Pošla je godina dana. Cela jedna godina od kako žvrljam ovde i postavljam slike...
Nisam ni primetila da je toliko već prošlo, ali na današnji dan 2016. godine sam počela da pišem ovaj blog. I nije ovo neki blog, ovo je pre dnevnik mog šivenja, ako tako može da se kaže.
Da, da, dnevnik mog šivenja kome sam dala ime Ormar jedne Jelene danas puni 1.godinu.
Aaaaaaaa ...
One year. It's been a whole year since I've been writing here and posting photos ...
I haven't noticed that so much time has passed, but on this day in 2016, I started to write this blog. This is not really a blog, this is my sewing diary if I can say so.
Yes, yes, the diary of my sewing to whom I gave the name Ormar jedne Jelene (Jelena's closet) today has the 1st birthday.
Ovaj blog ili dnevnik je nastao jer sam ja imala viška vremena i htela sam sebe da nateram da nešto redovno radim. Ja sam uglavnom u poslednjih par godina šila kad mi je šta trebalo, a u ovih godinu dana sam uspela redovno da šijem pored svega što inače obavljam. Da napomenem, ovo nije moj posao, već samo slobodna aktivnost, ne prodajem garderobu (Tada bi verovatno više šila.), već je to isključivo garderoba za moj ormar.
Prvobitni plan je bio da šijem jednu stvar svake nedelje i tako bi došla do broja 52 sašivenih komada garderobe. Međutim, nisam uspela u potpunosti, ako se tako može reći. Za godinu dana uspela sam da sašijem 48 odevnih komada, ali i 8 kupaćih kostima za sebe i jedan za mog muža, a imala sam i specijalni zadatak ove godine. Šila sam sebi odevnu kombinaciju za venčanje u crkvi.
Od stvari koje sam šila, kao što se da pretpostaviti, najviše je haljina i to njih 25, zatim 7 suknji, onda dolaze jakne i kaputi, gde je i jedan dugi prsluk, sve ukupno 6 komada, sašila sam 4 bluze, 2 trenerke, 2 pantalona, jedan džemper i jedan kombinezon.
Može se reći da već imam par omiljenih komada od pomenutih stvari, a sa stvarima sam prezadovoljna, nekad se i oduševim kad vidim kako šijem i šta sam sve naučila (Pored toga što mi je mama pokazala osnove šivenja i krojenja, sve ostalo sam sama naučila, bez ičije pomoći.). Ali da nije bilo bloga, verovatno ne bi ovoliko sašila.
This blog or diary was created because I had too much time and wanted to do something regularly. I have sewed in the last couple of years mainly when I needed something, and in this year I managed to sew regularly next to what I normally do. To mention, this is not my job, it's only my hobby, I don't sell wardrobe (Then I would probably sew more.), it's just a wardrobe for my closet.
The original plan was to sew one garment every week and thus reach the number of 52 sewn pieces of clothing. However, I haven-t succeeded fully if this can be said. In one year, I managed to sew 48 garments and 8 swimsuits for myself and one for my husband, also I had a special task this year. I sewed my outfit for our church wedding ceremony.
Of garments that I sewed, as it is to be assumed, the mostly are dresses, 25 of them and then 7 skirts, then there are jackets and coats, a long vest, altogether 6 garments, I sewed also 4 blouses, 2 tracksuits, 2 pants, one sweater and an overall.
It can be said that I already have a couple of favorite pieces of the aforementioned garments. With wardrobe I am very satisfied, sometimes I am delighted when I see how I sew and what I have learned (In addition to the fact that my mom showed me the basics of sewing and tailoring, everything else I learned alone, without any help.) But if there was no a blog, I shouldn't probably sew so much.
Za ovu priliku, skupila sam ovde po jednu sliku svakog odevnog komada. Poređani su hronološkim redom tako da se može videti kako i kad šta šijem. Leti obično jednostavnije, pretežno haljine, jesen po koju jaknu, kaputi me još čekaju, a suknje šijem više nego što nosim. Bluza nisam šila dovoljno, pogotovo ovog leta, ali to ću već ispraviti u nekom sledećem periodu.
Pošto sam sama sebi zadala izazov i ne kupujem garderobu, šila sam i pantalone. Šila sam ih i pre, ali samo kad su mi bile neophodne. Sada to prelazi na drugi nivo jer sam kupila teksas za farmerke pa ću sledeći mesec i to šiti. Radujem se, mada se više radujem kraju izazova pa da kupim koji par farmerki.
For this occasion, I gathered photos of each garment. They are ordered in chronological order so that you can see how and when I sew something. In summer, usually simple, mostly dresses, in autumn a few jackets, coats are still awaited for me, skirts are sewed more than I wear them. I didn't sew blouses enough, especially this summer, but I shall correct it in some future period.
Since I set myself a challenge and I don't buy a wardrobe, so I sewed pants also. I've been sewing them before, but only when I needed them. Now it's going to the second level because I bought the denim and I shall sew jeans next month. I'm looking forward to do that, although I'm more waiting for the end of the challenge so I can buy a few pairs of jeans.
Specijalni zadatak ove godine je trebalo da bude venčanica. Krajem decembra prošle godine smo obavili naše venčanje u opštini i postali muž i žena, ali smo za 30. april ove godine zakazali svadbeno slavlje i to 1500km daleko od naše kuće, u gradu koji oboje volimo. Prva ideja je bila da to bude samo velika žurka, ali smo dobili termin u crkvi za taj dan pa je to bilo naše drugo venčanje.
Ja sam svakako planirala sama da šijem haljinu, to je bio prvi plan. No, mnogo toga se iskomplikovalo i zapetljalo, pa sam ja na kraju, potpuno neočekivano, sašila suknju i bluzu. I to od trećeg kupljenog materijala. Nije loše ispalo, potpuno je drugačije od onoga što sam ja htela i zamislila, ali u tom trenutku sam to bila ja.
(Jakna na slikama je šivena prošle godine mesec dana pre početka pisanja bloga.)
This year's special assignment was a wedding dress. At the end of December last year we had our civil ceremony and have become a husband and wife, but on April 30 this year, we celebrated that 1500km away from our house in the city we both love. The first idea was that it would be just a big party, but we got the term in the church for that day so it was our second ceremony.
I certainly planned to sew a dress, that was the first plan. But a lot of things got complicated and stunned, so in the end, I sewed completely unexpectedly a skirt and blouse. And that from the third purchased fabric. It didn't turn out so bad, it was completely different from what I wanted and imagined, but at that point, that was me.
(The jacket in the photos was sewn one month before I started the blog.)
Kupaće kostime nisam uspela slikati, ali sam vrlo zadovoljna. Nosila sam ih na odmoru i pokazali su se odlično. Njih sam prvi put šila. Nisu mi bili potrebni, moram priznati, ali mi je to bio izazov.
Slika ispod je pokušaj slikanja kupaćih kostima.
(Moj muž je dobio kupaći u zelenoj boji sa brodićima.)
I haven't been able to take photos of swimsuits, but I'm very pleased how they turned out. I wore them on vacation and they fitted great. It was the first time as I sewed swimsuits. I wasn't needed new swimsuits, I have to admit, but it was a challenge for me.
The photo below is an attempt to take photos of swimsuits.
(My husband got swimwear in green with boats.)
Šta se promenilo za ovih godinu dana!?
Imam gomilu nove garderobe, a čak i da kupujem garderobu, ne bih toliko kupila. Šila sam neke stvari radi raznolikosti garderobe, a nisam ih nosila, što ne znači da neću. Trenutno nemam baš puno mesta u ormaru pa ćemo videti kako će se ova moja priča dalje odvijati.
Od januara ove godine, prevodim tekst na engleski jezik. Iako mislim da bi bilo pametnije i korisnije za mene u ovom momentu, da prevodim na nemački, ali biće i za to vremena. Moram sada i da se izvinem onima koji me čitaju na engleskom. Moj maternji jezik je srpsko'hrvatski, živim u Nemačkoj skoro tri godine za stalno, učim (slabo) nemački i uhvatim sebe da razmišljam na nemačkom i sastavljam rečenice pa sad više ne znam kakav je moj engleski za čitanje. Hvala na razumevanju.
Najvažnije, dobila sam od muža na poklon novu mašinu. Ja sam htela novu, ali mnogo slabiji model, ali me je on zamolio da se udaljim da bi on kupio ono što je on smislio. Trenutno koristim tu mašinu, Bernina B530. Mašina je odlična, a ja ne mogu biti srećnija što je imam.
Sledeća stvar je da je dosta ljudi raspituje za moju garderobu, tako da možda ipak spremim neke stvari za prodaju. O tome sve češće razmišljam. Problem je što ce to onda biti moja celodnevna zanimacija, a ja ne želim da zapostavim neke druga stvari koje obavljam ili treba da uradim u neko skorije vreme bolje nego do sada (Treba da naučim nemački, ali do kraja.). No, videćemo...
What has changed for the past year?
I have a lot of new wardrobes, and even if I buy a wardrobe, I shouldn't buy so much. I've been sewing some pieces because of the variety of clothes on the blog and didn't wear them at all, which doesn't mean I shall not. At the moment I don't have a lot of places in the closet so we'll see how my story will continue.
Since January this year, I translate text into English. Although I think it would be smarter and more useful for me at this moment, to translate into German, but will come time for that. I have to excuse me now to those who read me in English. My native language is Serbian-Croatian, I live in Germany for almost three years, I learn German, and complete sentences as in German, so now I don't know how is my English to read. Thanks for your understanding.
Most importantly, I got from my husband a new sewing machine. I wanted a new one, but the much weaker model and he asked me to go away in the store to buy what he wanted. I'm currently using this machine, the Bernina B530. The machine is great, and I can't be happier with what I have.
The next thing is that a lot of people are asking for my wardrobe so I might do something for selling. I think about that more and more. The problem is that it would then be my all day preoccupation, and I don't want to neglect some other things I do or have to do at some time better than it is now (I need to learn German better.). But we'll see ...
Da se vratimo još malo na blog.
Na blogu se nalazi par recepata, a nikako da stignem da postavim još koji.
Takođe, postoji i nekoliko priča o dešavanjima i našim putovanjima. Nastojim da to budu neke opšte priče, a ne moja privatna tako su i formirane priče, mahom slike na blogu.
(Na blogu se nalazi priča o Herbstmarkt-u kod nas u mestu, koji će se desiti sledeći mesec ponovo, kao i priča o karnevalu, takođe u našem mestu. Eto, o mestu nisam nikad napisala priču, a prošle zime smo sa vodičem prošli istorijsku turu kroz mesto.
Priča o Stoffmarkt-u je isto na blogu. Moja velika radost, a posetim više njih godišnje.
Prošle godine smo obišli Bamberg sa našim kuglaškim klubom. Svake druge godine idemo na vikend putovanje, a za sledeću godinu još nismo izabrali destinaciju. A one godine koje ne idemo na vikend putovanje, idemo na dnevni izlet pa ćemo za deset dana u Köln.
Trudimo se da jednom godišnje posetimo neki grad. Prošle godine smo u martu bili u Portu, a ove godine, sledeći mesec letimo za Barselonu. U junu smo bili i na medenom mesecu u Italiji, a usputna stanica je bilo Bodensko jezero. Od kumova smo povodom svadbe dobili zajednički vikend u Pragu i bilo je odlično.
A već treću godinu zaredom kampujemo krajem avgusta, početkom septembra u Eifel-u.
To su samo neke od putovanja koja smo prošli u ovih godinu dana, a baš svako nisam imala želju da postavim. I jedino što već duže želim da postavim je Novi Sad, naš omiljeni grad, ali nikako da napravim slike iako smo tamo sve ukupno, bar 3 nedelje godišnje, ako ne i više.)
Let's go back a little bit to the blog again.
There are a couple of recipes on the blog, and I don't find time to write some more.
Also, there are several stories about events and our travels. I try to make some general stories, not my private.
(There is a story about Herbstmarkt, which is going to happen again next month in our place, as well as a story about a carnival, also in our place. Well, I never wrote a story about the place where we live, and last winter we made with the guide a historic tour through the place.
The Stoffmarkt story is also on the blog. My great joy and I visit more of them each year.
Last year we visited Bamberg with our bowling club. Every two years we go on a weekend trip, and for the next year, we didn't choose a destination yet. And the year we don't go on a weekend trip, we go on a daily excursion so we will be next week in Cologne.
We try to visit one city every year. Last year, we were in Porto in March, and this year, next month, we fly to Barcelona. In June we were on honeymoon in Italy, and the layover was on Lake Constance. From our honor attendants, we got as a gift a weekend in Prague together with them and it was great.
We were camping for the third year in a row at the end of August, at the beginning of September in Eifel.
These are just some of our journeys in the past year, and I didn't really have any desire to write about everything we do. For some time I want to post some photos of Novi Sad, our favorite city, but I don't have photos even though we are there, at least 3 weeks in a year, if not even more.)
Sad kad ovako sve sumiram, Ima tu dosta sadržaja. Nisam bila svesna toga, ali zadovoljna sam. Verovatno uvek može više, ali mi količina nikad nije bila izazov, već kvalitet.
(Nisam ja neka pisalica, ja sam matematičar, kod nas je sve jednostavno i šturo. A za komplikovane stvari, postoji formula.)
Now when I sum up, there's a lot of content here. I wasn't aware of that, but I'm happy. Probably always can be more, but quantity has never been my challenge, but the quality always.
(I'm not a writer, I'm a mathematician, it's all easy and sharper with us. And for complicated things, there's a formula and solution.)
Ne znam šta bi još mogla da dodam.
O finansijskom momentu ne bih jer sam u debelom minusu, kupujem stalno materijale, a ne stižem sve da sašijem. Čak ne stižem ni ono što mi je potrebno.
O tome kako je super šiti sebi. Jeste, zahteva mnogo truda, volje i vremena. Zato kad neko šije, znajte da je taj neko dao jako mnogo sebe za svoje stvari i da to nema cenu.
Ja sam šila i šijem jer to volim, a vremenom sam shvatila da mogu sve sebi da sašijem ako se potrudim. (Možda je i do toga da ne volim da sam ograničena pa se trudim oko svega.) Ja sam i srećna kad šijem, a odavno je to postalo moja sigurna zona, beg od stvarnosti i sklonište.
Svakog ko ima želju da šije, mogu da podržim, poželim sreću i da kažem svoja iskustva.
I don't know what else I can add.
About the finances, I should not because I'm in a thick minus. I buy constant fabrics, and I'm not getting all to sew. I don't even manage to sew all that I need.
About how great it is to sew for yourself. Yes, it requires much effort, will and time. So when someone sews, you know that someone has given a lot to themselves for their stuff and that there is no price.
I sewed and sew because I love it, and in time I realize that I can sew everything I want if I try (sometimes even hard). (Maybe I don't like being restricted, so I'm trying to give my best.). I'm happy when I sew, and it has long since that become my safe zone and shelter.
Everyone who has the desire to sew, I can support, wish luck, and share my experiences.
Na kraju samo još, veliko hvala onima koji me čitaju ili pogledaju slike. Nadam se da vam se ponešto i svidi. (Mislim da ću za kraj izazova da poklanjam nešto, ali već ćemo o tome.)
In the end, I just want to thank those who read this blog or look at the photos. Hope you like something. (I think I will at the end of the challenge, to make some giveaway, but we'll talk about it again.)
Do sledećeg čitanja
(Sad ovo sve treba prevesti.)
Until next reading