Burda and my mentioned cardigan. I sewed similar in dark purple that can be seen in the story, and two months ago, I also made one for my friend.
The edges, as well as the edges of the sleeves, are open and the overlock seam in a white can be seen, which considering the color of the fabric looks adequate.
All in all, with the cutting, sewing this piece doesn't last more than an hour.

Na slikama se može videti kako džemper stoji. 
In the photos can be seen how the cardigan looks on me.

Do sledećeg čitanja.
Until next reading.

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